Enron Mail

Subject:RIGZONE Industry News
Date:Mon, 21 Jan 2002 14:29:26 -0800 (PST)

=09Tuesday January 22, 2002=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09home | news | search | maps | data | jobs | =
market | store =09[IMAGE]=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] In This Issue [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Current Oil and Gas Industry News T! op Stories for the Past=
7 Days Featured Events and Conferences What's in Store - Books & More =
Featured Employment Opportunities Surplus Oilfield Equipment For Sale World=
wide Offshore Rig Utilization Oil & Gas Prices [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I=
ndustry Headlines [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SCORE Down for December 2001 =
Houston-based international offshore drilling contractor GlobalSantaFe repo=
rted that the company's worldwide SCORE for December 2001 was down from the=
previous month's SCORE by 1.7 percent. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] advertisemen=
t A National-Oilwell designed, 1992 built modular offshore drilling rig is=
available for sale direct from the manufacturer. This rig drilled only 5 =
wells from the Draugen platform in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. =
Click on the link below for full details, photos and seller contact informa=
tion: http://www.rigzone.com/market/surplus_listing.asp?eq_id=3D397 =
Exploration [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Shell Continues Focus o=
n Offshore Malaysia in 2002 Shell will continue its deepwater exploration =
efforts offshore Malaysia in Block E and Block G this year. Petrovietnam I=
nks Deal for Cuu Long Basin Block Petrovietnam, Zarubezhneft and Idemitsu =
have signed a production sharing agreement for the 09-3 block in the Cuu Lo=
ng Basin offshore Vietnam. Greenland Launches 2nd Licensing Round The 2nd=
offshore licensing round for Greenland is expected to start in April, foll=
owing government approval. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Production [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Westcoast Energy Reaches Milestone in Mexico Westc=
oast Energy announced has reached a major milestone in the ! development of=
the Campeche Natural Gas Compression Services Project in Mexico. Statfjor=
d C Shutdown Production from Statfjord C has been shut down after find c=
orrosion damage in the flare system. Dragon Oil Carries Out Production Tes=
ting in Caspian Sea Dragon Oil has begun a 10-day testing program of its L=
AM 22-102 well in the Caspian Sea. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company & Fin=
ancial News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thomas O'Malley Resigns From =
Phillips Thomas O'Malley has resigned from the Phillips Board of Directors=
to pursue other avenues in the energy industry. Oil Search and Orogen Min=
erals Agree to Merge Oil Search and Orogen Minerals have agreed to merge in=
a deal valued at A1.4 billion. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Last 7 Days Top =
Stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE]! [IMAGE] Former Enron Execs Start New Co=
mpany Several former Enron senior executives have formed a new company to =
provide risk management services to the energy industry. Drilling Operatio=
ns Halted on West Navion Drilling operations on the West Navion have been =
halted for the next 2-3 weeks so the rig can undergo an inspection of its d=
errick. Anadarko Petroleum Provides 2002 Outlook Anadarko Petroleum Corpo=
ration outlines its expectations for capital spending for 2002 and offers g=
uidance on 2001 financial and operating results.U.S. Approves Deepwater Roy=
alty Relief Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior, announced that oil and=
gas companies drilling in Gulf of Mexico deepwater will be given royalty r=
eductions. Pemex Increases Exploration Spending in 2002 Pemex plans to co=
ncentrate spending on explortion and production projects in 2002. Conoco F=
ocuses on Indonesia Conoco expects to spend over $2.5 billion in Indones=
ia during the next nine years, as part of planned investment of $3.4 billio=
n between 1998 and 2010. CNOOC Acquires Repsol-YPF's Indonesian Assets CN=
OOC has acquired Repsol-YPF's Indonesian assets for US $585 million in cash=
. This acquisition will make CNOOC the largest offsohre oil prod! ucer in =
Indonesia. CNOOC Jackup Leaves China CNOOC secured the first contract for=
overseas service as an independent contractor in the international drillin=
g market. PGS Awarded $58 Million in New Contracts Petroleum Geo-Services=
ASA announced that its onshore division has secured new seismic acquisitio=
n contracts in the United States, Ecuador, India and Bangladesh valued at $=
58 million. Kerr-McGee Sells Ecuadorian Assets Kerr-McGee has agreed to s=
ell two oil lease concessions and its stake in a pipeline project in Ecuado=
r to Perenco. Shell and CNOOC Sign PSC Agreement CNOOC and Shell Explorat=
ion China Limited signed a Production Sharing Contract for the exploration =
of the Bon! an area of Bohai Bay. Talisman Expects to Spend $2 Billion in =
2002 Talisman's 2002 budget for exploration and development is $2 billion =
which is a 6% increase over the 2001 budget. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Upc=
oming Oil & Gas Industry Events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Jan. 22 =
Alliances and Partnering in Oil & Gas Singapore Feb. 6 Torch Mid-Wi=
nter Energy Conference New York Feb. 7 Marine Construction 2002 Houst=
on Feb. 10 2002 SPE International Petroleum Conference & Exhibition in M=
exico Villahermosa Feb. 26 2002 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibi=
tion Dallas Feb. 26 Offshore Oil and Gas Safety Seminars Aberdeen Feb=
. 27 Human Resources in Oil & Gas Aberdeen Mar. 10 AAPG Annual Meeti=
ng Houston Mar. 20 LNG North America Houston Apr. 9 2002 SPE/ICoTA=
Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibition Houston list your conference vi=
ew upcoming events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Horiz=
on Offshore Global Completion Service HoverDril Baker Hughes [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] promote your company [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drilling Mud=
and Cement Slurry Rheology Manual [IMAGE] [IMAGE] International Daywork =
Drilling Contract - Land [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Well Control for Completion and =
Workover [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more products [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] featured equipment: Cabot 200 Drilling and Workover Rig [IMAGE]=
Oilwell 840-E [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more equipment [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] featured jobs: ! - Sr. Drilling Engineer - I?Manager - Safety=
& Regulatory Compliance Specialist more hot jobs << featured candidate=
s: - Lead Lease Operator - Senior Instrument Technician, Lead Instrument =
Tech - Senior Data Engineer search for candidates << [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drillships: To 5000': 50.0% (7/14) +5000': 92.0=
% (23/25) Semisubs: 2nd Gen: 68.5% (50/73) 3rd Gen: 86.0% (43/50) 4th =
Gen: 100.0% (38/38) 5th Gen: 100.0% (7/7) Jackups: To 200': 56.7% =
(38/67) 200' MC: 58.3% (14/24) 200' MS: 14.3% (3/21) 300' IC: 87.5% (=
84/96) +300' IC: 90.7% (49/54) Severe Env.: 81.0% (17/21) [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] view complete utilization report [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Light Crude =
Oil: $18.00/BBL (0.00%) Brent Crude Oil: ! $18.45/BBL (0.00%) Natural G=
as: $2.23/MMBtu (0.00%) Unleaded Gasoline: $0.53/gal (-1.85%) prices fr=
om: 1/21/2002 change since: 1/18/2002 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[I=
=09=09=09 Promotional Opportunities Become a Sponsor, feature your job ope=
ning or, advertise your upcoming industry conference. Click here for mor=
e information, send your press release to info@rigzone.com or call us at =
281-345-4040. Member Services If you no longer wish to receive this newsl=
etter, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone an=
d updating your profile. You can also change the format you receive (HTML=
or Text) and your email address by logging in and updating your account. =
Click here to log in . =09=09