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@JONES: NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM THE JONES SCHOOL January 15, 2002 ::= http://jonesgsm.rice.edu :: News :: Finance program = ranked No. 1 in the U.S. by The Economist magazine; Marketing named seco= nd best program in U.S. Rice Biotech and Healthcare Symposium ?January 1= 8 Dean's Lecture Series Welcomes Jim Day, CEO, Noble Drilling ? January 2= 3 TXU Sponsors Partio ?January 24 Prof. Bala Dharan Discusses the Enron= Meltdown?January 31 Alumni Happy Hour ?February 6 All-Class Reunion ?F= ebruary 28 through March 2 Rice Alumni Directory Launched Alums Invite= d to Participate in Recruiting Events Dean Whitaker in Time Magazine J= ones School Chosen as National GWIB Headquarters :: Online :: Class G= ift Campaign Rice MBAby Rompers Admissions Counselors History Campaig= n About @Jones :: News :: ::The Economist magazine published the= 13th edition of its guide to business schools around the world, Which MBA= ? this month. Of the 116 business schools included, the Economist says the= re are "No best schools as such...only business schools that are best for = individuals. Although there is no overall ranking, the Economist lists the= top schools in various categories. The rankings were based on surveys of = current students and recent alumni. In the 2001 Jones School survey of dea= ns of accredited business schools 77.1% of deans considered alumni satisfa= ction one of the five most important criteria when assessing the quality o= f business schools. The other four were: recruiter satisfaction 72%; curre= nt student satisfaction 50.8%; faculty research 44.9%; and value for money= 41.5%. The Jones School's finance program was ranked the number one prog= ram in the US and tied for second in the world; the marketing program tied= for 8th in the world and was ranked 2nd in the US. Jones tied for 4th in = the world and tied for 3rd in the US for faculty quality; for program cont= ent tied for 14th in the world and tied for 5th in the US. Tables showin= g these and the other rankings and listing the top American schools can b= e found at http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/jonesgsm/Rankings.asp ::The Rice All= iance for Technology and Entrepreneurship and the Jones School invite alu= mni and students to the Rice University Biotech and Healthcare Symposium,= to be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday, January 18, at the Rice Memor= ial Center. Hosted by the Rice University Healthcare and Biotechnology Clu= b, this event aims to establish and maintain an ongoing relationship betwe= en the business and life science graduate students of Rice University and = the professionals in the biotechnology and health care industries in the H= ouston area. Committed professionals will include students, as future part= icipants, in discussion of current dynamics in the fields of interest. A n= etworking happy hour will be held to provide an opportunity for business p= rofessionals to meet degree candidates from the Jones School as well as th= e Life Sciences Departments. For more information, contact Bill Viereck , = viereck@rice.edu, Rice U. Healthcare and Biotechnology Club. TOP ::Jim = Day , Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Noble Drilling = Corp., will speak at the Dean's Lecture Series, Wednesday, January 23, 200= 2. Day was elected CEO and President in 1984 and Chairman of the Board in = 1993 for Noble Drilling, which operates a fleet of 49 deepwater offshore m= obile drilling units and manages nine platform operations for major operato= rs in the North Sea and the east coast of Canada. TOP ::Students, alu= mni, faculty, and staff are invited to the January 24 Partio hosted by TXU= Corp. Partios are hosted weekly as an informal networking opportunity bet= ween company reps, students, alumni, and faculty. Contact Joy Schaerrer, = 713-348-5371. TOP ::Prof. Bala Dharan delivers a special lecture on "The= Enron Meltdown: Was it an Accounting Failure, A Business Failure or a R= egulatory Failure? What Can We Learn?" from 7 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, Ja= nuary 31, at Rm.124, Herring Hall, Rice University. Dharan will discuss va= rious issues and address these questions: Were there red flags? Could we h= ave spotted problems last year? Were there problems with the application o= f accounting standards or with the standards themselves? What were the acc= ounting issues with SPEs and related parties? What can we learn from this = sad event that has destroyed $80 billion and robbed thousands of employees= of their jobs and life savings? To register, visit http://jonesgsm.rice.e= du/jonesgsm/EE_Special_Events.asp