Enron Mail

Subject:Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry
Date:Wed, 30 Jan 2002 07:36:04 -0800 (PST)

Ongoing Legislation to Protect The Electric Power Industry to be discussed at CBI's Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry Conference

Woburn, MA, January 30 2002-- Last night in his state of the Union Address President Bush had mentioned that they have found diagrams of American Nuclear power plants and water facilities in terrorist camps. The "Attack on America" on September 11th and subsequent developments have necessitated a quantum shift in Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry. The threat and scope of malicious and purposeful sabotage today is much greater than that of natural disasters. Therefore, the Center for Business Intelligence has developed the "Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry" conference.

Power industry executives will examine the impact of heightened security measures on their companies' day-to-day operations. Crucial factors that will be discussed include strengthening data security and protecting against cybercrime. The planning and creating inherently resilient infrastructures and assisting policymakers in developing adequate legislation to safeguard the nation's energy supply and distribution. Hear about Security measures that these industry leaders are adopting: Utilicorp United, Inc., Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation, PEPCO, National Regulatory Research Institute, National Association of Regulated Utility Commissioners, Electric Power Research Institute and many more.

Representative Jeff Morris of the Washington State Legislature and Chair of the House Telecommunications, Technology and Energy Committee will keynote at CBI's Safety and Security in the Electric Power Industry. http://www.cbinet.com/events/PB231/index.html The Federal Bureau of Investigation will discuss how Houston's National Infrastructure Protection Center benefits the energy industry.

Join this outstanding group of speakers at the only conference that gives electric power executives the chance to benchmark their security procedures with peers and experts. To register for this crucial conference please call toll free 1-800-817-8601 or email cbireg@cbinet.com or please visit our website at http://www.cbinet.com/events/PB231/index.html

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