Enron Mail

Subject:Waters magazine - financial technology news
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 03:23:10 -0700 (PDT)

This is a message from The Risk Waters Group=20
[IMAGE] Complimentary subscription offer Vincent Kaminski [IMAGE] You =
receive 'email News alerts' from us on a regular basis, and when you joined=
the list you made us aware that you have an interest in financial technolo=
gy. So we thought you would be interested in the opportunity to receive Wat=
ers magazine - with a complimentary subscription. The financial services i=
ndustry spends more on technology than any other. Banks and investment bank=
s - whether global or regional - rely on technology to help keep traders ah=
ead of the competition. Each month, Waters defines the challenges that thes=
e top global financial services face, profiling the firms who are breaking =
in new technology as well as the new vendor solutions which could provide t=
he next big leap. This is your opportunity to apply to receive Waters maga=
zine FREE of charge* - all you need to do is click on the link below and co=
mplete our short application form. Can you afford to miss IT? To apply wil=
l only take a few minutes, and could result in you receiving the informatio=
n you need free of charge every month - including special reports on topics=
such as portfolio management, ASPs for the financial services sector and m=
-commerce, plus regular contributions from industry experts and practitione=
rs and in-depth features dedicated to the major technological developments =
that are shaping the industry. Apply now in time to receive the November =
issue! [IMAGE] If you are viewing a text message, please click this lin=
k to apply: http://www.watersinfo.com/magazine/details/sample/index2.htm =
Yours sincerely, Rene? Wijnen Managing Editor, Waters Risk Waters Group Lt=
d. =09

* Please note: to qualify for a free subscription all applicants must fulfi=
l qualification crieria preset by our independent audit bureau. =20
Risk Waters Group=20
28-29 Haymarket=20
London, UK=20
SW1Y 4RX=20
Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7484 9700=20
Mailto: listadmin@riskwaters.com=20
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