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Subject:Syncrasy Daily Trader Summary for Thu, Dec 20, 2001
Date:Thu, 20 Dec 2001 07:15:37 -0800 (PST)

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@syncrasy.com Data last updated: Thursday, Dec 20, 2001 at 09:04AM ET =
Commentary last updated: Thursday, Dec 20, 2001 at 09:14AM ET Meteorolog=
ist: Andy Weingarten... APB Energy / True Quote Congratulations Andy Wei=
ngarten, APB Energy! Winner of the $50,000 Winter 2000-01 AQUILA/AMS Seaso=
nal Forecasting Competition. For more information please visit: AMSor Aquil=
a Click here for a definition of 'Average-Daily Maximum Temperature' To=
day: Thursday, December 20, 2001 Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatili=
ty Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to =
enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 38 +1 ERCOT(SP) 64 +1 FRCC(SE) 68 +1 MAAC(NE=
) 45 +1 MAIN(CTR) 40 +1 MAPP(HP) 35 NC NPCC(NE) 39 +1 SERC(SE) 55 +1 SPP(SP=
) 56 +1 WSCC(NW) 41 +2 WSCC(RK) 41 -1 WSCC(SW) 55 +1 Range Standard Dev=
iation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 33 34 39 37 35 52=
54 49 Max 40 41 42 41 44 59 64 56 Min 29 29 36 35 30 48 45 46 Range 11 12 =
6 6 14 11 19 10 StD-P 2.8 4.2 1.4 1.4 3.6 3.3 5.3 3.0 Count 12 12 12 12 12 =
12 12 12 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecast Used Within the Volatility =
Matrix Day 1-5 Discussion: Important storm about to hit the West coast=
. By the time it exits the East for Christmas, a moderate arctic airmass sh=
ould have finally invaded much of the Eastern two thirds of the U.S. The a=
ir behind the storm now exiting the NE turned out to be a little colder tha=
n expected as 20's and 30's are widespread this morning even down to the Gu=
lf Coast. The first real Lake Effect snows of the season are underway in th=
e Eastern Lakes. Sunshine farther West will modify this airmass to near if =
not slightly above normal this afternoon. But, it is a part of a stepping d=
own in temperatures that has gradually occurred over the last week to 10 da=
ys. That pattern should continue as Canadian highs are lined up to our NW a=
nd I still expect each one to be progressively colder into early January. T=
he next storm is plowin! g into the West Coast today with rain this morning=
well South into Central California. This system should emerge into Colorad=
o tomorrow with a weekend track to the NE toward the Great Lakes then East =
from there. I do expect some Christmas weekend snows in the Northern fringe=
s of this storm, but more real estate will see rain rather than snow. A bel=
ow normal plunge of air should follow this storm by Christmas as ridging ra=
pidly develops in the West deepening a trough into the East. Five day tempe=
rature numbers still reflect an above normal bias as we see one final warmu=
p the next 2-3 days before the colder air strikes late in the period. Tom=
orrow: Friday, December 21, 2001 Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatili=
ty Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to =
enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 36 -3 ERCOT(SP) 66 +3 FRCC(SE) 69 NC MAAC(NE=
) 40 -1 MAIN(CTR) 38 -4 MAPP(HP) 34 -2 NPCC(NE) 32 NC SERC(SE) 56 +1 SPP(SP=
) 57 NC WSCC(NW) 38 +3 WSCC(RK) 36 +4 WSCC(SW) 52 NC Range Standard Dev=
iation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 34 37 34 36 32 54=
60 48 Max 37 40 42 41 43 61 67 54 Min 29 30 30 33 27 48 55 43 Range 8 10 1=
