Enron Mail

Subject:Work from home and get paid!
Date:Tue, 8 Jan 2002 05:37:43 -0800 (PST)

Make Money Primer
Make BIG Money Working At Home Let Make Money Primer help you, our progra=
m has made more Millionaires than any other home business opportunity in ex=
istence. We have a proven 20 year track record and will help you succeed. =
For detailed information on how you can participate, please visit our web=
site CLICK HERE Working From Home Is Our Business We can show you how y=
ou can earn an extra $1,500 to $7,000 per month. How can we be so certain?=
Because, thousands of people like yourself are doing it right now! How wo=
uld you like to walk out to your mailbox and find money day after day? Lo=
ok at your earning potential (monthly income) Month 1 $326 Month 6 $=
2,069 Month 12 $11,565 Month 24 $24,187 Month 36 $40,781 For deta=
iled information on how you can participate, please visit our web site CLIC=
K HERE =09=09=09 [IMAGE] Think about this... 86% of home-based busine=
ss owners are happier running their own business instead of working for som=
eone else. 84% recommend working from home to others. 84% plan to still be=
running their own business in five years. 20% of home entrepreneurs repor=
ted that their businesses grossed between $100,000 and $500,000 last year. =
14% paid themselves annual salaries of $50,000 to $250,000. 29% work at h=
ome with other family members. 60% think their businesses are doing as wel=
l or better than they expected. 76% expect their home-based business' reve=
nues to grow this year. =09

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E PLEASE #022154 =09