Enron Mail

Subject:The must-have tools for keeping the siting process on course,
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:24:02 -0800 (PST)

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The Power Plant Siting, Permitting, and Certification Guide Series

To help protect developers from costly obstacles and delays in navigating the ever changing requirements for siting and permitting the construction of new power plants, EEI's Alliance of Energy Suppliers has developed a series of step-by-step guides to the siting, permitting, and certification processes.

Guides for ten different states are available in convenient CD-Rom format. These concise and complete resources contain everything a developer needs:
?Detailed instructions of the permitting process
?Application forms
?Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies
?Contact information
?Links to information sources and regulatory sites
?Public involvement/community relations
?Precedents, strategies, and recommendations
?Critical Path Management Charts
?Worksheets - cost estimation; regulatory checklist; fatal flaw analysis, etc.

States available:
Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Texas, Illinois

Gain more information on these valuable resources by visiting our Web site to view a demo on how the guides can work for you:

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- alliance_guides.htm