Enron Mail

Subject:RIGZONE Industry News
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:18:41 -0800 (PST)

=09Friday January 18, 2002=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09home | news | search | maps | data | jobs | =
market | store =09[IMAGE]=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] In This Issue [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Current Oil and Gas Industry News T! op Stories for the Past=
7 Days Featured Events and Conferences What's in Store - Books & More =
Featured Employment Opportunities Surplus Oilfield Equipment For Sale World=
wide Offshore Rig Utilization Oil & Gas Prices [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I=
ndustry Headlines [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Latest Offshore Rig Activity =
The worldwide mobile offshore rig count was up 4 for the week with 3 jackup=
s and one semisub seeing new contracts. CNOOC Jackup Leaves China CNOOC s=
ecured the first contract for overseas service as an independent contractor=
in the international drilling market. [IMAGE] advertisement A Nati=
onal-Oilwell designed, 1992 built modular offshore drilling rig is availabl=
e for sale direct from the manufacturer. This rig drilled only 5 wells fro=
m the Draugen platform in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Click on =
the link below for full details, photos and seller contact information: h=
ttp://www.rigzone.com/market/surplus_listing.asp?eq_id=3D397 Exp=
loration [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Celtic Resources To Farmout Nort=
h Sea Licenses Mustang Oil Ltd and Celtic Petroleum Ltd have entered a f=
armout agreement for their United Kingdom Seaward licences North Sea blocks=
49/1c, 49/2b and 49/2c, to GDF Britain Ltd. Conoco Focuses on Indonesia =
Conoco expects to spend over $2.5 billion in Indonesia during the next ni=
ne years, as part of planned investment of $3.4 billion between 1998 and 20=
10. Novus Petroleum Wins Padre Island Acreage The Padre Island Project j=
oint venture has been awarded drilling leases totaling 12,630 acres in the =
Padre Island area, in shallow waters offshore Texas. Statoil and ExxonMobi=
l Swap Norwegian Acreage On January 1, 2002, Statoil took over operatorshi=
p and a 20 percent stake in the F-p! rospect of the Barents Sea from ExxonM=
obil. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Production [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] Edison and BG Supply LNG to Gaz de France Edison and BG will soon sign =
a 20-year agreement to supply Gaz de France with liquefied natural gas begi=
nning in 2005. Statoil Makes Record Gas Sales On January 13, 2002, Statoi=
l supplied a total of 137 million cubic meters of gas to customers in Europ=
e beating the record set last winter. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company & =
Financial News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Enron To Select New Audito=
r The Enron Corp. Board of Directors voted today to discharge Arthur And=
ersen as ! the company's auditor. PGS Awarded $58 Million in New Contracts=
Petroleum Geo-Services ASA announced that its onshore division has secure=
d new seismic acquisition contracts in the United States, Ecuador, India an=
d Bangladesh valued at $58 million. Lukoil Announces New Directors LUKOIL=
has nominated Mark Mobius and a leading ChevronTexaco executive to be inde=
pendent directors. Global Industries Announces Management Changes Global =
Industries, Ltd. has appointed William J. Dore, Jr. to the position of Vice=
President - Investor Relations. FTC Requests More Info from Phillips and=
Conoco Phillips Petroleum Company and Conoco have both received requests =
from the Federal Trade Commis! sion for additional information. [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] advertisement [IMAGE] Human Resources in Oil and Gas is the co=
mprehensive HR forum for the industry. The conference will deal with attrac=
ting and retaining quality staff and dealing with the effects of mergers, a=
cquisitions, and restructuring. This conference is a must for anyone involv=
ed in the often hectic human resources decisions of todays oil and gas comp=
anies. HR in Oil and Gas is being held in Aberdeen on February 27 and 28. C=
lick here for more information. Last 7 Days Top Stories [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Former Enron Execs Start New Company Several for=
mer Enron senior executives have formed a new company to provide risk manag=
ement services to the energy industry. Anadarko Petroleum Provides 2002 Ou=
tlook Anadarko Petroleum Corporation outlines its expectations for capital=
spending for 2002 and offers guidance on 2001 financial and operating resu=
