Enron Mail

Subject:Petroleumworld Weekly Review Dec. 30-Jan 6
Date:Wed, 9 Jan 2002 11:03:28 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] Events BulletinBoard Newsletter Ge=
ological Guide Contracting Guide [IMAGE] Procurement Guide Noticias=
- Petroleo.com News Spanish IESA Macroeconomic Data Base [IMAGE] Ve=
nezuela Central Bank Economic Indicators Petroleumworld Business Partner=
troleumworld Weekly Review Dec. 30- Jan. 6 Petroleumworld.com for the last=
est daily news [IMAGE] Controversial new Venezuelan oil law goes into ef=
fect [IMAGE] Exxon Mobil Cerro Negro heavy oil conversion plant in Venezu=
ela's Jose oil and chemical complex. By Elio Ohep PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, J=
an. 2 President Hugo Chavez put in to effect on Tuesday the controversial=
new oil law, during a televised supporters rally in Petrolia, Venezuela's =
oldest oil field in Tachira state. He told supporters that Venezuela is beg=
inning the New Year with a "new oil strategy." - story Political violence =
in Venezuela Photo 2001 [IMAGE] PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 6 - story S=
audi oil min says Brent below $18/bbl hurts OPEC - MEES [IMAGE] PETROLEUWOR=
LD Caracas, Jan. 5 - story U.S. 2001 oil demand unch/EIA : Weakest si=
nce '91 [IMAGE]US Department of Energy Seal PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 4 -=
story Venezuela's PDVSA: Amuay catalytic cracker on maintenance in Feb =
[IMAGE] PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 4 - story OPEC: Official new Jan. 1 o=
utput quotas [IMAGE] Elio Ohep PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 3 - story Cont=
roversial new Venezuelan oil law goes into effect [IMAGE] Exxon Mobil Cerr=
o Negro heavy oil conversion plant in Venezuela's Jose oil and chemical com=
plex. By Elio Ohep PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 2 - story Mexico reduces oi=
l exports to 1.56M b/d starting Wed Itar-Tass Photo [IMAGE]Mexico's Energ=
y Secretary Ernesto Martens (left) and Russian's Energy Minister Igor Yusuf=
ov (right) PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 2 - story Russia cuts crude oil ex=
ports by 150,000 b/d - Itar-Tass Itar-Tass Photo/Sentsov Alexander [IMAGE]R=
ussia's Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 1 - st=
ory Venezuela braces for a tough 2002 as oil, bolivar sink [IMAGE] PETROL=
EUWORLD Caracas, Dec. 31 - story WSJ: OPEC cutback may help prices, hit c=
artel's clout [IMAGE] PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Dec. 31 - story [IMAGE] =
This week top ISSUES... Inside, confidential and off the record Royal/Dut=
ch Shell to take over BG - story - Dec . 30 More... To read all ISSUES..=
. articles please click here [IMAGE] PetroleumWorld.com in cooperati=
on with news & views from VHeadline.com Prices Jan. 4 Update: Jan. 6 /=
2000 GMT/1600 ET IPEBrent Spot $20.93 01/04 vs $20.48 12/28 WTI C=
ushing Spot $ 20.38 01/03 vs $ 20.90 12/27 IPE Brent Futures Front Mo=
nth $22.18 01/04 vs $20.30 12/28 WTI Nymex FOB Cushing Front Month =
$21.62 01/04 vs $20.41 12/28 Venezuela oil Basket $ 16.94 week Jan.4=
vs $ 16.30 prev.week Opec Crude oil basket $ 18.48 week Jan.4 vs.$18.=
49 prev.week See more information and graphs in : www.petroleumworld.com=
[IMAGE] OPINION Deepwater Gulf seen ending 15-yr US oil output de=
cline - Jan. 6 - st ory WSJ: Cos keep fuel surcharges despite drop in oil=
prices - Jan. 4 - story Russia threatens future of Opec - Dec. 31 - sto=
ry Previous Opinion articles FOCUS-ANALYSIS OPEC 10 Dec output 23.6=
7m b/d, price war risk maybe delayed not less - Jan. 4 - story Global oi=
l glut contains subtle dangers - Jan. 2 - story OPEC faces tough task in =
