Enron Mail

Subject:No fee! Accept Credit Cards for the Holidays!
Date:Thu, 20 Dec 2001 22:03:48 -0800 (PST)

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Accept All Major Credit Cards!!!

Don't be fooled by the copycats. We are one of the original companies's
offering merchant credit card services for all kinds of business's.

We can get the job done for you.

For complete information please provide:

Your Name:
Best to reach you:

One of our specially trained customer service reps. will answer all
your questions.

Your business should be accepting Credit Cards from your customers!

- Over 97% of all sales on the Internet are done with Credit Cards.
- Over 92% of mail orders and telephone-orders are done with Credit

If you don't take Credit Cards, 9 out of every 10 potential customers
can't do business with you!

We specialize in on-line businesses, mail order
and telephone order businesses, start-ups, in-home businesses as well
as retail locations.

* In other words, we specialize in YOUR business *

For complete information please provide:

Your Name:
Best to reach you:

If you own your own business, you're starting a new business
or know someone who is... Being able to accept Major Credit
Cards can make all the difference in the world! It's a known
fact, accepting credit cards can increase your sales dramatically.

Just the fact that you accept credit cards adds credibility to
your business. Especially if you are a New, Small or Home
Based Business.

Approval is quick and our set up times range from 3-5 days.
Guaranteed approval on all leases for equipment or software.
Bad credit, no credit, no problem!

Our technology is the latest!
We have state of the art wireless terminals so that your
business can go where ever you go..

Here's what our customers say...

Testimonial # 1 - I knew having a merchant account would
increase my sales, But never thought it would be so great.
In addition in being able to take major credit cards, I can
also do real time credit card processing on the Internet and
receive orders while I am Sleeping. It's awesome! I encourage
every serious business owner to get one. Thanks. M.B./MI

Testimonial # 2 - " Being a homebased business owner, no
one would approve me, until this came my way. I am more
than grateful. Within 4 days I had my merchant account
set up. I am more than pleased with the 24 hr. customer
service. My business has sky rocketed because I now can
accept credit card orders. " Oscar/FL

For complete information please provide:

Your Name:
Best to reach you:

So you too can receive the same benefits.....

To be removed from this mailing please respond
with the subject of remove and you will be in 24-48
hours, Thank you!
