Enron Mail

Subject:Restructuring Transmission Operations
Date:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 02:23:11 -0800 (PST)


Register by February 15, 2002 and SAVE $300 Restructuring Transmissi=
on Operations Improved Business Processes and New RTO Regulatory Initiative=
s April 22-23, 2002 * Hilton Alexandria Mark Center * Alexandria, VA =
Request More Information Register Now! =09

Capitalize on the Experience of 24 Transmission Experts from: Altalink =
American Superconductor Atlantic Energy Partners/Neptune Regional Transmis=
sion System Balch & Bingham, LLP Bingham Dana, LLP Blackwell Sanders Pe=
per Martin, LLP Bonneville Power Administration California ISO Consumers=
Energy Company/ Michigan Electric Transmission Company Edison Electric I=
nstitute Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FirstEnergy ICF Consultin=
g Idaho Public Utilities Commission LECG Midwest ISO PA Consulting Gro=
up PPL EnergyPlus PSEG Standard & Poor's Trans-Elect, Inc. Western Are=
a Power Administration Wright & Talisman, PC=09 Get the Latest Updates on=
: RTO Formation and Standard Market Design Evaluate FERC's latest rulemaki=
ng and timeframe Ongoing Legal and Jurisdictional Debates Address State an=
d Federal arguments on mandated RTO participation Regional Differences Pe=
rspectives from Texas, Florida, California and the Northeast Financial Con=
sequences of the Migration to RTOs Identify liability for cost of consolida=
tion or failure Relieve Regional Congestion Canadian asset owners apply le=
ssons learned Market-Based Transmission Pricing Structures Profit from cor=
rect pricing objectives and protection from congestion Benchmark Your Per=
formance against Case Studies from: Trans-Elect, Inc. - Examines financial=
prospects and challenges when acquiring transmission assets Idaho Public =
Utilities Commission Encourages regional policy frameworks for new transmis=
sion financing and development at the state level American Superconductor =
- Compares new transmission technologies within existing utility networks =
Western Area Power Administration - Evaluates the impact and cost of Path 1=
5 expansion on transmission in the West Plus RATING NEW TRANSMISSION ENTI=
TIES - A unique perspective from Standard & Poor's A P=
re-Conference Workshop - Monday, April 22, 2002 Take Advantage=
of the New Market for Transmission Business Products and Services =09

Customer Service Center Download Brochure [IMAGE] =09 Contact In=
formation CBI prides itself on making the registration process fast and co=
nvenientby providing 5 easy ways to register! [IMAGE] FAX 781-939-2490=
[IMAGE] PHONE 800-817-8601 781-939-2438 [IMAGE] WEBSITE cbinet.c=
om [IMAGE] MAIL Registration Dept CBI 500 W. Cummings Park, Ste 510=
0 Woburn, MA 01801 [IMAGE] EMAIL kimh@cbinet.com =09

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