Enron Mail

Subject:V-Workshops Newsletter-Jan. 2002
Date:Wed, 9 Jan 2002 13:03:42 -0800 (PST)

Virtual Workshops, Inc. . WEB EVENTS WITH VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS . Volume =
III January 2002 . . . . . . in this issue . . "Training=
DuPont Performance Coatings' Sales Team" "Prospect For New Clients With W=
eb Events" "Full Service Web Events For Success" "Training DuPont Per=
formance Coatings' Sales Team" . [IMAGE] Summer 2001 was a huge turning p=
oint for Dupont Performance Coatings. They resolved a difficult sales trai=
ning problem, and actually saved money doing it. They needed a quick way t=
o train the field sales force on a new paint product. Their first workshop=
over the Internet to 80 sales reps was a hit. They found it an easy way t=
o train a geographically dispersed team, with somewhat limited Internet exp=
erience. Dupont Performance Coatings has now conducted 10 workshops to ov=
er 400 sales reps. More are planned, so sales reps can stay in the field, w=
here the business is done. Contact Us To learn more about how they did it=
? "Prospect For New Clients With Web Events" . Generating qualified le=
ads is a challenge for all Marketing Departments. Another is justifying a=
dvertising dollars. You can do both when you set up a private web event. =
Use direct mail, e-mail blasts, or magazine ads to drive clients to a web =
event that highlights your new products, a special expert in your company, =
or a "How To" seminar. You build company recognition and reputation. And =
the registrants become qualified leads for your sales force. Need help? =
Contact Us For More Information ? "Full Service Web Events For Success=
" . Remember the TV ad a few years ago, where two old men are trying to fi=
gure out, how to use a personal computer? We've come a long way since the=
n. Doing web events is not black magic, but it is a new technology and man=
y are unfamiliar with how it works. Having the software is only one part.=
Event design, easy connections, and instructional techniques to use polli=
ng questions, whiteboards, and chats can make a difference. Proper setup o=
f the registration process for good connections, instructor training, and o=
n-line producers can assure a smooth event. This full service approach mak=
es your web event successful. Read More ? [IMAGE] . . [IMAGE] =
. . . . . Take Me To... "Technology Update" "In The Biz" "Con=
tact Us" www.v-workshops.com . . . Join our mailing list! =
. email: contact@v-workshops.com voice: 877.VW.INTRO=
web: http://www.v-workshops.com . This email was sent to =
vkamins@enron.com, at your request, by Virtual Workshops, Inc. . Visit o=
ur Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe . View our p=
rivacy policy . Powered by Constant Contact . . =09