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Advances in Register by February 8, 2002 and Save $300! LIQUEFIED= NATURAL GAS [IMAGE] Outlook, New Sources, New Technologies and Facilit= y Planning April 15-16, 2002 * Hyatt Regency New Orleans * New Orleans= , LA _____________________________________________________________________= _______________ Request More Information Register Now! Learn from= LNG Industry Experts: ANZ Investment Bank Bluewater Offshore Production= Systems Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy EUR= ODIM S.A. Foster Wheeler Energy Limited Foster Wheeler International Her= bert Smith ICF Consulting Idaho National Engineering and Environmental La= boratory (INEEL) IPD Latin America, Inc. Mirant Americas Pacific Gas and= Electric Company Perchstone & Graeys Poten & Partners PTL Associates = SN Technigaz Transgasco Atlantico Williams Gas Pipeline - Transco Benefi= t from 5 In-depth Case Studies Financing the Nigerian LNG Train Expansio= n Sacramento's Small-Scale Liquefaction Demonstration PG&E's Portable LNG= Vaporization System - Peak Load-Shaving to Reduce Capital Costs on Local T= ransmission Pipelines Williams' Plans to Reactivate the Cove Point Termina= l Project Planning at the Sines, Portugal, LNG Facility _________________= _________________________________ Global LNG market growth - Where are the= opportunities? The impact of additional LNG receiving capacity on domesti= c gas markets Multiple project coordination - Secure substantial funding f= or long-term fixed assets in the chain the trend in LNG contract and prici= ng structure Examine the consequences of full commoditization of LNG Int= erest in alternatives to LNG - Market pushes and pulls Pros and cons of va= rious LNG transfer systems Plus LNG plant security risks - What are they= and what can be done about them? Choose from Two Comprehensive Pre-Confe= rence Workshops - Monday, April 15, 2002 A. Structuring and Financing LNG= Projects B. Utilizing Technology Advances for Terminal Liquefaction = and Pipeline Efficiency =09 Customer Service Center Download Brochure [IMAGE] =09 Contact In= formation CBI prides itself on making the registration process fast and co= nvenientby providing 5 easy ways to register! [IMAGE] FAX 781-939-2490= [IMAGE] PHONE 800-817-8601 781-939-2438 [IMAGE] WEBSITE cbinet.c= om [IMAGE] MAIL Registration Dept CBI 500 W. Cummings Park, Ste 510= 0 Woburn, MA 01801 [IMAGE] EMAIL kimh@cbinet.com =09 =20 =20 If you received this e-mail in error or would like to be removed, PLEASE C= LICK HERE=20 0000639675