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Our JDRF Walk is this weekend and we need to collect our donations by tomor=
row or Monday, if possible. As mentioned below, you pledged $100.00. If y= ou would like to write a check, please make it payable to "JDRF". Please c= all me at X-36898 and I will be happy to stop by and pick up the donation w= hen you are ready. =20 Thank you so much for your support. =20 Cathy Phillips X-36898 =20 =20 -----Original Message----- From: Kaminski, Vince J=20 Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:48 PM To: Phillips, Cathy Subject: RE: Important Message - Please Read =20 Cathy, =20 I shall contribute $100. I shall also urge my group to participate as walke= rs and team leaders. I shall use parts of your message, those with the general description of t= he Walk, as an info for my group. =20 Vince Kaminski =20 =20 -----Original Message----- From: Phillips, Cathy=20 Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 2:38 PM To: Arnell, Doug; Aronowitz, Alan; Beck, Sally; Bergsieker, Rick; Davies, N= eil; Douglas, Stephen H.; Ewing, Habiba; Fowler, Ellen; Fraser, Jennifer; F= revert, Mark; Funkhouser, Shanna; Gonzales, Eric; Hickerson, Gary; Hirl, Jo= seph; Kaminski, Vince J; Lawyer, Larry; Leach, Doug; Leboe, David; Maffett,= Randal; Mahoney, Chris; Maredia, Amin; Mcclellan, George; Mcconnell, Mike;= Mcgowan, Kevin; Myers, Thomas; Nowlan Jr., John L.; Perlman, Beth; Petters= en, Morten E.; Price, Brent A.; Quilkey, Paul; Reck, Daniel; Sekse, Per; Sh= ankman, Jeffrey A.; Staley, Stuart; Tawney, Mark; Thirsk, Jeremy; Tholan, S= cott; Yoho, Lisa; Armstrong, Kristy; Baker, Donna; Brandli, Christina; Burn= s, Jennifer; Coneway, Betty J.; Crenshaw, Shirley; Daw, Nicki; Domonoske, S= arah; Garcia, Nita; Higaki, Akiko; Isbell, Shirley; McPherson, Kathleen; Mo= rris, Jennifer; Palmer, Rhonna; Phillips, Cathy; Prentice, Jacqueline; Purs= well, Sharon; Ryan, Beth A.; Shuckard, Melanie; Solis, Gloria; Taylor, Hele= n Marie; Valdez, Christina; Villanueva, Chantelle; Westbrook, Cherylene R.;= Zoch, Judy Subject: FW: Important Message - Please Read Please take just a few minutes to read the following message and then forwa= rd to others in your group. =20 Once again Mike McConnell has volunteered to be the chair of the Juvenile D= iabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) walk. This year the walk will be held o= n Sunday, October 28, 2001, at Greenspoint Mall. =20 As some of you may know, Mike has diabetes and JDRF is an organization that= is very important to him. There are two types of diabetes and Mike has Ty= pe 1, insulin-dependent diabetes which is also known as Juvenile Diabetes. = The other type of diabetes is Type 2, adult-onset diabetes that can often = be controlled with a combination of diet, exercise and oral medication. Ev= ery day Mike must prick his finger to test his blood sugar at least 7 times= , in addition to giving himself at least 3 or 4 injections of insulin. Jus= t think of it, at least 10 times a day Mike has to stick himself with a nee= dle to manage his disease. I don't know about you, but I am a wimp if I ha= ve to get a shot just once every few years and I can't even begin to imagin= e what it must be like to stick yourself over 70 times in just one week! B= ut for Mike it is not just one day or one week, it is every day of every we= ek for the rest of his life -- until a cure is found. Diabetics can never = take a break from their disease. It requires constant management of their = food intake, monitoring of their blood sugar and the administration of the = proper amount of insulin. If diabetes is not properly managed it can lead = to kidney disease or failure, blindness, heart disease, amputations, among = other complications. =20 I wanted you all to know that I have volunteered to help Mike in his effort= s with the JDRF walk again this year. I am serving on the steering committ= ee and I plan to walk again this year to raise funds to help find a cure fo= r this terrible disease. I am doing this to support Mike, but I also have = a personal interest in doing whatever I can to help find a cure. My husban= d has adult-onset diabetes and we lost his mom and her three sisters all to= diabetes and diabetes-related diseases several years ago. In addition, I = have an uncle and a cousin that both have juvenile diabetes. =20 I am sending this message to ask you to join our team for the JDRF walk thi= s year. It would mean a lot to me (and to Mike) to have support from the p= eople in our Enron Global Markets organization, as well as people from prev= ious groups we have worked with, along with other friends throughout Enron. =20 Some of you receiving this message have already signed up and I want to tak= e this opportunity to say thank you very much! For those of you that have = not yet signed up, please consider one of the following three opportunities= that are available to give your support to this important effort: 1. Team Leader. The team leaders help solicit walkers and handle the = collecting and reporting of funds raised by their group of walkers. Based = on the donations raised by your group, you may also be eligible for prizes = available only to team leaders. If you are interested in becoming a team l= eader, please contact me right away so that I may get the team leader infor= mation and materials to you.=20 2. Walkers. If you want to sign up to walk and raise funds for JDRF, = I will make sure that you get on one of our teams -- just sign up! The JDR= F walk is a very fun event with music, entertainment and great food. All w= alkers are asked to raise at least $25 in donations and will receive a grea= t T-shirt to wear the day of the walk.=20 3. Supporters. If it just is not possible for you to join us for the = walk on October 28th, then please sign up as a supporter by sending a retur= n e-mail with your pledge amount and you will be contacted later in October= for collection of the donation.=20 The bottom line is raising money to support research to find a cure! The J= uvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is very well managed and for every dol= lar that is donated to JDRF, over 85 cents goes directly to research. In a= ddition, this year Enron will match all donations dollar for dollar. =20 Thank you for your support, time and efforts. And please, let's Walk to Cu= re Diabetes! =20 Cathy Phillips X-36898