2 8 16 13 12 11 StD-P 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.4 5.0 3.4 2.8 3.9 Count 14 14 14 14 14 =
14 14 14 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecast Used Within the Volatility =
Matrix Day 3: Saturday, December 22, 2001 Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Tem=
p. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click o=
n image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 46 -1 ERCOT(SP) 65 +3 FRCC(SE) 73=
-1 MAAC(NE) 42 -2 MAIN(CTR) 44 +4 MAPP(HP) 28 +1 NPCC(NE) 34 -2 SERC(SE) 5=
8 -1 SPP(SP) 49 +4 WSCC(NW) 39 -1 WSCC(RK) 28 +2 WSCC(SW) 52 NC Range S=
tandard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 39 30 =
30 36 26 56 59 48 Max 42 38 37 39 39 60 63 52 Min 36 25 24 33 18 53 55 44 R=
ange 6 13 13 6 21 7 8 8 StD-P 1.2 2.9 3.4 1.8 5.4 2.2 2.6 2.9 Count 12 12 1=
2 12 12 12 12 12 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecast Used Within the Vol=
atility Matrix Day 4: Sunday, December 23, 2001 Syncrasy's Choice: Del=
ta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (C=
lick on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 41 -2 ERCOT(SP) 56 +2 FRCC(=
SE) 75 NC MAAC(NE) 48 +1 MAIN(CTR) 30 -2 MAPP(HP) 20 NC NPCC(NE) 40 +1 SERC=
(SE) 55 -1 SPP(SP) 39 NC WSCC(NW) 40 -1 WSCC(RK) 31 +2 WSCC(SW) 54 -1 R=
ange Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean =
33 23 38 37 24 59 50 50 Max 39 29 43 40 32 61 63 53 Min 29 17 36 34 14 57 3=
8 44 Range 10 12 7 6 18 4 25 9 StD-P 2.7 3.6 1.8 2.1 4.9 1.1 6.5 2.7 Count =
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecast Used Within =
the Volatility Matrix Day 5: Monday, December 24, 2001 Syncrasy's Choic=
e: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IM=
AGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 32 -4 ERCOT(SP) 52 +=
1 FRCC(SE) 70 NC MAAC(NE) 44 -5 MAIN(CTR) 26 -3 MAPP(HP) 18 -5 NPCC(NE) 40 =
NC SERC(SE) 50 NC SPP(SP) 41 +3 WSCC(NW) 40 -4 WSCC(RK) 31 -4 WSCC(SW) 54 -=
2 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP S=
W Mean 25 24 39 39 24 52 44 50 Max 30 28 43 43 33 60 55 55 Min 20 20 36 36 =
14 47 30 44 Range 10 8 7 7 19 13 25 11 StD-P 3.3 2.6 2.1 1.9 5.4 3.3 6.9 3.=
5 Count 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecast Used=
Within the Volatility Matrix Day 6-10 Discussion: With model consisten=
cy on my side, I am confident that this 6-10 day forecast period will verif=
y colder than normal for much of the East. If it does, it will be the first=
period in over two months that runs cold. Relative to normal, it may not b=
e as significant as some of the warmer departures have been, but it should =
get some attention. There are some differences on where the heart of the co=
ld sets up. I believe it will tend to be more on the Plains rather than the=
East Coast. But all models in this time frame have a strong ridge West/tro=
ugh East signature on them. One additional surprise could be a Southern jet=
stream storm. I don't see anything particularly ominous yet, but the setup=
suggests something could be in the offing. Day 6: Tuesday, December 25,=
2001 Click Herefor Syncrasy's 6-10 summary information. Syncrasy's Choic=
e: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IM=
AGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 30 -4 ERCOT(SP) 53 -=
1 FRCC(SE) 66 +1 MAAC(NE) 39 -2 MAIN(CTR) 22 -10 MAPP(HP) 14 -13 NPCC(NE) 3=
6 -3 SERC(SE) 46 -1 SPP(SP) 35 -7 WSCC(NW) 40 -3 WSCC(RK) 31 -5 WSCC(SW) 55=
