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=09 [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] Go to [IMAGE] Events Bulletin Board = Newsletter Geological Guide Contracting Guide [IMAGE] Procurement Guid= e Noticias- Petroleo.com News Spanish IESA Macroeconomic Data Base [I= MAGE] Venezuela Central Bank Economic Indicators Petroleumworld Business P= artners: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 "); document.write (mesn= [fecha.getMonth()+1]+", "+fecha.getDate()+" "+fecha.getYear()); document.wr= ite (""); Octubre, 24 2001 Petroleumworld Weekly Review Oct. 14-Oct. = 21 Petroleumworld.com for the lastest daily news [IMAGE] OPEC ministers: = Options open on output cut Photo: Energy24X [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caraca= s, Oct. 19 - A key group of OPEC ministers gathered in Vienna Friday to di= scuss responses to a slump in crude prices to two-year lows following last = month's terror attacks, possibly by cutting Photo: Energy 24X productionAFP= . Full story Chavez: Oil Prices Won't Fall [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD - Full = story Kuwait Wants OPEC Oil Price Between $23-$25/Bbl - Oil Min [IMAGE] PE= TROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 20 Full story Venezuela's Chavez: "possible" to= lower OPEC price band [IMAGE]Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez PETROLEUMW= ORLD Caracas, Oct. 19 - Full story Venezuelan leader Chavez due in Moscow = on Sunday [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 19 - Full story Nigeria's = Lukman: Cut in production "...it's always a possibility" [IMAGE] PETROLEUMW= ORLD Caracas, Oct. 19 - Full story OPEC Key ministers in Vienna to discuss= slump [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 19 - Full story Venezuela anno= uncing bidding round for coal sector Photo: PDVSA [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Ca= racas, Oct. 18 - Full story Venezuela's AES-CANTV/Oct. 24 -2: Hldrs want = more info from Co [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 18 - Full story Oil= hit a two - year low [IMAGE] By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 17 = - Full story Saudi/Iranian Mins: To intensify talks with non-OPEC [IMAGE][= IMAGE]Iran's Zangeneh Saudi's Ali Naimi PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 17 - F= ull story Venezuela govt to get 60% share in $2.2 bln LNG project [IMAGE]= PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 16 - Full story US's Abraham: US seeking "st= ability in energy markets." [IMAGE]US Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham PETR= OLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 16 - Full story Venezuela's : Chavez's visits to = Lybia, Iran justified [IMAGE] Venezuela's Energy Vice Minister Bernardo Al= varez By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 16 - full story Venezuela = Fedepetrol's Union president elections in doubt [IMAGE] Candidate Rafael Ro= sales - left By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 16 - full story Fea= rs, again, of oil supplies at risk [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 15 = - full story Venezuela's Chavez met with Gaddafi to discuss oil prices [IM= AGE]Venezuela's Chavez with Lybia's Gaddafi By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Car= acas, Oct. 15 - full story Venezuela Pres expands tour to urge non-OPEC oi= l cuts [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 15 - full story Govt opponent = re-elected as pres of Venezuelan oil union [IMAGE]Fedepetrol's Carlos Orte= ga PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 15 - full story OPEC President denies OPEC= planning to Meet soon [IMAGE]OPEC's President Chakib Khelil PETROLEUMWORL= D Caracas, Oct. 14 - full story [IMAGE] This week top ISSUES... Insid= e, confidential and off the record Venecuba's crude - full storyOct.18 3= .000.000, 2.800.000, 2.600.000 BPD ? - full story Oct.17 Inside GDVSA - f= ull story Oct.16 More... To read all ISSUES... articles please click = here Prices Oct. 19 Update: Oct .21/12:30 GMT/08:30 ET IPE Brent Spo= t 10/19 versus 10/12 $20.86 -1.73 WTI Cushing Spot 10/18 versus 10/11= $ 21.33 -2.00 IPE Brent Futures Front Month 10/19 versus 10/12 $2= 1.75 -.71 WTI Nymex FOB Cushing Front Month 10/19 versus 10/12 $21.83 -= .67 Venezuela oil Basket $ 16.07 week Oct. 19 vs $ 16.971 prev.wee= k Opec Crude oil basket $ 198.99 week Oct.19 vs.