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Dear Generation/Power Marketing Executive:
The following is 1) this week's Alliance of Energy Suppliers' Express, and = 2)=20 listing of recent filings at FERC. Attached for your information is a repo= rt=20 in a PDF format summarizing significant filings. Alliance of Energy Suppliers Express=02= =05 December 12, 2000 INSIDE WASHINGTON The Week Ahead* ***Congress is poised to finish FY2001 appropriation bills and conclude the= =20 106th Congress this week. ***FERC meets tomorrow, and is expected to issue a final rule on the market= =20 interventions for California's ailing electricity market. Other important= =20 cases on the agenda include Illinois Powers' withdrawal from the Midwest IS= O. FEDERAL AFFAIRS ***Commission Approves CA-ISO Request For $250 Soft Price Cap*** FERC late last week approved a price cap change requested by the California= =20 Independent System Operator (ISO), in response to the emergency conditions = in=20 the California electricity market. The current purchase price cap of $250= =20 per Mwh will be lifted, and bids above that amount will be allowed but will= =20 not set the clearing price paid to all sellers, as does the current purchas= e=20 price cap. FERC notes this should attract more bids and alleviate supply= =20 shortages. Parties bidding above $250 will be required to report their bid= s=20 to FERC on a weekly basis and provide cost information. FERC also authorized the ISO to penalize participating generators that=20 refusal to operate in response to an ISO request in an emergency. MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS ***Constellation Energy Group Subsidiary Purchases Nine Mile Point Nuclear= =20 Plants*** Constellation Energy Group announced plans to purchase 100 percent of Nine= =20 Mile Point Unit 1 and 82 percent of Unit 2 for $815 million. Constellation= =20 would then own a total of 1,550 megawatts of Nine Mile Point's 1,757=20 megawatts of total generating capacity. The sale is expected to close in= =20 mid-2001, after receipt of all regulatory approvals. The company had=20 recently announced plans to separate its wholesale merchant energy and reta= il=20 energy businesses into two stand-alone, publicly traded companies. =20 Constellation also announced that their merchant energy business was ranked= =20 fifth in the nation for sales of electric power in the third quarter of 200= 0. ***Cinergy Affiliate To Acquire Two Merchant Generating Plants From Enron**= * Cinergy Corporation has announced that Cinergy Capital & Trading, a=20 non-regulated affiliate, has signed a definitive agreement to purchase two= =20 natural gas-fired merchant electric generating facilities located in the=20 Southeastern United States. The acquisition consists of Enron's=20 494-megawatt Brownsville generation facility located in Tennessee, and the= =20 504-megawatt Caledonia generation facility in Mississippi. The transaction= =20 will increase Cinergy's generation portfolio to about 21,000 megawatts, wit= h=20 the non-regulated portion being about 15,000 megawatts. "Cinergy has creat= ed=20 a regional leadership position in the Midwest power market and is focused o= n=20 strategic opportunities to expand our footprint," said Michael Cyrus,=20 president of Cinergy Capital & Trading. He noted that the transaction=20 increases the non-regulated generating capacity "in excess of 30 percent in= =20 just over a year." NEW GENERATION ***Construction Of Edison Mission Power Plant in California Begins; Peaking= =20 Unit To Be Online by August*** Edison Mission Energy (EME), an Edison International company, has started= =20 construction of its Sunrise power plant on Thursday, December 7, having=20 received expedited approval from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to= =20 proceed. The facility will be located in Kern County, California, and will= =20 bring both short- and long-term generation capacity to the state. The=20 project will be completed in two phases. Phase 1 will consist of a=20 320-megawatt simple-cycle peaking facility scheduled to be in service next= =20 summer. Phase 2 will convert the peaking facility to a 560-megawatt=20 combined-cycle operation with an in-service date of summer 2003. Final=20 regulatory authority has been received only for Phase 1. RISK MANAGEMENT ***Business Group Releases Final Report on Retail Energy Markets*** An energy industry group that includes utilities, energy suppliers,=20 regulators, vendors, consumer advocates and trade organizations last week= =20 released the second and last volume of its report on Uniform Business=20 Practices for retail energy markets. This volume comprehensively addresses= =20 unbundled electricity metering. Volume I=02=05released last month=02=05add= ressed the=20 issues of customer information, customer enrollment & switching, billing &= =20 payment processing, load profiling, supplier licensing, market participant= =20 interaction, disputes between the utility and the supplier, and customer=20 inquiries. "Uniform business transactions may help lower barriers to market entry,=20 encourage new