Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Rankings: MBA for Executives
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:17:10 -0700 (PDT)

<<Dear Colleagues:
<<The forthcoming Financial Times survey and the recent BusinessWeek survey
<<of MBA programs for executives do not include our executive program
<<because it has not been in operation long enough. Only programs that have
<<graduates from 1998 or earlier were included. As you know, the first
<<class graduating from the Rice MBA for executives program graduated in 2000.
<<Please use this information in fielding any inquiries about the ranking
<<of our MBA for executives.
<<Kay Henry
<<Director, MBA for Executives
<<Jones Graduate School of Management
<<Rice University
<<6100 Main Street, MS-531
<<Houston, TX 77005-1892
<<Phone: 713-348-4731
<<Fax: 713-348-5131
<<Website: http://www.rice.edu/executive
<<Link to Campus Map: http://dacnet.rice.edu/maps/space/