or call 713-348-6060. TOP ::Alumni a= re invited to the next Alumni Happy Hour, to be held Wednesday, February 6= , 2002 at The Gingerman located at 5607 1/2 Morningside Drive in the Rice = Village area. Look for the JGS Alumni meeting area, designated by a blue a= nd white Rice tabletop sign. The event, a chance to network with fellow al= umni, will be very informal. Please come after work (around 6 p.m.), bring= friends and look for other JGSers! If you would like to participate in pl= anning these events or have additional input, please feel free to contact = either Brian Harry (MBA '99) at Mira Balakrishnan (MBA '95) or the JGS = Alumni Office. TOP ::Mark your calendars for the third annual All Clas= s Alumni Reunion Event, scheduled from Thursday through Saturday, February= 28 - March 2, 2002. Chuck Watson, CEO, Dynegy, is keynote speaker for the= 27th Annual Alumni Dinner scheduled for February 28. Participants will en= joy the annual student/alumni golf tournament, new building tours, and the= annual reunion reception on March 1. Alumni College and the Dean's Lunch = will be held on March 2. For more information, contact Deanna Sheaffer, = MBA '96, Director of Alumni Affairs, or visit the Alumni web pages TOP = ::The Association of Rice Alumni Online Directory -- a web-based database = of alumni information -- will be launched this spring. Students should hav= e access to the directory once the online career component is implemented,= hopefully in the spring. Ann Greene , Director of Alumni Affairs, Rice U= niversity, spearheaded the project. TOP ::Alumni are invited to partic= ipate as volunteers in Rice MBA and MBA for Executives recruiting events s= cheduled for the spring. Your help in talking with and interviewing prospe= ctive applicants will be greatly appreciated. Information Sessions, Open H= ouses, and MBA Forums will be held at the Jones School and other venues du= ring the spring. Contact Stacie Easterling, Associate Director of Admissi= ons, to volunteer for MBA Program recruiting events: phone: 713-348-6154. = To volunteer for MBA for Executives recruiting events, contact Kay Henry,= Director, MBA for Executives: phone 713-348-4731. Click to view a list o= f recruiting events. TOP ::In its second year, the Rice Graduate Women= In Business already has reached a milestone in its short history through= its winning bid to become the next national headquarters of the Graduate = Women in Business. The Jones School's winning bid was due primarily to the= thoughtful and professionally presented plan to increase membership says = Lisa Kudchaker, President of Rice GWIB. Watch the Jones School website for= more details. TOP ::Dean Gil Whitaker was featured in the global busine= ss edition of the October 29 issue of Time magazine where he was identifie= d as a "World Beater: People to Watch in International Business." Whitake= r was chosen for his efforts to diversify the school and pictured with a n= umber of black, Hispanic and women students. TOP :: Online :: ::The J= ones Graduate School Class Gift Challenge is to get all classes to make c= lass gifts to the Jones School in honor of the Next Century Campaign and t= he 26th graduating class. The class (or classes) with the highest particip= ation rate will be honored with a dinner in the new building. For more inf= ormation, contact Maya Houston, phone 713-348-6145. TOP ::Alumni Moms = and Dads may receive a free Rice MBAby romper for the newest addition to = their family. Send us a picture of your baby wearing the romper for the al= umni website. TOP ::Admissions counselors recruit, interview and eval= uate prospective candidates. An elite group of second year students, these= counselors embody the collaborative, diverse, and enriching experience th= at represents the Rice MBA. TOP ::As the Jones School celebrates its 25t= h anniversary, we invite you take a retrospective look at the last 25 yea= rs and a peek into the future of the Jones School. TOP ::Learn about ne= w and upcoming initiatives and programs at the school, and view artist r= enderings of the new $60 million building, currently under construction. T= OP @Jones: News and Information from the Jones School, the Jones Sch= ool e-newsletter, is published monthly by the Public Relations Department = of the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management. The Jones School webs= ite is updated frequently and we encourage you to visit the site regular= ly to get the latest news and information about new initiatives and progra= ms at the Jones School. To submit items to be posted on the Jones School w= ebsite, please e-mail JGSMNews@rice.edu or call 713-348-6364. =09