product lines, reduce utility distribution company system cos= ts=20 to accommodate retail access, and give customers more price and product=20 benefits," said Mike McGrath, EEI Group Director of Customer and Energy=20 Service. To download the report, or for more information on the UBP effort= ,=20 see www.ubpnet.org. ***Upcoming Conference: Achieving Profitability & Operational Safety in a= =20 Competitive Marketplace - Co-Sponsored by the Alliance of Energy Suppliers*= ** An executive conference on safety in fossil power plants will be held in=20 Baltimore, Maryland next March 18-20. The conference=02=05chaired by leadi= ng=20 members of the power generation industry=02=05will gather corporate leaders= and=20 senior managers to discuss safety as a critical business issue in the=20 deregulating environment. Charles Kelly, EEI's Director of Industry Human= =20 Resource Issues, is on the advisory board of the meeting. For more=20 information, or to download a conference program, visit=20 www.electricpowerexpo.com/safetyconference.html. ENERGY DATA *** Weekly Electric Output (Week 49)*** Electric output reached 69,281 GWh for the week ending December 2 (Week 49)= ,=20 with the highest increase over 1999 levels in the Pacific Northwest region,= =20 which had a 9.5 percent increase over 1999. Looking at year-to-date=20 information, the Pacific Southeast leads the nation in growth of output. F= or=20 more information, email alliance@eei.org. The Alliance Express is a free news service sponsored by the Alliance of=20 Energy Suppliers. This document can be redistributed. Please send=20 questions, comments, or requests to alliance@eei.org, or telephone=20 202/508-5680. =3D=3D RECENT FERC FILINGS =3D=3D (1) RTO ORDER 2000 DEVELOPMENTS * GRIDFLORIDA filed an answer to comments filed regarding its Order 2000 R= TO=20 Compliance Filing. RT01-67-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * DAYTON POWER & LIGHT filed an answer to the protest of the COALITION OF= =20 MIDWEST TRANSMISSION CUSTOMERS regarding its Order 2000 RTO Compliance=20 Filing. RT01-37-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * DUQUESNE LIGHT CO. filed an update with respect to its activities to=20 participate in an RTO. RT01-13-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * GRIDSOUTH filed an answer to ENRON POWER MARKETING regarding GRIDSOUTH's= =20 Order 2000 RTO Compliance Filing. RT01-74-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT, DUKE ENERGY CORP. and SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTRIC &= =20 GAS filed a joint answer to protests filed in GRIDSOUTH's Order 2000 RTO=20 Compliance Filing. RT01-74-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * SOUTHERN COMPANY SERVICES made one filing as an answer to ENRON's motion= =20 opposing conditioning market-based rate authority on RTO participation and= =20 another filing answering comments regarding its petition for a declaratory= =20 order. RT01-77-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * PJM and PJM TRANSMISSION OWNERS each filed answers to protests and=20 comments made in PJM's Order 2000 RTO Compliance Filing. RT01-2-000. File= d=20 December 5, 2000. * AVISTA CORP., BONNEVILLE POWER ADMIN., IDAHO POWER, MONTANA POWER CO.,= =20 PACIFICORP and PUGET SOUND ENERGY jointly and RTO WEST each filed amended= =20 supplemental compliance filings and requests for declaratory order. RTO WE= ST=20 also filed answers to protests. RTO-35-000. Filed December 1, 2000. * ENTERGY filed an answer to comments regarding its Order 2000 RTO=20 Compliance Filing. RT01-75-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * TRANSCONNECT filed an answer to comments regarding its Order 2000 RTO=20 Compliance Filing. RT01-15-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRICAL POWER CO. and PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA= =20 filed answers to protests regarding the SPP's Order 2000 RTO Compliance=20 Filing. RT01-34-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * SPP filed an answer to comments regarding its Order 2000 RTO Compliance= =20 Filing. RT01-34-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * WESTERN RESOURCES and KANSAS GAS & ELECTRIC CO. filed an answer to their= =20 Order 2000 RTO Compliance Filing. RT01-6-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT filed an answer to MISSOURI RIVER ENERGY= =20 SERVICE's motion for a technical conference on rate design issues and other= =20 relief. RT01-1-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * MAINE ELECTRIC POWER CO. filed an answer to MASSACHUSETTS MUNICIPAL=20 WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO.'s comments regarding its Order 2000 RTO Compliance= =20 Filing. RT01-19-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOP. and the WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION eac= h=20 filed an answer to MISSOURI RIVER ENERGY SERVICES' comments in the followin= g=20 Order 2000 RTO Compliance filings: RT01-1, 38, 40, 44, 53, 63, 78 -000. = =20 Filed December 5, 2000. * UTILICORP filed an answer to comments in the following Order 2000 RTO=20 Compliance