Enron Mail

Subject:RIGZONE Special Offer - The Rigzone Career Center
Date:Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:54:26 -0800 (PST)

=09=09 =09=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 home | news | search | maps | data | jobs =
| market | store =09[IMAGE]=09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 get a job get a job The Rigzone Career Center is=
your place to find a job in the oil & gas industry. We have designed a sys=
tem to make your job search easier through a powerful online resume creatio=
n tool, automatic job matching, advanced search functions, and more. At you=
r finger tips you'll find the hottest industry jobs, and your resume will b=
e presented to hundreds of industry employers and recruiters on a daily bas=
is. Post your resume on Rigzone and get a head start on your future. Visit =
us today: jobs.rigzone.com The Rigzone Career Center is the oil & g=
as industry's premier source for top quality candidates ready to work for y=
ou. Our advanced online systems combine with our best-in-class pricing and =
screened, premium resume database to help you fill your open position in re=
cord time. We've taken out the hassle and made finding the right employees =
easy and cost effective. Visit us today: jobs.rigzone.com Current Job =
Openings: Drilling (16 jobs) Production (16 jobs) Specialty Servi=
ces (8 jobs) Engineering (61 jobs) Maritime (11 jobs) Management/A=
dmin (29 jobs) Features & Benefits: Free to use: Candidates enjoy free=
access to the Career Center with free resume posting. Quick and easy resu=
me posting: Our online system allows you to post a resume quickly and easil=
y using a simple web form with create, edit and delete functions. Posting y=
our resume is free. Unlimited job searches: Browse by job category or sear=
ch through the entire jobs database - free! Search criteria include job cat=
egory, industry expertise/skills requirements, experience desired, educatio=
n desired, languages required, and job location. Full job access: Complete=
job detail is available for all jobs. Personalized career center: When yo=
u place your resume in Rigzone's Career Center you are automatically provid=
ed with a personalized page that allows you to track your job search effort=
s anytime, from anywhere. Automatic matching: Our automated system compare=
s your resume to incoming jobs and matches jobs to your resume informing yo=
u of matches so you can quickly and easily apply for jobs that seem to fit =
your requirements and background. Hot jobs: find the hottest new jobs on R=
igzone with the click of a button - the Hot Jobs feature gives you easy acc=
ess to some of the best job listings on the Net. Confidential resume: Inte=
rested in looking for a new job but you want to keep it hush-hush? Keep you=
r options open with a confidential resume. Your contact information will be=
hidden from employers until you provide it. Current Resumes: Dr=
illing (1256 resumes) Production (753 resumes) Specialty Services (448 =
resumes) Engineering (1200 resumes) Maritime (240 resumes) Management=
/Admin (935 resumes) Features & Benefits: Specialized for the oil & gas=
industry: Our Career Center caters to the oil & gas industry only so we ca=
n serve your needs more effectively and efficiently. Candidate screening: =
Rigzone maintains the industry's premier database of job candidates by scre=
ening all incoming resumes for appropriate levels of experience in the indu=
stry so you can find the top quality candidates you are looking for. Quick=
and easy job postings: Our online system allows you to post job openings q=
uickly and easily using a simple web form with create, edit and delete func=
tions. Posting your first job listing is free. Additional listings may be p=
urchased individually (unlimited access plan includes 10 free job listings)=
. Unlimited resume searches: Browse by region or search through the entire=
resume database - free! Search criteria include job category, industry exp=
ertise/skills, experience, education, languages, and location. Full resume=
access: Complete resume detail is available for all resumes and is absolut=
ely free (note: contact information is hidden until purchased). Automatic =
candidate filtering: When you post a job you have the option to automatical=
ly filter candidates who wish to apply to your listing. Automatic matching=
: Our automated system compares your jobs to incoming resumes and matches r=
esumes to your job postings informing you of resume matches when the job is=
placed and informing candidates of job matches when their resumes match yo=
ur job requirements. Start Your Job Search: Search Jobs Post Your =
Resume [IMAGE] Start Finding Employees: Search Resumes Post Your Jo=
b Mark your calender! On Wedneday, February 6th, access to Rigz=
one's premium Gulf of Mexico Drilling Permit and Plans database will be op=
en to all rigzone members and website visitors. Additionally, HR managers =
and Industry recruiters will have unlimited free access to the Rigzone Care=
er Center. Take a test drive, we think you will like what you find. =
=09=09=09 Member Services If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter=
, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone and upd=
ating your profile. You can also change the format you receive (HTML or T=
ext) and your email address by logging in and updating your account. Clic=
k here to log in . =09=09