Enron Mail

Subject:ALP Proposal
Cc:vkamins@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com
Bcc:vkamins@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com
Date:Sun, 19 Nov 2000 14:59:00 -0800 (PST)


I am sending you, as promised, the draft of my proposal. Please, let me kno=
if it meets your requirements. I shall be glad to revise it and send you th=
final version.=20

Vince Kaminski=20



One of the most important trends in the energy industry during the last yea=
was proliferation of electronic, Internet based, trading platforms for=20
wholesale markets and for retail operations. Websites such as=20
www.houstonstreet.com and www.altranet.com provide facilities for matching=
buyers and sellers. The website operated by Enron Corp. (EnronOnline)=20
represents an alternative solution under which Enron acts as a principal in=
every transaction. On the retail? side, many retail e-commerce companies=20
offering auctions, reverse auctions and platforms for creation of buyers=01=
clubs challenge incumbent utilities. The objective of this project is to=20
evaluate the impact of e-commerce (both at the wholesale and retail levels)=
on the energy industry. The study will start with comparative analysis of=
different wholesale trading and retail e-commerce business models and=20
evaluation of their long-term viability. The next step will be assessment o=
the impact of e-commerce on price dynamics, profit margins and the level of=
competition in different energy markets. A separate section will be devoted=
to analysis of reaction of companies and organizations affected by e-commer=
(incumbent utilities, organized exchanges, energy brokers) to the new=20
competitive threat, and different strategies they implement to meet the=20
challenge. Organized exchanges have accelerated in many cases the transitio=
to screen-based trading that has been already replacing open outcry=20
technology. Power and natural gas marketers have created alliances (with=20
other industry players, software companies and electronic exchanges) to=20
create their own trading platforms. Gas and electric utilities embarked on=
development of vertical and horizontal e-commerce platforms, offering=20
services to households and other companies in the energy industry. The=20
critical question is how quickly different companies should react to the=20
competitive threats and how fast they should exploit opportunities created =
the Internet based economy. It's quite obvious that the Internet revolution=
will change the energy industry's landscape during the next few years. The=
objective of the project is to provide answers to the questions posed above=
based on the currently available information. Additionally, the participant=
should come up with fallback strategies the energy companies should impleme=
in case the currently? expected trends fail to materialize. =20