lts. U.S. Approves Deepwater Royalty Relief Gale Norton, Secretary of the=
Interior, announced that oil and gas companies drilling in Gulf of Mexico =
deepwater will be given royalty reductions. National-Oilwell Acquires HALC=
O National-Oilwell has acquired HAL Oilfield Pump & Equipment Company. An=
derson Employees ! Destroy Enron Documents Andersen reports that individua=
ls in the firm have disposed of a significant number of electronic and pape=
r documents and correspondence relating to the Enron account Venture To Be=
gin Drilling Program on Sycamore Field Venture Production will start drill=
ing in May of this year at its Sycamore field in the UK Sector of the North=
Sea. Statoil Sells First Oil From Girassol Statoil has sold its first lo=
ad of crude - one million barrels - from the TotalFinaElf-operated Girassol=
field offshore Angola. Energy Partners Completes Hall-Houston Acquisition=
Energy Partners, Ltd. has completed the acquisition of Hall-Houston and h=
as elected Gary Hall, HHOC's founder, to the post of Vice-Chairman of EPL. =
Shell and CNOOC Sign PSC Agreement CNOOC and Shell Exploration China Limi=
ted signed a Production Sharing Contract for the exploration of the Bonan a=
rea of Bohai Bay. Kongsberg Awarded Crazy Horse Project Kongsberg Simrad =
has been awarded a contract for providing an integrated control and monitor=
ing system to BP for the Crazy Horse PDQ semisub. Talisman Expects to Spen=
d $2 Billion in 2002 Talisman's 2002 budget for exploration and developmen=
t is $2 billion which is a 6% increase over the 2001 budget. Petronas and =
Bahrain Develop Offshore Exploration Program Petronas and Bahraini offical=
s met over the weekend to discuss a program for drilling offshore Bahrain. =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Upcoming Oil & Gas Industry Events [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Jan. 22 Alliances and Partnering in Oil & Gas Sin=
gapore Feb. 6 Torch Mid-Winter Energy Conference New York Feb. 7 M=
arine Construction 2002 Houston Feb. 10 2002 SPE International Petroleu=
m Conference & Exhibition in Mexico Villahermosa Feb. 26 2002 IADC/SPE =
Drilling Conference and Exhibition Dallas Feb. 26 Offshore Oil and Gas=
Safety Seminars Aberdeen Feb. 27 Human Resources in Oil & Gas Aberdee=
n Mar. 10 AAPG Annual Meeting Houston Mar. 20 LNG North America Hou=
ston Apr. 9 2002 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibition Hou=
ston list your conference view upcoming events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Horizon Offshore Global Completion Service Hover=
Dril Baker Hughes [IMAGE] [IMAGE] promote your company [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Well Completion and Servicing [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Mobile Dr=
illing Units of the World CD-ROM [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drilling Data Handbook, =
7th Ed. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more products [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] featured equipment: National 1320-UE [IMAGE] Wartsila Genera=
tor Sets [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more equipment [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] featured jobs: - Mechanic - Pipeline Technical Specialist - Advisor=
- Wellhead-Christmas Tree Specialist more hot jobs << featured candid=
ates: - Drilling Engineer - Production & Workover Engineer - Drilling Ma=
nager, Senior Drilling Engineer search for candidates << [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drillships: To 5000': 50.0% (7/14) +5000': 9=
6.0% (24/25) Semisubs: 2nd Gen: 67.1% (49/73) 3rd Gen: 86.0% (43/50) =
4th Gen: 100.0% (38/38) 5th Gen: 100.0% (7/7) Jackups: To 200': 56.=
7% (38/67) 200' MC: 50.0% (12/24) 200' MS: 14.3% (3/21) 300' IC: ! 8=
6.5% (83/96) +300' IC: 90.7% (49/54) Severe Env.: 81.0% (17/21) [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] view complete utilization report[IMAGE][IMAGE]Light Crude Oil=
: $18.10/BBL (-3.83%)Brent Crude Oil: $18.42/BBL (-5.44%)Natural Gas: $2.27=
/MMBtu (-5.81%)Unleaded Gasoline: $0.53/gal (-3.64%)prices from: 1/17/2002c=
hange since: 1/16/2002[IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] Promotional Oppor=
tunitiesBecome a Sponsor, feature your job opening or, advertise your upco=
ming industry conference. Click here for more information, send your pre=
ss release to info@rigzone.com or call us at 281-345-4040. Member Servi=
ces If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, you may unsubscribe b=
y clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone and updating your profile. Y=
ou can also change the format you receive (HTML or Text) and your email add=
ress by logging in and updating your account. Click here to log in . =09