Enron Mail

To:gustin.ros@nera.com, raniere.1@osu.edu, ans.kind@nhh.no,arl.mcdermott@nera.com, leindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu, kuit@tbm.tudelft.nl, artha.ullberg@nera.com, cdonoughc@nimo.com, eter.c.rao@verizon.com, and.e.costich@prc.gov, ichard.steeves@po.state.ct.
Subject:Your evaluation of the 20th Annual Conference, Tamimemt, PA, May
Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:23:25 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: CRRI - Center for Research in Regulated Industries <crri@andromeda.rutgers.edu<@ENRON
X-To: gustin.Ros@NERA.com, raniere.1@osu.edu <G<, ans.Kind@nhh.no <H<, arl.McDermott@NERA.com <K<, leindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu <K<, .Kuit@tbm.tudelft.nl <M<, artha.Ullberg@NERA.com <M<, cDonoughc@nimo.com <M<, eter.c.rao@verizon.com <P<, and.E.Costich@PRC.gov, ichard.Steeves@po.state.ct.us <R<, imothy.Tardiff@NERA.com, 1b2c3@voicenet.com <a<, huemmler@pwrteam.com, lfredo_garcia@brattle.com, malcolm@deloitte.co.il, ndy.banerjee@NERA.com, nibal.santos@ren.pt, nk1@psu.edu <a<, sgonzal@telcordia.com, deehan@cvps.com <b<, eyer@bpu.state.nj.us, owrij@pjm.com <b<, rennan@rff.org <b<, hris.garbacz@psc.state.ms.us, loda.l@ntlworld.com, olanthia.alvarez@psc.state.sc.us, olin.loxley@pseg.com, pechman@powereconomics.com, rri@andromeda.rutgers.edu <c<, urrie@ameritech.net, avid.hunger@ferc.fed.us, avid.pitcher@BellAtlantic.com, loomis@ilstu.edu, ryan@navigantconsulting.com <d<, sapper@mail.state.tn.us <d<, schoenb@ida.org, short@newenergy.com <d<, zona@cornerstone.com <d<, ackerman@eei.org, malm@newmover.com, lynnw@pjm.com <f<, campbell@scana.com <g<, eorge.pleat@bge.com, afeli-laub@starpower.net <h<, attori.2@osu.edu <h<, ogendorn@research.bell-labs.com, spinner@scc.state.va.us <h<, thompso@email.uncc.edu, mqasqas@nyiso.com, cater@cvps.com <j<, dalton@email.usps.gov <j<, essejohn.pietras@po.state.ct.us, grahamumi@earthlink.net <j<, lesser@rcgroup.com <j<, oseph.doucet@ualberta.ca <j<, oseph.e.nash@us.pwcglobal.com <j<, tber@ecn.ulaval.ca <j<, valladares@psc.state.md.us <j<, aloko@puc.state.pa.us, aren_s_landis@reliantenergy.com <k<, zinger@econone.com <l<, ar@dps.state.ny.us <m<, aucerip@coned.com, collette@econone.com, crew@andromeda.rutgers.edu, harris1@email.usps.gov, smith8@email.usps.gov, spiegel@andromeda.rutgers.edu, ystein.foros@nhh.no, uinn@alum.mit.edu <q<, levin@nymex.com <r<, michelfelder@qcworld.com, othkopf@rutcor.rutgers.edu, simnett@telcordia.com, chuh@andromeda.rutgers.edu, friedlander@att.com <s<, heldon.switzer@bge.com, lsunderhauf@pepco.com, sen@att.com, usan_mcmaster@hotmail.com, frantz@puc.state.nh.us, lyon@gsob1.bus.indiana.edu <t<, stefos@world.std.com, ictor.baptista@ren.pt <v<, kamins@enron.com <v<, ogelsan@bu.edu <v<, ayne.b.hallard@verizon.com <w<, illiam_hogan@harvard.edu <w<, kovacic@main.nlc.gwu.edu
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Dear Participant:
I hope that you enjoyed the 20th Annual Conference and your stay at the Tamiment Resort.
I would like to follow up by requesting your assistance in completing the attached questionnaire. We want your opinions on the conference and on the hotel. Your views are important to us in deciding on the location, format, and content for future conferences. We have used other means of distributing the questionnaire in the past but we did not receive as many responses as we would have like. Therefore we hope this method will be easier for you. We plan to share some of the results provided enough completed questionnaires are received.
The file is PDF form file that can be filled out in Adobe Acrobat then emailed back to us. You can also fax or mail us the completed questionnaire.
Thank you,
Jeremy T. Guenter
Administrative Assistant
Center for Research in Regulated Industries
Rutgers University - Graduate School of Management
180 University Avenue, Room 200P
Newark, NJ 07102-1897
phone: 973-353-5761; fax: 973-353-1348

- QuestionaireEC01.PDF

Center for Research in Regulated Industries
Rutgers University - Graduate School of Management
180 University Avenue, Room 200P
Newark, NJ 07102-1897
phone: 973-353-5761; fax: 973-353-1348