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Enron Mail |
=09 =09 Dear Vincent, ENL's Washington Correspondent Peter Cook and I = had the chance to speak with newly-confirmed FERC Commissioner Pat Wood on = Thursday. Commissioner Wood discussed what role he would play within the F= ERC, the issue of price caps in California and the threat by Governor Gray = Davis to sue the FERC. Immediately following the Wood interview, I sp= oke with former FERC Commissioner Don Santa to get his reaction to the Gov.= Davis lawsuit. If you missed the 1:00 p.m. ET newscast, catch both the Wo= od and Santa interviews in ENL's Video Library. The House and Senate are= still on recess, but our Washington bureau has much to cover on Friday. W= ashington Bureau Chief Jay Cranford reports, with the House and Senate comi= ng back to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, the change of power in the Senate could= be decided sometime next week. Jay says the bureau is scheduled to take a= look at some of the comments and reactions from around Washington, and dis= cuss what effect the power shift could have on President Bush's energy plan= and the energy debate. We'll have insight and discussion from our Washing= ton bureau on Friday. We're also scheduled to bring you segments from C= orrespondent Stephanie Stanton's trip to Florida. She attended the groundb= reaking ceremony for the Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline, which is a joint = venture between Duke Energy and Williams Energy, parent company of ENL. Ca= tch coverage of Stephanie Stanton's trip on Friday. Houston bureau Corres= pondent Kim Benestante reports she's scheduled to bring us details from a s= ettlement reached between the Texas environmental agency TNRCC, and a group= of refiners/utilities over reducing air emission in Texas. Kim also says = the bureau is scheduled to discuss the Texas Fresh Air Project. The nation= 's largest residential retail provider of pollution-free electricity, Green= Mountain Energy Company, is sponsoring the project. We'll have these and = other reports from the Houston bureau on Friday. Also from Houston, I'm= scheduled to speak with incoming Vice Chair of the Society of Petroleum En= gineers James Pappas. He'll be discussing the upcoming Eastern Gulf of Mex= ico lease sale in the 3:00 p.m. ET newscast. Don't miss the Pappas intervi= ew on Friday. Keep in mind things are subject to change at a moment's not= ice. Occasionally guests cancel or change time slots. We'll continue to d= o our best to keep you updated on future interviews and events. Keep it= on energynewslive.com for all your energy news. =09 =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09Jay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap v= ideo: (Windows Media Player required) Broadband (100k) | Dial-up (56k)= Get Windows Media Player Experience all that Williams Energy News Liv= e has to offer! If you are receiving this letter for the first time and w= ish to continue, subscribe now To stop receiving this letter, unsubsc= ribe now If you are having trouble receiving this e-mail, please let us= know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) weekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Com= ments? Suggestions? Let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) we= ekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Copyright 2001 Williams Energy News Live, LLC. All = Rights Reserved. =09=09=09=09=09