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Subject:The MATLAB Digest; Volume 9, number 4
Date:Thu, 22 Nov 2001 08:02:41 -0800 (PST)

The MATLAB Digest November 2001 Volume 9, number 4
The MathWorks electronic news bulletin. Articles provide tips and
shortcuts for using the MATLAB(R) and Simulink(R) product family, as
well as other technical, product, service, and event information.

---------------------------------- Contents --------------------------

(1) Bluetooth Voice Simulink Model
(2) The Technical Support Guide to Graphics Rendering and
(3) MATLAB File Exchange

Product Information
(4) Instrument Control Toolbox support for TekVISA
(5) DSP Blockset
(6) New API for Stateflow
(7) Third Party Product: PowerDAQ PCI-based Data Acquisition Products
from United Electronic Industries, Inc.

(8) MathWorks Training
(9) MathWorks Free Seminars

---------------------------------- Technical -------------------------

(1) Bluetooth Voice Simulink Model
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless networking technology that enables
easy interconnection of mobile computers, mobile phones, headsets,
personal digital assistants, and computer peripherals without the need
for cables. When designing Bluetooth systems and semiconductors, it is
crucial to simulate and test them in the presence of interference from
these other devices. Simulink enables you to simulate the behavior of
their devices...


(2) The Technical Support Guide to Graphics Rendering and
This Technical Note provides information on renderers, how to
diagnosis some common OpenGL issues, and troubleshooting of these
issues. It also covers known conflicts and behaviors that occur
during graphical rendering.


(3) MATLAB File Exchange
The File Exchange at MATLAB Central features hundreds of free M-Files
and Simulink models, all written by members of the MATLAB community.
You can quickly sort the contributions several convenient ways and
contribute your own files.


----------------------------- Product Information --------------------

(4) Instrument Control Toolbox support for TekVISA
Tektronix, Inc. and The MathWorks now provide connectivity between
Tektronix mid- and high-performance lines of oscilloscopes and MATLAB.
This interface was created by adding support for TekVISA...


(5) DSP Blockset
The DSP Blockset is a Simulink block library that provides the
algorithmic foundation for many applications in speech and audio
processing, telephony, wireless and broadband communications, computer
peripherals, radar/sonar, and medical electronics. It contains blocks
for filter design, including adaptive and multirate filter design,
spectral and parametric estimation...


(6) New API for Stateflow
A new API for Stateflow 4.2 provides convenient programmatic access to
Stateflow(R). Through individual MATLAB commands or scripts of commands,
you can manipulate Stateflow objects (machines, charts, states, boxes,
functions, notes, transitions, junctions, data, events, and targets)
to perform actions that were previously only available through the
Stateflow graphical interfaces...


(7) Third Party Product: PowerDAQ PCI-based Data Acquisition Products
from United Electronic Industries, Inc.(UEI)
MATLAB users can communicate directly with UEI's PowerDAQ hardware
using the MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox with a driver that is
provided along with the PowerDAQ Software Suite. This enables you to
bring data directly into MATLAB...


----------------------------------- Events ---------------------------
(8) MathWorks Training
MATLAB and Simulink training is held monthly. November and December
locations include: California, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, France, the Netherlands, the United
Kingdom, and Ontario, Canada. Training is also held at several other
worldwide locations.

United States and Canada...




(9) MathWorks Free Seminars
Seminars on Rapid Application Development with MATLAB;
DSP/Communications Innovation First: System Level Design; and Getting
to Real-Time in No Time are scheduled at various locations. Seminars
feature demonstrations of new products and new features. November and
December U.S. locations include: Maryland, California, Texas and New
York. Seminars are also held at The MathWorks offices in the United
Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, France, and Switzerland.


In addition, many of our distributors offer seminars at numerous
locations throughout the world.


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Copyright 2001 by The MathWorks, Inc.
MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Handle Graphics, Real-Time Workshop, and
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product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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