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Subject:Petroleumworld weekly review
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 02:22:30 -0700 (PDT)

=09 [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] Go to [IMAGE] Events BulletinBoard =
Newsletter Geological Guide Contracting Guide [IMAGE] Procur=
ement Guide Noticias- Petroleo.com News Spanish IESA Macroeconomic =
Data Base [IMAGE] Venezuela Central Bank Economic Indicators Petrol=
eumworld Business Partners: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 "=
); document.write (mesn[fecha.getMonth()+1]+", "+fecha.getDate()+" "+fecha.=
getYear()); document.write (""); Octubre, 17 2001 Petroleumworld Week=
ly Review Oct. 07-Oct. 14 Petroleumworld.com for the lastest daily news [=
IMAGE] Venezuela's Fedepetrol oil union: Ortega virtual new union's presid=
ent [IMAGE] Fedepetrol's virtual president Carlos Ortega By Elio Ohep PE=
TROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 11 - full story OPEC President denies OPEC plan=
ning to Meet soon [IMAGE]OPEC's President Chakib Khelil PETROLEUMWORLD Car=
acas, Oct. 14 - f ull story ! [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 12 -=
full story TotalFinaElf no decided on new Venezuelan Sincor investment [=
IMAGE] Sincor project map PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 12 - full story Fe=
depetrol oil union: Ortega virtual new union's president [IMAGE] Fedepetrol=
's virtual president Carlos Ortega By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, O=
ct. 11 - full story Venezuela's Alvarez: OPEC won't allow crude oil price=
s to fall dramatically [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 11 - full stor=
y Venezuela's oil union elections : No clear winner yet [IMAGE] Carlos O=
rtega By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 11 - full story OPEC Pres=
: Stable oil price not just OPEC issue [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct.=
11 - full story Chavez mulls OPEC-non-OPEC mtg in Lisbon before mid-Nov =
[IMAGE]Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 10 - =
full story Occidental Colombia declares Cano Limon force majeure, pipeli=
ne bombings [IMAGE]Guerrillas atack in Colombia PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct=
. 10 - full story France to invest $5-bil in Venezuelan energy projects [=
IMAGE]Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez and France's President Jaques Chira=
c PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 10 .- full story WSJ: OPEC talks focus o=
n cutting output [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 10 - full story NYME=
X : Crude-products to open higher - Oct. 10 - full story Venezuela Pres=
/possible OPEC cut: No decision yet [IMAGE]Venezuela's President Hugo Chave=
z PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 9 - full story Verizon Says not selling i=
nto AES' Venezuela CANTV offer [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 9 - ful=
l story OPEC Sec Gen/OPEC cut : Looking at final scenario [IMAGE]OPEC's S=
ec. Gen. Ali Rodriguez PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 9 - full story Ven=
ezuelan gas workers step up strike Photo: El Nacional [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORL=
D Caracas, Oct. 8 - full story Venezuela PDVSA official opposes govt pla=
n for new companies [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 8 - full story =
OPEC Secy Genl: No automatic crude output cut for now [IMAGE]OPEC's Secreta=
ry Genral Ali Rodriguez PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 8 . - full story Ven=
ezuela's Chavez says reduction in oil output possible [IMAGE] Venezuela's P=
resident Hugo Chavez PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 8 - full story [IMAG=
E] This week top ISSUES... Inside, confidential and off the record USA =
warning - full story Oct.14 Crushing defeat - full story Oct.12! UK'=
s Minister: Oil needs flexibility - full story Oct. 8 More... To read=
all ISSUES... articles please click here Prices Oct. 12 Update: Oc=
t .15/12:30 GMT/08:30 ET IPEBrent Spot 10/12 versus 10/5 $22.59 +.31 =
WTI Cushing Spot 10/11 versus 10/04 $ 23.33 +.60 IPE Brent Futures=
Front Month 10/11 $22.46 WTI Nymex FOB Cushing Front Month 10/12 =
$22.50 Venezuela oil Basket $ 16.71 week Oct.12 vs $ 16.99 prev.we=
ek Opec Crude oil basket N.A. week Oct.12 vs.$ 19.96 prev.week See=
more information and graphs in : www.petroleumworld.com [IMAGE] OPI=
NION IEA Summary: World oil demand hit by terrorist attacks - Oct. 12 - st=
ory Venezuela '02 oil, budget scenario seen as unrealistic -Oct. 10 - fu=
ll story Venezuela's CANTV poison pill pits Verizon against AES - Oct. 8=
- story Point Of View: US terror attacks challenge OPEC price plan - Oct=
. 8- story Previous Opinion articles FOCUS-ANALYSIS-RISKWATCH Mexi=
co's energy needs still waiting forlegislation - Oct. 11 - story Platts:=
OPEC September production falls 890,000 Bpd, compliance fell to 65% -Oct. =