policing oil output - Jan. 2 - story Russia's capitalistic oil industry p=
itted against OPEC - Jan.2 - story Tide turns against the oil firms - De=
c. 31 - story Previous focus - analysis The Sunday's Petroleumworld Opi=
nion Forum:viewpoints on issues in energy & international politics. CH?VE=
Z'S COLLAPSE [IMAGE] By Democracy & Development - Venezuela Today PETROLEU=
MWORLD Caracas, Dec. 30 - story Previous Sunday opinion forum articles =
Sunday's Feature Peak Oil: A turning for mankind By Colin J. Campbell=
Hubber Center Newsletter - story [IMAGE] How much oil NPR's Chris Joyce r=
eports - listen BIG PICTURE ON OIL Big Picture on Oil [IMAGE] Petroleum =
Policy and Geopolitics PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Dec. 30 Previous Sunday's Fe=
atures articles Saturday's INTERVIEW With Mexico's President Vicente Fox=
AP Photo [IMAGE]Mexico's President Vicente PETROLEUWORLD Caracas, Jan. 5 =
- story Saturday's interviews previous storie s EVENTS IV International S=
eminar on oil and gas exploration and exploitation-INGEPET 2002 Dec. 27 - =
story Previous Events THEMES - REVIEWS Doble-Click Internacional (DCI=
) report on THE LATIN AMERICAN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY-story Previous Themes=
- Books Reviews ENVIROMENT Petroleum refiners to slash air emissions =
in five states Dec. 28 - story Senate rejects arctic drilling again, 94-=
1-story Previous stories [IMAGE] To received Petroleumworld Dai=
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age [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]"Glory to God in the highes=
t, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" Luke 2:14 (NKJV) Happy New Y=
ear! Welcome to our weekly newsletterpetroleumworld.com Weekly Review=
Just to remind you about the best energy, oil & gas site in Venezuel=
a's Petroleumworld.com Our Site changes its information at least twice=
a day usually around 12:00-15:00 hrs. and 22:00-24:00 GMT Letters to th=
e Editor If you have anything in your mind and want to communicate it, le=
t us know about it. All letters are welcome, write to: Petroleumworldeditor=
@hotmail.com [IMAGE] Click for a spanish copy of the Venezuela's new=
Hydrocarbons Law [IMAGE] Click for a english version of the Law (uno=
fficial) Previousoil law stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Alianza Empres=
arial Petrolera To promote & develop the Venezuelan industry in the pe=
troleum sector [IMAGE] Venezuela's Executive Association More info=
rmation Letters If you have anything in your mind about the oil busin=
ess let us know about it letters are welcome editor@petroleumworld.com=
Tips... From our Friends [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Offers reduced milea=
ge award levels for travel Story [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Check out The New Services [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The abc o=
f the Legal Regime of the Oil Industry in Venezuela Araque Reyna Sosa V=
iso & Pittier [IMAGE] Venezuela Onshore Geotechnical Marine Geot=
echnical Marine Survey [IMAGE] Articles by Francisco Monaldi Mas=
Francisco Monaldi Francisco Monaldi M. Punto deencuentro Punto dedesen=
cuentro Ecologia del Petroestado LE PETIT BISTROT THE JACQUES French B=
istrot Caracas Reservations: 266 0321/263 8695 Happy Hour 5-8 PM /M-S Clic=
k fortake out menu [IMAGE]Click =09

=09=09TOP www.petroleumworld.com - Publisher/Editor/Producer - Elio C. Oh=
ep A. CopyRight ? 2000, Elio C.Ohep A.- All rights reserved . Legal Informa=
tion . To contact us: editor@petroleumworld.com /phone: 58 212 286 57 62 =

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