Enron Mail

Subject:Special Offer from Harvard Business School Publishing
Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 15:13:58 -0800 (PST)

Put the revolutionary Balanced Scorecard to work in your organization. O=
ur special Measuring Corporate Performance package brings you everything yo=
u need for just $895 (regularly $1,084.80 -- a savings of $189.80) To ord=
er, click here: http://hbsp.ed10.net/ud/X0UH/RN52/UUX2/HK/J2KP5?cid=3D1210=
890&email=3Dvkamins@enron.com Or, call us at 800-668-6780. Outside the U.S=
. and Canada, call 617-783-7450. When ordering, be sure to mention priorit=
y code 6501, and indicate the video format you prefer: _ NTSC Version: Pro=
duct #8435BN (Video standard used in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and=
Japan.) _ PAL Version: Product #8435PN (Video standard used in Europe.) =
Dear Wincenty Kaminski: Translating strategy into action is a challenge th=
at managers like us face every day. In today's unpredictable climate, you m=
ay find that traditional financial measures don't always provide a complet=
e picture of where your company is -- and where it needs to go to succeed.=
We need to be able to filter the corporate vision down to specific perfor=
mance measurements that can be used to mobilize the entire organization. =
Enter the Balanced Scorecard. Beginning with their seminal article in "Har=
vard Business Review," "The Balanced Scorecard -- Measures that Drive Perfo=
rmance," Robert Kaplan and David Norton have provided a powerful measureme=
nt *and* management tool that has revolutionized how hundreds of companies=
-- from Chrysler to Hewlett-Packard to Barclay's Bank -- evaluate and imp=
rove their businesses. ************************************************* P=
ut the Balanced Scorecard to the Test -- Satisfaction Guaranteed *********=
**************************************** Now I'd like to invite you to try=
"Measuring Corporate Performance," a special package created here at Harva=
rd Business School Publishing to help your organization benefit from the B=
alanced Scorecard, with a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. This pr=
ogram offers you and your team the fastest and most effective way to get up=
to speed on the tools and techniques of the Balanced Scorecard. Use it and=
you'll: * Develop a framework and specific steps to manage strategic per=
formance and measure results; * See how to achieve breakthrough improvemen=
ts in critical areas such as product, process, customer, and market develop=
ment; and * Discover techniques to overcome obstacles to your success. *=
************************************************ YOU CAN PUT THE BALANCED S=
CORECARD TO WORK RIGHT AWAY **********************************************=
*** Start with "The Balanced Scorecard" video. It provides an overview and=
takes you and your team behind the scenes at companies that have successfu=
lly used these techniques. Then use the "Balancing the Corporate Scorecar=
d" interactive CD-ROM business simulation to get hands-on experience using =
the Balanced Scorecard in an engaging, no-risk environment. If you fail, d=
on't worry -- just hit the "reset" button. It's the ultimate in learning b=
y doing. Finally, draw upon an extensive resource library including Kaplan=
and Norton's best-selling book, "The Balanced Scorecard," "Harvard Busines=
s Review" articles, and Harvard Business School case studies for on-going =
insights. Together, it's everything you need to help your company reap th=
e benefits of the Balanced Scorecard. ************************************=
************************************************ The best way to see how t=
his powerful package can work for you is to try it. That's why all you need=
to do is reply to this e-mail and we'll send your copy right away. The =
cost is just $895 plus shipping and handling (regularly $1,084.80 -- a savi=
ngs of $189.80)-- less than the cost of a seminar or even a half-day of a =
consultant's time. And, if you're not completely satisfied, simply return t=
he package within 30 days for a full no-questions-asked refund. To order,=
click here: http://hbsp.ed10.net/ud/X0UH/RN52/UUX2/HK/J2KP5?cid=3D1210890=
&email=3Dvkamins@enron.com Or, call us at 800-668-6780. Outside the U.S. a=
nd Canada, call 617-783-7450. You can use these tools when and where you =
want to meet the specific challenges that you face today -- and tomorrow. Y=
ou get practical guidance plus a resource library that you'll call on for =
years to come. Best of all, you can try it without risk when you reply to=
this e-mail today. Don't delay. Unleash the power of "Measuring Corporate =
Performance" in your organization. Sincerely, George W. Pratt, III Dire=
ctor P.S. This special offer with $189.80 in savings is available on a lim=
ited basis to selected managers only, so please act today. To order, click=
here: http://hbsp.ed10.net/ud/X0UH/RN52/UUX2/HK/J2KP5?cid=3D1210890&;email=
=3Dvkamins@enron.com Or, call us at 800-668-6780. Outside the U.S. and Can=
ada, call 617-783-7450. When ordering, be sure to mention priority code 65=
01, and indicate the video format you prefer: _ NTSC Version: Product #843=
5BN (Video standard used in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Japan.) =
_ PAL Version: Product #8435PN (Video standard used in Europe.) If you wis=
h to unsubscribe from special offer mailings, please click here: http://hbs=
p.ed10.net/us/X0UH/3O/UUX2/J2KP5/dmthbWluc0BlbnJvbi5jb20=3D/ [[X0UH-UUX2-=
J2KP5-D]][IMAGE] =09