10 - full story Oil companies' 3Q earnings fall with demand, prices - Oc=
t. 8- story MEES: The Political Scene - Oct. 8- story MEES: Crude pr=
ices weakness tests OPEC grip on markets -Oct. 8- story Previous focus- a=
nalysis-interviews II OPEC summit stories The Sunday's Petroleumwo=
rld Opinion Forum: viewpoints in oil & international politics. WHY RIYADH =
STIFFS AMERICA. Deserted by Joshua Teitelbaum Illustration: TNR [IMAGE] =
By Joshua Teitelbaum The New Republic PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct.14 - full=
sto! ry Previous Sunday opinion forum articles Sunday's Feature A =
profile of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez by Jon Lee Anderson [IMAGE]Venezuela's P=
resident Hugo Chavez PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 14 - full story Previo=
us articles Saturday's INTERVIEW Endesa's Peru Jose Maria Hidalgo : End=
esa committed to Peru despite tax dispute [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, O=
ct. 13 - full story Previous Saturday's interviews EVENTS [IMAGE]Ven=
ezuela's Role Supporting U.S. Energy Security -Thursday, October 11, 2001, =
8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Willard Intercontinental Hotel, Washington, DC, The =
Johns Hopkins University's, - Oct. 9 - full story API cancels Pasadena, =
Ca. annual meeting Full story Previous Events THEMES BARRON'S: Bin=
Laden blew it: Veteran mideast hand Tom Petrie says terrorist misc - Oct. =
13 - story PDVSA's Petroleum Education program - Story Previous Themes =
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Energy, Oil & Gas information www.petroleumworld.com If you do not want =
to received this newsletter, or if you want to make some comments or sugges=
tions, please send us a reply message [IMAGE] From The Editor Welco=
me to our weekly newsletterpetroleumworld.com Weekly Review Just to r=
emind you about the best in Venezuela's Petroleumworld.com Our Portal=
Site changes its information at least twice a day usually around 12:00-=
15:00 hrs. and 22:00-24:00 GMT PreviousNewsletters [IMAGE] Click fo=
r a spanish copy of the [IMAGE] Venezuelan Hydrocarbons Law Draft [IMA=
GE]Unofficialenglish version for commentaries to the draft: revision @ley=
dehidrocarburos. gov.ve The secretary of the committee evaluating the draf=
t is Joaquin Parra Director at MEM Telephone: 507 5222 Fax: 575 2964 E-mai=
l: japarra@mem.com.ve [IMAGE] Venezuela's Oil Chamber Hydrocarbons Law Dra=
ft Comments & Suggestions Spanish [IMAGE]See all Petroleumworld oil la=
w stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Alianza Empresarial Petrolera To promo=
te & develop the Venezuelan industry in the petroleum sector [IMAGE=
] Venezuela's Executive Association More information Letters If yo=
u have anything in your mind about the oil business let us know about it=
letters are welcome editor@petroleumworld.com Tips... From our Fri=
ends [IMAGE] Offers reduced mileage award levels for travel Story [IM=
AGE] RIP de Venezuela C.A. Rip de Venezuela is one of the oldest and =
reputable Venezuelan Trading company in forged steel, stanless steel valv=
es and fittings, tube fittings and stanless steel pipes. RIP offers a =
wide range of products to ANSI standards, designed for the Chemical and =
Petrochemical, oil, gases and steam industries. ripvenezuela.com.ve =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE]Sept News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out The Ne=
w Services [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The abc of the Legal Regim=
e of the Oil Industry in Venezuela Araque Reyna Sosa Viso & Pittier =
[IMAGE] Venezuela Onshore Geotechnical Marine Geotechnical Marine=
Survey [IMAGE] Articles by Francisco Monaldi Mas Francisco Monal=
di Francisco Monaldi M. Punto deencuentro Punto dedesencuentro LE P=
ETIT BISTROT THE JACQUES French Bistrot Caracas Reservations: 266 0321/=
263 8695 Happy Hour 5-8 PM /M-F And Le BISTROT Express a culinary exper=
ience, for your home. Click for menu [IMAGE]Click Click [IMAGE] =
invites you to attend Breakfast with Venezuelan- Dominican Republic's Ch=
amber of Commerce to talk on Venezuela's opportunities for export Tuesd=
ay Oct. 16 7:30 AM Hotel Paseo Las Mercedes Phone: 993 2379 [IMAGE] T=
he Venezuelan - Canadian Chamber of Commerce extraordinary conference, on=
Tuesday October 23, 2001 with : JOSE TORO HARDY Petroleum Expert and e=
x-Director of Pdvsa on the subject of "Petroleum, OPEC, Terrorism and th=
e Consequences for Venezuela of the War" Hotel Four Seasons 7:30 a.m. Tue=
sday October 23 R.S.V.P 954 11 06 / 954 12 03 Email : nancyperez@canch=
am.com.ve Nancy Am?rica P?rez Executive Director =09

=09=09TOP www.petroleumworld.com - Publisher/Editor/Producer - Elio C. Oh=
ep A. CopyRight ? 2000, Elio C.Ohep A.- All rights reserved . Legal Informa=
tion . To contact us: editor@petroleumworld.com /phone: 58 212 286 57 62 =

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