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on NOVELL NETWARE 05/31/01 - Today's focus: Send Novell your support Dear Wincenty Kaminski, In this issue: * Novell's poor financials cuts deep into company * Links related to Novell NetWare * Featured reader resource _______________________________________________________________ NEWS ALERTS NOW AVAILABLE FROM NETWORK WORLD! You have very specific information needs about a technology or technology vendor and you subscribe to a newsletter or go on- line to find out about the strategic developments in this specific area. But how do you stay up with the late-breaking news? Network World now offers six very focused News Alerts to keep you abreast of the most significant developments of the week on LANs, Storage, Network/Systems Management, The Edge, Cisco and Microsoft. As an added service, if there's impactful, late-breaking news about one of these specific technologies or vendors, by subscribing to our News Alerts, we'll let you know what it is within hours. Subscribe today at http://nww1.com/go/ad082.html _______________________________________________________________ Today's focus: Send Novell your support By Dave Kearns Gathering information about Novell's changes in the aftermath of its recently announced poor second quarter financial results, was like covering a war zone. E-mails and phone messages kept coming in from 'the front' - other journalists, Novell employees, recent ex-employees, as well as interested bystanders such as company stockholders, spouses and significant others. First there were reports that all Novell employees in San Jose were fired and the buildings sold. But some reflection showed that CEO Eric Schmidt and CFO Dennis Rainey were a) still with the company and b) still in San Jose, so that wasn't true. Then there were reports that "hit men" were spotted flying out of Salt Lake City to Novell offices worldwide with orders to close them down. I even heard that the entire NetWare development team was let go. As it turned out, none of those reports was completely true, or completely false. The workforce at San Jose was cut back dramatically, but the office is still there. NetWare's product team is still intact, although the Border Manager team was heavily cut. Some non-U.S. offices, in the Pacific region for example, were hit hard, while Europe suffered little or no personnel loss. It does appear, though, that the on-again, off-again, back-on-again DigitalMe initiative is off for good. Besides the folks who were shown the door last week, there are others who have been given notice that they will be laid off in either four weeks' or six months' time, as projects and contracts are wrapped up. The dust has yet to settle. But while it was exhilarating to watch at the time, on reflection it's rather sad. Some people with whom I should have spoken to more often to tell them how much I appreciated their work are now gone. This is a good time for you to talk to the people you rely on at Novell for information, product and support. Let them know how much you depend on them. Find out who their manager is and send out letters or e-mails of commendation. Let Novell's management know where your priorities lie, name the people who have supported you best and what you expect from the company you've been loyal to all these years. _______________________________________________________________ To contact Dave Kearns: Dave Kearns is the Word Wrangler for Virtual Quill, a writing agency serving the computer and networking industries. If your target customer doesn't know your product, doesn't know its uses and doesn't know he needs it, he's not going to buy it. From books to reviews, marketing to manuals, VQ can help you and your business. Virtual Quill - "words to sell by..." Find out more at: http://www.vquill.com/, or by e-mail at mailto:info@vquill.com. _______________________________________________________________ RELATED EDITORIAL LINKS Novell posts Q2 loss, plans layoffs - Computerworld, 05/23/01 http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2001/0523novelloff.html Novell caching spinoff no cash cow - Network World, 05/21/01 http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2001/0521volera.html Novell spinoff lays off 10% of workforce - Computerworld, 05/24/01 http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2001/0524novellspin.html Breaking Novell and NetWare news, updated daily: http://www.nwfusion.com/news/financial/novell.html Archive of the Novell NetWare newsletter: http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/netware/index.html ______________________________________________________________ FEATURED READER RESOURCE User Excellence Award If you've completed an interesting network project in the last 12 to 18 months, here's your chance to gain industry recognition for it. Network World is currently accepting nominations for its annual User Excellence Award. For more information and an online nomination form, go to http://www.nwfusion.com/nw/awards.html#excellence Deadline for submission is June 11. _______________________________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES To subscribe or unsubscribe to any Network World e-mail newsletters, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/notprinteditnews.asp To unsubscribe from promotional e-mail go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/ep To change your e-mail address, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/changeemail.asp Subscription questions? Contact Customer Service by replying to this message. Have editorial comments? Write Jeff Caruso, Newsletter Editor, at: mailto:jcaruso@nww.com For advertising information, write Jamie Kalbach, Fusion Sales Manager, at: mailto:jkalbach@nww.com Copyright Network World, Inc., 2001 ------------------------ This message was sent to: vkamins@enron.com