Enron Mail

Subject:Novell launches Small Business Suite worldwide
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 16:00:00 -0800 (PST)

Today's focus: Novell launches Small Business Suite worldwide

Dear Wincenty Kaminski,

In this issue:

* Novell Small Business Suite 6 now out for NetWare 6
* Links related to Novell NetWare
* Featured reader resource


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Today's focus: Novell launches Small Business Suite worldwide

By Dave Kearns

Novell's Small Business Suite 6, based on NetWare 6, is now
available worldwide in multiple localized language versions.

For companies with 50 users or fewer, SBS 6 may be the right
network operating system to run the enterprise. Certainly
there's enough included in the box to get you started. The
suite includes:

* 50 user licenses.

* Two server licenses.

* GroupWise 6.

* ZENWorks for Desktops 3.2.

* BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3.6.

* Tobit FaxWare.

* Network Associates VirusScan and NetShield.

* FatPipe Internet Software.

It is a different licensing scheme to the so-called "big"
NetWare (which has gone to a named-user style of licensing) but
it's assumed that 50 users and two servers are plenty for any
small business.

Besides what's in the box, though, Novell is offering special
incentives coordinated with the announcement of worldwide
availability. Many resellers, for example, are offering free
basic installation of SBS 6. Get details from your local retailer,
which you can find at http://www.novell.com/partnerlocator/ or
you can buy it online (but without the free installation).

SBS 6 includes the same NetWare 6 server software that the
"big" NetWare includes, with the single exception of cluster
services. While big NetWare has a two-server cluster license in
the box, there is no clustering offered for SBS 6. Most small
businesses wouldn't need the nonstop computing that clustering
provides, or need to set up numerous servers to provide the
service. If your enterprise does require nonstop service -
perhaps because you offer a high volume Web service, for
example - then SBS 6 is not for you.

For everyone else with fewer than 50 users, SBS 6 offers most
of the server-based applications they will need (one exception:
database services), while Novell's management services make it
easy to outsource support and maintenance. That makes SBS 6 the
ideal choice for the smaller enterprise. Get all the details at
http://www.novell.com/products/smallbiz/ for yourself or your

To contact Dave Kearns:

Dave Kearns is a writer and consultant in Silicon Valley. His
most recent book is "Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Networks,"
published by SAMS. Dave's company, Virtual Quill, provides
content services to network vendors: books, manuals, white
papers, lectures and seminars, marketing, technical marketing
and support documents. Virtual Quill provides "words to sell
by..." Find out more at http://www.vquill.com/ or by e-mail
at mailto:info@vquill.com
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