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on LINUX 10/24/01 - Today's focus: Yellow Dog has new litter Dear Wincenty Kaminski, In this issue: * Yellow Dog Linux releases version 2.1 * Links related to Linux * Featured reader resource _______________________________________________________________ This newsletter sponsored by VeriSign The Internet Trust Company Secure all your Web servers now - with a proven 5-part strategy. The FREE Server Security Guide shows you how: * DEPLOY THE LATEST ENCRYPTION and authentication techniques * DELIVER TRANSPARENT PROTECTION with the strongest security without disrupting users. And more. Get your FREE Guide now: http://nww1.com/go/3097337a.html _______________________________________________________________ How will LAN/MAN Technologies Disrupt the Status Quo? LAN/MAN industry leaders have one question for you: Do you want to fall behind? Even with a shrinking LAN/MAN budget, you can still make the changes and updates you need to stay ahead. Find out how at Network World's FREE Town Meeting, State of the LAN/MAN: Embracing Disruptive Technologies. Register today at http://nww1.com/go/1022lan.html _______________________________________________________________ Today's focus: Yellow Dog has new litter By Phil Hochmuth PowerPC Linux users will be happy to know that the latest version of Yellow Dog Linux was released last week, with support for the latest Linux kernel, plus improved installation and admin tools. The biggest news in Yellow Dog Linux (YDL) 2.1 is that it now supports Linux kernel version 2.4. This gives the system improvements such as better USB hardware support, Ext3 journaling file system for improved data recovery in the event of crashes, and support for more processors. The latest version of YDL includes a new installer program which allows users to select what application packages they want to go into their system on installation (more than 900 applications in dozens of packages are available, such as office productivity, graphics and code development tools). Another set-up tool, called "Mac-on-Linux" can be used to set up dual-boot Linux/Mac operating system PCs, by grabbing a ROM image from a system's Mac operating system. This lets users sets aside their entire Macintosh system for dual-boot purposes, instead of having to reconfigure their Mac systems once a dual-boot Linux/Mac PC is installed. YDL 2.1 includes new features for Linux/Apple Macintosh laptop users, such as sound support for Apple Ibook 1 and iBook 2 notebook computers. The software can now handle system "sleep" support on all Apple PowerBooks and iBooks. For some users with old Macintosh servers and workstations, YDL has been a savior, allowing them to put small Linux-based servers running on Apple hardware. YDL version 2.1 is available now. _______________________________________________________________ To contact Phil Hochmuth: Phil Hochmuth is a staff writer for Network World, and a former systems integrator. You can reach him at mailto:phochmut@nww.com. _______________________________________________________________ RELATED EDITORIAL LINKS Yellow Dog Linux 2.1 http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/products/ydl2.1.shtml Yellow Dog adds Linux color to iMacs Network World Linux in the Enterprise Newsletter, 06/11/01 http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/linux/2001/00873787.html Breaking Linux news from Network World and around the 'Net, updated daily: http://www.nwfusion.com/topics/linux.html Archive of the Linux newsletter: http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/linux/index.html ______________________________________________________________ FEATURED READER RESOURCE Network World Fusion's Net.Worker site Whether your company is growing larger or scaling back, corporate managers are looking for ways to cut costs while retaining and recruiting star employees. One smart solution - at least on paper - is to let some employees work from home. Network World's Net.Worker Web site bridges the gap between the telework concept and the hardware, software and services needed to make it happen. We bring you news and reviews, sound advice and keen insight into the technologies and solutions you need to manage a remote and mobile workforce. Visit http://www.nwfusion.com/net.worker/index.html _______________________________________________________________ May We Send You a Free Print Subscription? You've got the technology snapshot of your choice delivered at your fingertips each day. Now, extend your knowledge by receiving 51 FREE issues to our print publication. 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