-1 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK SE SP=
SW Mean 22 22 34 38 25 46 42 50 Max 28 28 40 41 33 54 51 55 Min 17 15 29 3=
5 14 41 33 45 Range 11 13 11 6 19 13 18 10 StD-P 3.6 3.6 3.3 2.0 5.3 3.8 5.=
8 3.3 Count 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecast Used Wit=
hin the Volatility Matrix Day 7: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Syncrasy'=
s Choice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IM=
AGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 28 -7 ERCOT(S=
P) 54 -2 FRCC(SE) 64 -1 MAAC(NE) 36 -4 MAIN(CTR) 23 -9 MAPP(HP) 17 -11 NPCC=
(NE) 32 -4 SERC(SE) 44 -4 SPP(SP) 37 -8 WSCC(NW) 40 -2 WSCC(RK) 31 -5 WSCC(=
SW) 55 -2 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE NW RK=
SE SP SW Mean 21 23 31 37 26 42 42 50 Max 27 28 36 42 35 48 50 56 Min 15 1=
7 27 34 20 36 33 46 Range 12 11 9 8 15 12 17 10 StD-P 3.5 3.6 2.5 2.9 5.3 3=
.9 6.2 3.5 Count 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecast Use=
d Within the Volatility Matrix Day 8: Thursday, December 27, 2001 Syncr=
asy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE]=
[IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 18 -6 ERC=
OT(SP) 48 +4 FRCC(SE) 53 -1 MAAC(NE) 25 -6 MAIN(CTR) 16 -7 MAPP(HP) 10 -11 =
NPCC(NE) 25 -8 SERC(SE) 34 -3 SPP(SP) 29 -6 WSCC(NW) 30 -5 WSCC(RK) 15 -5 W=
SCC(SW) 44 -6 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE N=
W RK SE SP SW Mean 21 23 29 36 23 43 46 49 Max 26 31 33 41 34 49 52 56 Min =
14 17 24 30 14 38 38 43 Range 12 14 9 11 20 11 14 13 StD-P 3.4 3.5 3.2 3.2 =
5.8 3.7 4.6 4.0 Count 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Click Hereto See Each Weather Forecas=
t Used Within the Volatility Matrix Day 9: Friday, December 28, 2001 Sy=
ncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMA=
GE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) 19 +1 =
ERCOT(SP) 41 -2 FRCC(SE) 60 +3 MAAC(NE) 23 -1 MAIN(CTR) 15 -2 MAPP(HP) 8 -1=
0 NPCC(NE) 21 -4 SERC(SE) 37 +1 SPP(SP) 25 -5 WSCC(NW) 30 -6 WSCC(RK) 13 -8=
WSCC(SW) 46 -1 Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg CT HP NE=
NW RK SE SP SW Mean 20 20 28 34 23 45 43 50 Max 27 31 35 40 34 51 53 56 Mi=
n 14 12 21 29 14 40 37 46 Range 13 19 14 11 20 11 16 10 StD-P 4.1 6.5 4.7 3=
.0 5.4 3.4 4.5 3.0 Count 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Click Hereto See Each Weather Fore=
cast Used Within the Volatility Matrix Day 10: Saturday, December 29, 200=
1 Syncrasy's Choice: Delta Temp. Volatility Matrix [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAG=
E][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] (Click on image to enlarge) [IMAGE] ECAR(CTR) =
18 +5 ERCOT(SP) 43 +4 FRCC(SE) 62 +6 MAAC(NE) 24 +8 MAIN(CTR) 14 NC MAPP(HP=
) 6 -14 NPCC(NE) 23 +7 SERC(SE) 35 +3 SPP(SP) 22 -11 WSCC(NW) 27 -4 WSCC(RK=
) 3 -14 WSCC(SW) 46 NC Range Standard Deviation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Reg C=
T HP NE NW RK SE SP SW Mean 15 13 25 28 11 39 36 41 Max 21 19 29 33 18 40 3=
9 47 Min 12 6 22 26 5 37 30 34 Range 9 13 7 7 13 3 9 13 StD-P 2.6 5.5 2.2 1=
.7 4.4 1.0 2.7 5.5 Count 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Click Hereto See Each Weather Fore=
cast Used Within the Volatility Matrix Trader Summary is designed around=
and formatted for the [IMAGE]Plasma displays, RainbowWall? and DataWall? =
Trader Summary can also be viewed from www.syncrasy.comor www.apbenerg=
y.comor www.truequote.com [IMAGE] =09