Enron Mail

Subject:[JGSADJ] Fwd: Library Incident (fwd)
Date:Fri, 25 Jan 2002 08:54:36 -0800 (PST)

TO: JGS Faculty & Staff

Please read following from Library Staff and Campus Police:

<<Subject: Library Incident (fwd)
<<Please read the attached e-mail from Campus Police.
<<Sandi Edwards
<<Head of Reference Services phone: 713-348-2504
<<Fondren Library MS-44 fax: 713-348-5859
<<Rice University e-mail: edwards@rice.edu
<<6100 Main St. http://www.rice.edu/Fondren/
<<Houston, TX 77005-1892
<<---------- Forwarded message ----------
<<Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 01:09:44 -0600 (CST)
<<From: senter@rice.edu
<<To: hatfiel@rice.edu, bentley@rice.edu, lowman@rice.edu, martin@rice.edu,
<< dmarshal@rice.edu
<<Cc: reiter@rice.edu
<<Subject: Library Incident
<<FYI- On Wednesday an unknown male suspect entered the building around 4:40 pm
<<posing as a carpet cleaner. The suspect fits the description, and uses the
<<same mode of operation of a suspect that I informed you about previously.
<<Sgt. Reiter will be handling the case. Sgt. Reiter can be reached at the
<<station between 2pm and 10pm Mon-Fri, or email: reiter@rice.edu, if you have
<<any information that may be of help to the case.
<<The suspect was a male/black approximately 5'5" tall, in his mid 30's,
<<wearing a brown v-neck sweater and black pants. The suspect also wears
<<I also want to take a moment to remind everyone that in the event that you
<<spot a suspicious person or a suspect that you postively identify, please do
<<not confront them. Maintain a discreet visual on the person and get a good
<<look at his/her race, gender, and clothing. Immediately call the police and
<<stay on the line with the police dispatcher. Should the suspect move his/her
<<location in the building you will be able to relay that information to the
<<dispatcher who will relay it to responding officers.
<<Thanks again for all your continuing support of our collective effort. Let's
<<all be safe in these types of situations.
<<Dennis Senter

Suzana G. Vazquez
Staff Assistant
Jesse H. Jones Graduate School
of Management
(713) 348-3736