Enron Mail

Subject:The Insighter: Volume 2 Issue 1
Date:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 08:24:45 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE]=09 Volume 2 Issue 1 The Insighter, Technical Insights' monthly e-n=
ewsletter, delves into world-wide technical developments with articles writ=
ten by Technical Insights' analysts. The e-newsletter provides intelligence=
that keeps you abreast of cutting-edge technologies in your markets and in=
spires fresh ideas to grow your business. In this issue you will find: (ar=
ticles below are from an archived databank, please respond to email for acc=
ess to the most current findings.) Science & Government Microelectronic=
s Genetic Technology News Inside R&D Advanced Coatings & Surface Technol=
ogy Advanced Manufacturing Technology Sensor Technology High-Tech Materi=
als Components For A Terrorist's "Dirty Nuke" Can Be Found At Your Local =
Hospital, Experts Say by David Kramer - Technical Insights Science and Gov=
ernment Alert By now, "dirty nuke" has become a ubiquitous, if frequently=
misunderstood, designation for a bomb that would spread deadly radioactive=
materials without producing a nuclear blast. However, it may come as a sur=
prise to many that ... Read the entire article For information related to=
the article above please click reply and indicate your interest below: =
For more information on Science & Government Alert To purchase related r=
eport Lab-on-a-Chip - 4th Edition (D229) For information on other related=
reports Practical Quantum Computing Advance By Charles Bergquist - Techn=
ical Insights Microelectronics Technology Alert Bringing the possibility o=
f practical quantum computing one step closer, a team of IBM researchers ha=
s managed to build a molecule and manipulate its quantum properties through=
the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques to factor a number.=
Using a process known as... Read the entire article For information rela=
ted to the article above please indicate your interest below: For more i=
nformation on Microelectronics Alert To purchase related report Nanodevice=
(D220) For information on other related reports Possible New Pathway F=
or Osteoporosis Treatment by Albert Hester - Technical Insights Genetic Tec=
hnology News Alert Researchers at Genome Therapeutics Corp. and Creighton =
University (Omaha, NB) have identified a specific mutation in the ... Read =
the entire article For information related to the article above please in=
dicate your interest below: For more information on Genetic Technology N=
ews Alert To purchase related report Proteomics (D232) For information o=
n other related reports Here is a list of other articles currently on t=
echnicalinsights.frost.com . Please note you will complete a free and easy =
registration to read articles below that can impact Enron Corporation. I=
n 2002, Watch For: [Inside R&D] Coatings Promise To Prolong Hip, Knee Im=
plants [Advanced Coatings and Surface Technology Alert] The National Inst=
itutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Spire Biomedical Inc. two grants worth $=
850,000 to develop better coatings for prosthetic and dental implants... mo=
re World's Smallest Machine Vision Camera Introduced [Advanced Manufact=
uring Technology Alert] The world's smallest high-resolution (1280 x 1024) =
digital CMOS camera designed specifically for machine vision applications w=
as just unveiled by... more Liar, Liar, Face on Fire [Sensor Technology=
] "This technology represents a new and potentially accurate method of lie =
detection," declares May Clinic endocrinologist... more Create Faster Pr=
ogrammable Chips From Silicon Germanium [High-Tech Materials Alert] Scien=
tists at Rensselaer are using advanced materials to create a faster program=
mable chip that could set the standard for future... more What's New in =
Q1 with Technical Insights: (For more information please indicate interest=
below) Lab-on-a-Chip, 4th Edition (available now ) Nonionic Surfactants N=
atural and Synthetic Waxes Surfactants in Household and Personal Care Produ=
cts Advances in Biotechnology for Chemical Manufacture Wireless Sensors Pl=
ease have my Account Executive contact me by: Phone Email Fax [IMAGE=
] This email was sent to vkamins@enron.com Your name (Vince Kaminsky) a=
nd email address (vkamins@enron.com) have been registered with Technical In=
sights, a division of Frost & Sullivan. If you have received this e-mail=
in error, or wish to be removed from our list, please REPLY and write REMO=
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