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Subject:RIGZONE Special Offer - Offshore Drilling Permits & Rig Data
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:57:30 -0800 (PST)

=09=09 =09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 home | news | search | maps | data | jobs =
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[IMAGE]=09=09 Get 1 Month Free! Purchase a 12-month subscription to an=
y of Rigzone's data subscription products mentioned in this newsletter betw=
een now and January 31, and we'll extend your subscription by one additiona=
l month free of charge! Want to learn more? Check out our products below. =
[IMAGE] Take a look into the future with Rigzone's Permit Service. C=
overing the offshore Gulf of Mexico area, our permits and plans provide val=
uable insight into things to come - when a drilling project will begin, who=
the operator is, who will do the drilling, and much more. Forecast future =
business and know where to look for new business. full search capabilitie=
s customizable search results printer-friendly pages a historical dat=
abase with data going back to 1994 easy-to-use automatic reports on the mo=
st active operators, hot areas, deepwater permits and more daily or weekly=
email updates For more information on the Rigzone Permit Service, click=
here . If you have questions or would like to request a free trial subscri=
ption, please send an email to info@rigzone.com . [IMAGE] The Gulf o=
f Mexico Activity Report, by Rigzone, is your complete source for Gulf of M=
exico news and data. The report, published every other week, is delivered d=
irect to you with all of the important data items you need. It includes im=
portant news from the last two weeks; a complete rig utilization report wit=
h data broken down by rig type for the current week, the previous month and=
the year ago week; rig utilization summary graphs; a GOM day rate report b=
roken down by rig type complete with graphs and recent changes on a per rig=
basis; recent exploratory permits filed along with historical trend data; =
and a complete listing of every rig at work in the Gulf at the time of the =
report. The rig list is complete with operator, rig name, rig type, rated w=
ater depth, year built, status, rig manager/owner, block, water depth, and =
day rate for each rig. For more information and to purchase your subscrip=
tion to The Gulf of Mexico Activity Report, click here . If you have questi=
ons or would like to request a free trial copy, please send an email to inf=
o@rigzone.com . [IMAGE] The Rigzone Worldwide Rig Activity Report is=
the essential guide to offshore drilling activity throughout the world. Yo=
u will find a comprehensive listing of every mobile offshore drilling unit =
along with vital information including current operator, operating status a=
nd day rate, all organized by rig manager. The Report is issued once a mo=
nth. Report data sets include rig name, rig type, rated water depth, year b=
uilt, status (drilling, cold stacked, under construction, etc.), operator, =
location, water depth in current location, date of availability, and day ra=
te (when available). For more information and to purchase your subscrip=
tion to The Rigzone Worldwide Rig Activity Report, click here . If you have=
questions or would like to request a free trial copy, please send an email=
to info@rigzone.com . [IMAGE] The Rig Utilization Database provides=
comprehensive rig counts broken out by month, area of the world, and rig t=
ype. This highly accurate data is available going back 10 years to provide =
a powerful historical perspective. This online system provides a custom re=
port generation/search tool that allows you to generate reports based on a=
ny combination of the following criteria: time period (specify start and e=
nd date), rig types, and area of the world. Data can also be exported in co=
mma-delimited format for use with Excel and other spreadsheet programs. =
For more information and to purchase your subscription to the Rig Utilizat=
ion Database, click here . If you have questions or would like to request a=
trial subscription, please send an email to info@rigzone.com . [IMAGE=
] The Day Rate History Database provides average day rates across all typ=
es of offshore rigs (drillship, jack-up, semisub, and submersible). Informa=
tion is available for the Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Rim, and West Africa dati=
ng back to 1996. Easily create the reports you need with the report generat=
ion tool. Reports break down by year and month providing average day rates =
for each rig type across each month. This package includes access to Rig=
zone's online day rate database for one year. For more information and =
to purchase your subscription to the Day Rate History Database, click here =
. If you have questions or would like to request a trial subscription, plea=
se send an email to info@rigzone.com . =09[IMAGE]=09=09
=09=09=09 Member Services If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter=
, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone and upd=
ating your profile. You can also change the format you receive (HTML or T=
ext) and your email address by logging in and updating your account. Clic=
k here to log in . =09=09