Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 17:00:35 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] Home [IMAGE] Events BulletinBoard Newsletter Ge=
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: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 Petroleumworld Weekly R=
eview Nov. 11 - Nov. 18 Petroleumworld.com for the lastest daily news [IM=
AGE] New hydrocarbons law, publish and effective on Jan 1, 2001, little ch=
ange from the draft. [IMAGE]No. 37.323 By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Caraca=
s, Nov. 17 The Venezuela's new Hydrocarbons Law has been publish in the o=
fficial paper (Gaceta Oficial) and will be effective on Jan. 1, 2002. The n=
ew law is very disappointing, according to oil executives. story Russian =
oil firms block production cut OPEC threatens price war as Moscow seeks to =
widen its share of world market [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 18 - s=
tory Iran oil min sees oil price collapse if no non-OPEC help Photo by=
Herwig Prammer [IMAGE]Iran's Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zangeneh PETROLEUMW=
ORLD Caracas, Nov. 17 - story New oil law send Venezuela back 25 years [I=
MAGE] Luis Giusti former PDVSA president By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD - Cara=
cas, Nov. 16 - story Venezuela Pres decrees 49 econ laws, angering pvt se=
ctor - Nov.15- story Venezuela's Chavez approves economy Laws [IMAGE]Mira=
flores Palace PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 14 - story OPEC Sec. Gen.: OPE=
C Output Cut 1.5MB, only if non OPEC cut .5MB [IMAGE]OPEC's Sec. Gen Ali Ro=
driguez PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 14 - story Venezuela's Silva: Think n=
on OPEC will agree with OPEC, it is a question of negotiation [IMAGE]Venezu=
ela's Energy Minister Alvaro Silva Calderon By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Car=
acas, Nov. 16 - story Venezuela's labor opposition candidate leading, g=
ovmt-backed candidate seeks to annul vote [IMAGE] Carlos Ortega CTV's leadi=
ng presidential candidate By Elio Ohep PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 16 - st=
ory Kuwait's Al-Sabeeh : Crude oil prices could fall as low as $10 [IMAG=
E]Kuwaiti Oil Minister Adel al-Sabeeh PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 15 -stor=
y WSJ: Oil companies balk as Venezuela tightens invest terms [IMAGE] PETR=
OLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 15 - story Saudi Oil Min : OPEC In "Crisis Mode,=
" "Needs Help" [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 15- story Venezuela's=
Pres: Venezuela wants assurances Non OPEC won't steal mkt share [IMAGE] PE=
TROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 14 - story US Abraham/Bush : US SPR to increas=
e to capacity of 700M bbbls, ANWR could displace Iraqi oil [IMAGE] US Presi=
dent George W. Bush PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 13 - story OPEC's Chakib=
Khelil: OPEC to cut by 'at least one million' bpd - Chakib Khelil [IMAGE]O=
pec's President Chakib Khelil PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 13 story Venez=
uela's Silva: OPEC wants 500,000 bpd cut from non-OPEC [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWOR=
LD Caracas, Nov. 12 - sto ry Russian PM meets oil majors as Saudi minister=
in Moscow [IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 12 - sto ry [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Venezuelan Hydrocarbons Law Draft New oil law send Venezuela ba=
ck 25 years - story Venezuela's Chavez approves economy Laws - story Pet=
roleumworld oil law draft - stories [IMAGE] The Beaujolais Noveau est ar=
rive...! LE PETIT BISTROT THE JACQUES French Bistrot- Caracas This week t=
op ISSUES... Inside, confidential and off the record Somebody is pulling o=
ur leg full story Nov. 16 Montiel Ortega was right full story Nov. 16 =
Norway in full story Nov. 15 Sembrando el Petroleo full story Nov. 14 M=
ore... To read all ISSUES... articles please click here Prices Nov=
. 16 Update: Oct . 18/12:30 GMT/08:30 ET IPEBrent Spot 11/15 $19.66 =
WTI Cushing Spot 11/15 $ 19.77 IPE Brent Futures Front Month 11=
/16 $17.75 WTI Nymex FOB Cushing Front Month 11/16 $18.03 Ve=
nezuela oil Basket $ 15.72 week Nov.16 vs $ 15.62 prev.week Opec Crud=
e oil basket $ 18.12 week Nov. 16 vs.$ 18.12 prev.week See more infor=
mation and graphs in : www.petroleumworld.com [IMAGE] OPINION The C=
olonel in His Labyrinth Tolerance for Chavez receding - Nov.18- story ENE=
RGY MATTERS Special: For OPEC, it's deja vu again -Nov.15- story OPEC: Hi=
