Enron Mail

Subject:Venezuela's New Hydrocarbon Law: Investment Implications - CERA
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 19:05:39 -0800 (PST)

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Title: Venezuela's New Hydrocarbon Law: Investment Implications




* The New Hydrocarbon Law: Implications for Investment

* PDVSA's Plan to Restructure Natural Gas Responsibilities

* Update on Natural Gas Upstream Investment and LNG


Our speakers will address this topic for 30 minutes, with accompanying graphics
presented on the Internet, followed by a question and answer period.

* Sondra Scott, CERA Director, Latin America

* Alejandro Gonzalez, CERA Associate, Latin America

Time: 10:30 A.M. Eastern Time, Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Eligibility: Clients eligible to participate in this conference call are those
who subscribe to the CERA Latin America Upstream Retainer Advisory Service.


To enroll, please send a fax to Mary Rice at 617 576 8763 or send an e-mail to
mrice@cera.com before 5:00 P.M.EST, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2001. Please include
your name, company, and telephone number with your correspondence.

Enrollment is not mandatory but assists us in optimizing the conference
experience. If you are unable to pre-register, please follow the above URL,
click through to the Full Report, and follow the directions to participate on
the day of the call.


Follow above URL and click through to the Full Report for instructions on how
to participate in the call (audio and Internet information).


E-mail Category: Conference Call Notification
CERA Knowledge Area(s): Latin America Upstream

CERAWeek February 11-15, 2002 - http://www.cera.com/ceraweek

SPECIAL OFFER: Register on-line before November 30th, and a 2-Day Pass
will be upgraded to a 4-Day Pass (maximum $1,800 value).
Day 1: Global Oil/Refined Products;
Day 2: Natural Gas/Global Energy;
Day 3 & 4: Electric Power

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