Enron Mail

Subject:Today on Power Marketers News Radio
Date:Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:23:09 -0800 (PST)

Untitled Document
On Jan. 10th, Plum is airing these top stories: TECO Energy Struggl=
es to Complete Nepco Projects Senate to Issue 51 Enron Subpoenas Oregon=
Utilities Offer 100% Green Energy Justice Department Opens Criminal Inqu=
iry Into Enron California Eyes "Available Capacity Obligation" System =
BP Makes $25M Bid for Enron IT GAO Considers Suing White House over Energ=
y Policy Meetings Enviro Groups Try to Protect Arizona River, Stop Trans=
mission Lines Northeastern States Oppose EPA Loosening Pollution Standa=
rds TEPPCO to Buy Two Texas Pipelines Plains All American Pipeline to B=
uy W. Texas Assets of CornerStone Propane Global Wind Energy Increases 3=
1% Other Energy Industry News: NYMEX Energies update Philippines Set=
to Buy Two Discounted Enron Plants 13 Royal Dutch/Shell, Gazprom Join P=
etroChina in Cross-Country Pipeline Deal Enron Creditors Seek to Halt Tr=
ading Arm Sale States Would Sue if Clean Air Act Weakened CA Seeks to M=
aintain Control of PG? EPA and White House Approach Deal on Emission Contr=
ol Rollbacks Market Updates Hourly Stock Market Update Bond Market=
Update World Headline News Sports Overview Miscellaneous Features =
Today in History Kiplinger Personal Finance Minute To Listen Now:=
Call 1-800-990-PLUM enter passcode 3004 followed by the # key [IMAGE] =
Call from any phone. Use a headset for easy listening while driving. =
Customized and Interactive Use the numeric keypad on your telephone to r=
epeat, pause or skip stories, and even request more information. Here is t=
he list of commands for your reference: [IMAGE] "...your mobile phone bec=
omes a tool for saving time and gathering relevant business intelligence..=
." =09 Power Marketers News Radio from Plum Briefings Daily ne=
ws you need to hear! Today's morning drive newscast included the=
stories listed to the left. Just Listen... Call from a=
ny mobile phone while commuting and hear daily audio newscasts covering t=
he power industry from [IMAGE] For detailed info download brochure T=
ransform drive time into productive time Arrive at the office fully info=
rmed and prepared for the day Special Offer: Free trial! Listen to t=
oday's newscast now by calling 1.800.990.plum enter passcode 3004 followed =
by the # key. Call daily until 01/18/02 (You may forward this trial passc=
ode to interested colleagues) Download brochure for subscription info =
Put 1-800-990-plum on your mobile phone speed dial now Thorough cove=
rage of power and gas Plum Briefings are customized telephone briefings -- =
individually tailored audio news programs -- that will provide you with in=
-depth, commercial-free coverage of the energy landscape. We report on =
FERC & state PUC rulings, new projects, new legislation, RTOs, supply & de=
mand forces, and other topics that matter to you. We can also brief you, a=
t your option, on general business conditions, financial markets, consumer=
health news, and other ancillary topics. A tool for saving time With P=
lum Briefings, your mobile phone becomes a tool for saving time and gather=
ing relevant business intelligence. Whether you're driving to your office =
or waiting for a flight, simply dial our telephone number anytime and from=
anywhere. Unlike radio broadcasts, our briefings won't bore you with ads =
or repeated stories. Gathering business intelligence Press keypad button=
s to repeat, pause, or skip stories on command. Request additional article=
s on any story to be sent via follow-up e-mail -- we'll send links to key =
articles from newspaper, magazine, and specialist websites. Give it a =
try - FREE! Call Plum Briefings daily, absolutely free. Enter 1-800-990-PLU=
M into your mobile phone speed dial. Call and use passcode 3004 followed by=
the # key. Try it now! TO SUBSCRIBE OR FOR MORE INFO: download brochure=
at PlumBriefings.pdf =09