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NOVELL NETWARE 01/10/02 Today's focus: Novell picked for massive e-government project Dear Wincenty Kaminski, In this issue: * Novell's many e-government initiatives * Links related to Novell NetWare * Featured reader resource _______________________________________________________________ PRODUCT INFO IN ONE CONVENIENT LOCATION! Heard about a new product launch? Curious to find out if the features and benefits of this new product will meet your critical business needs? Network World Fusion's Product Central section includes all the info you need to make informed decision about new products and also includes a product finder function. Check it out at http://nww1.com/go/ad216.html _______________________________________________________________ Today's focus: Novell picked for massive e-government project By Dave Kearns Just in case you missed the announcement, Novell and the government of France released details just before Christmas of one of the world's largest e-government projects. The Direction G?n?rale des Imp?ts (DGI), the French version of the IRS, is setting up a directory system that will be used by 35 million French taxpayers. We knew this was in the works (and tried to announce it six months ago) but the lawyers kept arguing over which I's should be dotted and which E's get an acute accent. Finally, though, the story can be told and it's one that puts Novell at the very forefront of e-government initiatives. Previous e-government projects in the U.K. and Canada, along with some ongoing (but lower profile) initiatives in the U.S. (and outside of Utah) were exciting and fairly large in size. One example is the U.K.'s Bracknell Forest e-government initiative, which empowered over 100,000 citizens to conduct government business through a Web browser (see "Directory takes center stage in e-government initiative," http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/dir/2000/0925dir1.html ). But 35 million! The DGI will use Novell's eDirectory, iChain and DirXML - products that you should be using if you need to have an extranet Web presence for customers, clients - or citizens. On a related note, the city of Brompton, Ontario just after Christmas announced a major buy-in to ZENWorks for Desktops ( http://www.novell.com/news/leadstories/2001/dec27/ ). The software will be used by the city's 900-1,000 workers that have computers. While that's not 35 million people, it is more directly related to what most of you are dealing with on your networks - PC and software configuration. If you are involved in the government sector, though, there's a new Novell "Cool Solutions" Web site just for you, at http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/gov/index.html It already contains a lot of interesting information but promises to be THE place for government IT professionals to hang out. Check out the site and let the advisory board know what you'd like to see, or what you'd like to see changed. My good friend Lindsey Johnstone at Novell (how would you like to be the Novell guy in Seattle?) has promised to see that the site responds to the needs of its users as quickly as possible. If not, head over to the Novell Support Forums (on the Web at http://support-forums.novell.com/category/twistercat.tpt or http://support.novell.com/forums/scfindex.html with your newsreader) and harass him since he's also one of the newest Novell Support Connection volunteers - try getting that kind of response from Microsoft! Now there's probably nothing in these announcements that you don't already know. There might even be relatively little at the Cool Solutions site that's new to you. But it's all good material to use when you're lobbying your boss and/or the bean counters. No one wants to be the first to do something (especially in government), but they also don't want to be the last to adopt new or different technology. Start your own internal marketing campaign with the fine tools Novell is providing. _______________________________________________________________ To contact Dave Kearns: Dave Kearns is a writer and consultant in Silicon Valley. His most recent book is "Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Networks," published by SAMS. Dave's company, Virtual Quill, provides content services to network vendors: books, manuals, white papers, lectures and seminars, marketing, technical marketing and support documents. Virtual Quill provides "words to sell by..." Find out more at http://www.vquill.com/ or by e-mail at mailto:info@vquill.com _______________________________________________________________ Register your company on Buy IT, NW Fusion's Vendor Directory and RFP Center and generate new business quick and easy! Promote your brand across our network and access millions of dollars in RFPs. It's the most efficient way to connect with buyers of IT services. Get listed now! http://www.nwfusion.newmediary.com/091201nwwprovnwltr2 _______________________________________________________________ RELATED EDITORIAL LINKS Breaking Novell and NetWare news, updated daily: http://www.nwfusion.com/news/financial/novell.html Archive of the Novell NetWare newsletter: http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/netware/index.html ______________________________________________________________ FEATURED READER RESOURCE Network World Fusion's Net.Worker site Whether your company is growing larger or scaling back, corporate managers are looking for ways to cut costs while retaining and recruiting star employees. One smart solution - at least on paper - is to let some employees work from home. Network World's Net.Worker Web site bridges the gap between the telework concept and the hardware, software and services needed to make it happen. We bring you news and reviews, sound advice and keen insight into the technologies and solutions you need to manage a remote and mobile workforce. Visit http://www.nwfusion.com/net.worker/index.html _______________________________________________________________ May We Send You a Free Print Subscription? You've got the technology snapshot of your choice delivered at your fingertips each day. Now, extend your knowledge by receiving 51 FREE issues to our print publication. Apply today at http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/nl _______________________________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES To subscribe or unsubscribe to any Network World e-mail newsletters, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/notprinteditnews.asp To unsubscribe from promotional e-mail go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/ep To change your e-mail address, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/changeemail.asp Subscription questions? Contact Customer Service by replying to this message. Have editorial comments? Write Jeff Caruso, Newsletter Editor, at: mailto:jcaruso@nww.com For advertising information, write Jamie Kalbach, Director of Online Sales, at: mailto:jkalbach@nww.com Copyright Network World, Inc., 2002 ------------------------ This message was sent to: vkamins@enron.com