story repeating? - Nov.13- story Go with the flow: OPEC cuts may not mean=
much to oil prices - Nov.13- story Opec to decide not if, but when to cu=
t - Nov.12- story The Colonel in His Labyrinth Tolerance for Chavez recedi=
ng Previous Opinion articles FOCUS-ANALYSIS Some Latin oil export=
ers squeezed, while others smile -Nov.15- story Oil prices in flux as OPE=
C decides against cut in output -Nov.15- story Venezuela Pres decrees 49 =
econ laws, angering pvt sector - Nov.15- story Driving Toward Independenc=
e Yes, the U.S. can live without Saudi oil-and even keep its SUVs - Nov.13=
- story THE HUNT Oil Diplomacy Muddled U.S. Pursuit of bin Laden, New Boo=
k Contends - Nov.12- story Previous focus- analysis-interviews II OPE=
C summit stories The Sunday's Petroleumworld Opinion Forum: viewpoints on=
issues in energy & international politics. RECKONINGS The Oil-Hog Cycle =
[IMAGE] By Paul Krugman The New York Times PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 1=
8 - story Previous Sunday opinion forum articles Sunday's Feature The =
Colonel in His Labyrinth Tolerance for Chavez receding Caricatura: TalCual =
[IMAGE] PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 18 - story Saturday's INTERVIEW =
With Venezuela's Energy Minister Alvaro Silva [IMAGE]Venezuela's Oil Minist=
er Alvaro Silva Calderon PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 17 - story ! Previ=
ous Saturday's interviews THEMES For OPEC's Captain, U.S. Roots T. M. S=
haffer/NYT [IMAGE] Chekib Khelil OPEC's president and Algeria's Energy Min=
ister PETROLEUMWORLD Caracas, Nov. 18 - story Previous Themes EVENTS B=
ritish Mission offers wide-ranging trading opportunities for Venezuela's co=
mpanies. - Nov.19-story Previous Events To received PetroleumworldDail=
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ou want to make some comments or suggestions, please send us a reply messa=
ge [IMAGE] From The Editor Welcome to our weekly newsletterpetrol=
eumworld.com Weekly Review Just to remind you about the best in Venez=
uela's Petroleumworld.com Our Portal Site changes its information at l=
east twice a day usually around 12:00-15:00 hrs. and 22:00-24:00 GMT Le=
tters to the Editor If you have anything in your mind and want to communi=
cate it, let us know about it. All letters are welcome, write to: editor @p=
etroleumworld.com [IMAGE] Click for a spanish copy of the [IMAGE] V=
enezuelan Hydrocarbons Law Draft Unofficialenglish version Venezuela's O=
il Chamber Hydrocarbons Law Draft Comments & Suggestions Spanish See a=
ll Petroleumworldoil law stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Alianza Empresari=
al Petrolera To promote & develop the Venezuelan industry in the petro=
leum sector [IMAGE] Venezuela's Executive Association More informa=
tion Letters If you have anything in your mind about the oil business=
let us know about it letters are welcome editor@petroleumworld.com =
Tips... From our Friends [IMAGE] Offers reduced mileage award levels =
for travel Story [IMAGE] RIP de Venezuela C.A. Rip de Venezuela is=
one of the oldest and reputable Venezuelan Trading company in forged s=
teel, stanless steel valves and fittings, tube fittings and stanless st=
eel pipes. ripvenezuela.com.ve [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] C=
heck out The New Services [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The abc of=
the Legal Regime of the Oil Industry in Venezuela Araque Reyna Sosa Vi=
so & Pittier [IMAGE] Venezuela Onshore Geotechnical Marine Geote=
chnical Marine Survey [IMAGE] Articles by Francisco Monaldi Mas =
Francisco Monaldi Francisco Monaldi M. Punto deencuentro Punto dedesenc=
uentro Ecologia del Petroestado [IMAGE] LE PETIT BISTROT THE JACQUES F=
rench Bistrot Caracas [IMAGE] Le Beaujolais Noveau est arrive ...! Reser=
vations: 266 0321/263 8695 Happy Hour 5-8 PM /M-S Click fortake out menu =
[IMAGE]Click [IMAGE] The Venezuelan - Canadian Chamber of Commerce =
Breakfast conference with Pequiven's President Jos? Rafael Paz on the =
y Nov. 21 7:30 am Hotel Tamanaco R.S.V.P 954 11 06 954 12 03 Email:nancy=
perez @cancham.com.ve [IMAGE] Breakfast conference on the subject of "=
Mexico's Energy prospectives", Tuesday Nov. 27 7:30 am-10:30 am Hotel Ta=
manaco R.S.V.P 993 2379 993 9843 e-mail: veprox@cantv.net [IMAGE] =

=09=09TOP www.petroleumworld.com - Publisher/Editor/Producer - Elio C. Oh=
ep A. CopyRight ? 2000, Elio C.Ohep A.- All rights reserved . Legal Informa=
tion . To contact us: editor@petroleumworld.com /phone: 58 212 286 57 62 =

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