Enron Mail

Subject:Protect your NetWare
Date:Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:28:24 -0800 (PST)

Today's focus: Protect your NetWare

Dear Wincenty Kaminski,

In this issue:

* Introducing McAfee NetShield 4.6 for NetWare
* Links related to Novell NetWare
* Featured reader resource

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Today's focus: Protect your NetWare

By Dave Kearns

I've been telling you for some time how good NetWare 6 is. Most
major technical publications have also been telling you how
good NetWare 6 is. Even the occasional story in the mass media
has generally spoken well about NetWare (when the writer has a
vague understanding of networking technologies). What's been
lacking, though, is recognition by third party vendors and
other so-called "after market" suppliers that NetWare 6 is an
important player in enterprise networks.

I was surprised to see, for example, that almost six months
after the release of NetWare 6 there are still no books in
print about the operating system - not even from Novell Press!

That's why it's so gratifying to see a new release of a
software package intended specifically for the NetWare 6
platform. Network Associates' McAfee division has just released
a new version of its flagship NetShield product for the new
NetWare operating system.

NetShield 4.6 for NetWare 6 allows you to protect all of your
NetWare servers from malicious attacks and viruses through a
single console installation. Moreover, NetShield 4.6 includes
integration with McAfee's ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO), which
provides reporting and trend analysis, as well as remote
software deployment.

Also new in this release is support for Novell Cluster
Services. That's important since each box of NetWare 6 includes
a license for a two-server cluster. You can view, select and
scan mounted cluster volumes with NetShield 4.6, which also
provides "survival support" whenever a cluster server is off-
line. McAfee's ePO works in conjunction with NetShield to
extend the technologies used for antivirus protection to more
generalized network management, including policy management and
software deployment.

NetShield 4.6 will run on NetWare 4.11 or higher - although
NetWare 6 specific functions, such as clustering support, won't
be available with earlier versions of the Novell operating

McAfee products have always been at the forefront of virus
protection and at the forefront of NetWare-based applications
for many years. Now McAfee is at the forefront of NetWare 6-
specific applications. McAfee deserves your support and you
should, at least, take a look at its offering.

Correction: In the last NetWare newsletter, headlined "Learn
more about SecureLogin," the URL to Novell's Web Seminar
Conference Center should have been

To contact Dave Kearns:

Dave Kearns is a writer and consultant in Silicon Valley. His
most recent book is "Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Networks,"
published by SAMS. Dave's company, Virtual Quill, provides
content services to network vendors: books, manuals, white
papers, lectures and seminars, marketing, technical marketing
and support documents. Virtual Quill provides "words to sell
by..." Find out more at http://www.vquill.com/ or by e-mail
at mailto:info@vquill.com
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McAfee NetShield for NetWare

McAfee touts antivirus pack for NetWare 6.0
Network World, 01/07/02

Breaking Novell and NetWare news, updated daily:

Archive of the Novell NetWare newsletter:

Network World Fusion's Net.Worker site

Whether your company is growing larger or scaling back,
corporate managers are looking for ways to cut costs while
retaining and recruiting star employees. One smart solution -
at least on paper - is to let some employees work from home.
Network World's Net.Worker Web site bridges the gap between the
telework concept and the hardware, software and services needed
to make it happen. We bring you news and reviews, sound advice
and keen insight into the technologies and solutions you need
to manage a remote and mobile workforce.

Visit http://www.nwfusion.com/net.worker/index.html
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Copyright Network World, Inc., 2002

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