Enron Mail

Subject:Two Linux fixes and a PHP patch
Date:Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:10:00 -0800 (PST)

Today's focus: Panda: Two Linux fixes and a PHP patch

Dear Wincenty Kaminski,

In this issue:

* Patches and alerts for Debian enscript, chuid and Linux-
Mandrake jmcce
* Viruses, including CA's weekly Top 5 list
* ScanDo pokes, prods, secures Web apps, plus other interesting


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Today's focus: Two Linux fixes and a PHP patch

By Jason Meserve

Today's bug patches and security alerts:

* Debian patches enscript

Enscript, a tool for converting ASCII files into other formats,
has been found to use insecure temporary files in its
operation. Debian users can download a fix and get more
information from:

* Chuid program patched

Two bugs in chuid, a small program designed to solve a problem
created by PHP's safe_mode - which makes it so that non-Web
server-owned PHP scripts can't accept file uploads - could
allow a user to change uid of files outside the designated
upload directory and change files owned by root or the Web
server. An updated version of chuid can be downloaded from:

* Linux-Mandrake updates jmcce

There is a problem with the way jmcce, a tool for displaying
Chinese text on the console, creates temporary files. A
malicious user could exploit this to overwrite arbitrary files
on the affected system. For more, go to:

Today's roundup of virus alerts:

* WM97/Dig-C - No, this is not about Boston's notorious Big
Dig. This is a harmless Word macro virus that uses a temporary
file to replicate and may display a message in Cyrillic
characters. (Sophos)

* Top 5 viruses for the week of Jan. 14 to 20, as reported by

1. Win32.Badtrans.29020
2. Win32.Magistr.29188
3. Win32.Magistr.24876
4. Win32.SirCam.137216
5. Win32.Hybris.B

<From the interesting reading department:

* ScanDo pokes, prods, secures Web apps

Web application security firm KaVaDo Tuesday beefed up its line
of products when it announced a new vulnerability-assessment
tool for Web applications called ScanDo. ScanDo approaches and
probes Web applications the same way an attacker would and in
doing so, discovers vulnerabilities in the applications,
reports on them and allows companies to patch the holes,
according to Tal Gilat, CEO of KaVaDo.
IDG News Service, 01/22/02

* Subscription snafu angers Norton users

It's a rare company that turns away customers, but Symantec's
subscription renewal service for Norton AntiVirus appears to be
doing just that to some users - albeit unintentionally.
PC World, 01/24/02

* Schwartau: Cyber ethics in the workplace

While moderating a game of "Cyber ethical Surfivor" at a large,
financial conference recently, I posed the following conundrum:
"You receive an anonymous e-mail which includes all the
technical and business details of a key competitor's project.
Your company is way behind. If you use the information, you
will likely beat your competitor and you will be a hero. If you
don't use the information, your company will lose a great deal
of money and you will likely be the scapegoat. If you use the
information, no one - except you - will ever know. What do you
Network World, 01/21/02

* Gibbs: Let's do IT with a dongle

If I build something physical, say a chair, and you steal it, I
have lost the benefit of my labor. Now I think no one in their
right mind would suggest such an action is ethical or
Network World, 01/21/02

* Archives online

What's better than free archives? Well, if you got paid for
reading them that would be better. But alas, free will have to

To contact Jason Meserve:

Jason Meserve is the Multimedia Editor of Network World
Fusion and writes about streaming media, search engines and
IP Multicast. Jason can be reached at mailto:jmeserve@nww.com.
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