Enron Mail

Subject:US Energy Secretary on US Energy Policy - CERA Conference Call
Date:Fri, 12 Oct 2001 15:08:03 -0700 (PDT)

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Title: Spencer Abraham, US Energy Secretary on US Energy Policy: What's Ahead?



On October 12, 2001, CERA Chairman Daniel Yergin hosted a presentation by US
Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, at which the Secretary spoke on US energy
policy and the legislative implications of the war on terrorism.

The importance of energy security strategy has certainly been raised, and
Secretary Abraham spoke about actions by both industry and government to adapt
to this new environment. He also noted requests from President Bush and Senate
Majority Leader Daschle to the US Senate to enact a new US energy strategy.
Finally, Secretary Abraham described his agency's efforts to improve
communication between government and industry decision makers in this period of
bipartisanship and heightened focus on energy security.

Please follow the URL above to access the call playback.


E-mail Category: Conference Call Playback
CERA Knowledge Area(s): Global Energy

CERA's Autumn 2001 Roundtable event dates and agendas
are now available at http://www20.cera.com/event

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