$ 19.69 prev.week = See more information and graphs in : www.petroleumworld.com [IMAGE] O= PINION FEATURE: A tall order - Oct. 19-story World Bank: Latin America c= an better tap commodities - Oct. 17 - story Probe unraveling Saudis' role= -Oct. 17 - story Opec gripped by indecision on output - Oct. 16 - story = Previous Opinionarticles FOCUS-ANALYSIS-RISKWATCH Norway's labor gove= rnment to resign -Oct. 17 - story Saudi Arabia looks to develop its natur= al-gas reserves -Oct. 17 - story Oil money pulls Sudan out of its isolati= on and toward uncertainty -Oct. 17 - story Previous focus- analysis-intervi= ews II OPEC summit stories The Sunday's Petroleumworld Opinion Forum: v= iewpoints in oil & international politics. Saudi Royals and Reality [IMAGE= ]Mecca By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN The New York Times PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, O= ct. 21 - Full story Previous Sunday opinion forum articles Sunday's F= eature The Desert Kingdom Royal Mess Saudi Arabia's royal family and its = discontents: a piece from 1994. [IMAGE] By Leslie and Andrew Cockburn The N= ew York Times PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 21 - Full story Previous articl= es Saturday's INTERVIEW Kuwaiti lawyer Salah al-Hashem mollified by Kuwait= /AOC oil deal terms [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Oct. 19 - Full story= Previous Saturday's interviews EVENTS [IMAGE] Sponsoring commercial m= eetings in Santo Domingo Full story Previous Events THEMES WEST AFRICA F= EATURE: Beyond the limelight -Oct. 19 - story DJ Special summary of the w= ar on terrorism - updated 10 19 2001 -Oct. 19-story Russia's: The crude b= usiness of extracting oil - Oct. 18 -story Previous Themes To received = Petroleumworld Weekly Review click to suscribe For daily Energy, Oil & = Gas information www.petroleumworld.com If you do not want to received this= newsletter, or if you want to make some comments or suggestions, please s= end us a reply message [IMAGE] From The Editor Welcome to our weekl= y newsletter petroleumworld.com Weekly Review Just to remind you about = the best in Venezuela's Petroleumworld.com Our Portal Site changes it= s information at least twice a day usually around 12:00-15:00 hrs. and 2= 2:00-24:00 GMT Previous Newsletters [IMAGE] Click for a spanish copy = of the [IMAGE] Venezuelan Hydrocarbons Law Draft Unofficial english ver= sion for commentaries to the draft: revision @leydehidrocarburos. gov.ve = The secretary of the committee evaluating the draft is Joaquin Parra Direct= or at MEM Telephone: 507 5222 Fax: 575 2964 E-mail: japarra@mem.com.ve [I= MAGE] Venezuela's Oil Chamber Hydrocarbons Law Draft Comments & Suggesti= ons Spanish [IMAGE] See all Petroleumworld oil law stories [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] Alianza Empresarial Petrolera To promote & develop the Venezue= lan industry in the petroleum sector [IMAGE] Venezuela's Executive A= ssociation More information Letters If you have anything in your m= ind about the oil business let us know about it letters are welcome ed= itor @petroleumworld.com Tips... From our Friends [IMAGE] Offers reduc= ed mileage award levels for travel Story [IMAGE] RIP de Venezuela C.A. = Rip de Venezuela is one of the oldest and reputable Venezuelan Trading= company in forged steel, stanless steel valves and fittings, tube fitti= ngs and stanless steel pipes. RIP offers a wide range of products to AN= SI standards, designed for the Chemical and Petrochemical, oil, gases a= nd steam industries. ripvenezuela.com.ve [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Sept News = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out The New Services [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] The abc of the Legal Regime of the Oil Industry in Venezuela = Araque Reyna Sosa Viso & Pittier [IMAGE] Venezuela Onshore Geote= chnical Marine Geotechnical Marine Survey [IMAGE] Articles by Franci= sco Monaldi Mas Francisco Monaldi Francisco Monaldi M. Punto de encuent= ro Punto de desencuentro LE PETIT BISTROT THE JACQUES French Bistro= t Caracas Reservations: 266 0321/ 263 8695 Happy Hour 5-8 PM /M-F And Le= BISTROT Express a culinary experience, for your home. Click for menu = [IMAGE] Click [IMAGE] invites you to attend Sto Domingo's Commercial= meetings sponsor with the Venezuelan- Dominican Republic's Chamber of Com= merce to explore on Venezuela's opportunities for export to Sto Domingo= In Santo Domingo, from November 06 to 08 More information VEPROX Ph= one: 993 2379 Full story PETROMATURIN OCT. 26 - 28, 2001 Matur?n, Edo= . Monagas, Venezuela C?mara Petrolera de Venezuela Cap?tulo Monagas m= onagas@ camarapetrolera.org [IMAGE] =09 =09=09TOP www.petroleumworld.com - Publisher/Editor/Producer - Elio C. Ohe= p A. CopyRight ? 2000, Elio C.Ohep A.- All rights reserved . Legal Informat= ion. To contact us: editor@petroleumworld.com /phone: 58 212 286 57 62 =09 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com