filings: RT01-4, 29, 45, -000 and Dockets EC00-27-000 and=20 EC00-28-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * CLECO UTILITY GROUP filed a motion of opposition to a motion to=20 consolidate and a request for a Commission investigation regarding the=20 following Order 2000 RTO Compliance filings: RT01-25, 34, 75 -000. Filed= =20 December 5, 2000. (2) OTHER RTO DEVELOPMENTS * SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE CO. filed to request to defer its decision= =20 from joining the MIDWEST ISO. EC99-101-002. Filed November 17, 2000. * CA ISO filed a supplemental answer to the CITY OF VERNON, CA's complaint= =20 regarding a transmission control agreement. EL01-14-000. Filed December 1= ,=20 2000. * CITY OF VERNON filed a motion for leave to answer the CA ISO's=20 supplemental answer to the CITY's complaint. EL01-14-000. Filed December = 7,=20 2000. * The following entities filed for rehearing or comments regarding the=20 Commission's November 1, 2000 Order proposing remedies for the California= =20 wholesale electric market. EL00-95-000, et. al. Filed December 1, 2000. - GOVERNOR GRAY DAVIS - CA ISO - The SAN DIEGO ASSOC. of GOVERNMENTS and the SAN DIEGO REGIONAL ENERGY=20 OFFICE - CITY OF SAN DIEGO - ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY ASSOC. - DYNEGY, EL SEGUNDO, LONG BEACH and CABRILLO I, II - DUKE ENERGY COMPANIES - CAL PX - AES CORP. - ENRON COMPANIES - RETX.COM * The CITY OF CHULA VISTA filed comments regarding the Commission's Novemb= er=20 1, 2000 Order proposing remedies for the California wholesale electric=20 market. EL00-95-000, et. al. Filed December 6, 2000. * SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. filed a motion for the issuance of a=20 subpoena to the market surveillance committee of the CA ISO for the=20 production of documentary evidence, specifically information demonstrating= =20 market power. EL00-95-000, et. al. Filed December 7, 2000. * PG&E NATIONAL ENERGY GROUP, PG&E GENERATING, USGEN NEW ENGLAND and PG&E= =20 ENERGY TRADING-POWER filed a motion to intervene and comment regarding=20 NEPOOL's Sixty-Seventh revised NEPOOL Agreement, which changes the=20 amortization and repayment method for certain expenses related to NEPOOL's= =20 restructuring incurred before May 1, 1999, and its Sixty-Eighth revised=20 NEPOOL Agreement regarding the same expenses incurred after January 1, 2000= . =20 ER01-459-000. Filed on December 6, 2000. * SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. filed a protest to the CITY OF VERNON's= =20 compliance filing, specifically to the CITY's revised Transmission Owner=20 Tariff. EL00-105-001. Filed December 7, 2000. * SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. (SO CAL ED) filed a response to various= =20 motions filed in opposition to its request to establish wholesale and retai= l=20 rates for the recovery of reliability service charges, including Reliabilit= y=20 Must Run generation costs and Out of Market dispatch costs, that the CA ISO= =20 charges SO CAL ED. ER01-315-000. Filed December 7, 2000. * The CA ISO filed an answer to and the INDEPENDENT ENERGY PRODUCERS ASSOC= .=20 filed an motion to dismiss the complaint filed by the CALIFORNIANS for=20 RENEWABLE ENERGY regarding the California wholesale market. EL01-2-000. = =20 Filed November 30, 2000. * CA ISO filed an answer to motions regarding its filed proposed unbundled= =20 Grid Management Charge. ER01-313-000. Filed December 7, 2000. * ISO NE filed a compliance filing informing the Commission when it expect= s=20 to implement its proposal for a congestion management system and=20 multi-settlement system. EL00-62-014. Filed December 1, 2000. * NEPOOL filed an informational filing regarding the implementation of a n= ew=20 structural screen in NEPOOL's market power monitoring and mitigation rule. = =20 EL00-83-000 et. al. Filed December 1, 2000. (3) OATT/TRANSMISSION * NORTHWEST GENERATING COOP. filed a motion for rehearing regarding the=20 Commission's Order confirming and approving BONNEVILLE POWER=20 ADMINISTRATION's rate schedule on a final basis. EF00-2013-001. Filed=20 November 27, 2000. * The following entities filed to intervene in PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC's=20 proposal to pass along the CA ISO's grid management charge. ER01-424-000. = =20 Filed December 1, 2000. - TURLOCK IRRIGATION DISTRICT - NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POWER AGENCY - WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION - CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES - CITY OF SANTA CLARA, CA - CITIES OF REDDING AND SANTA CLARA, CA AND THE M-S-R PUBLIC POWER AGENCY - SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT - TRINITY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT - MODESTO IRRIGATION DISTRICT * SIERRA PACIFIC POWER and NEVADA POWER CO. filed a request for rehearing= =20 and clarification and SEI MICHIGAN filed a motion to protest regarding SIER= RA=20 and NEVADA's compliance filing changing their tariffs. ER00-3188-002. File= d=20 December 4, 2000. * AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM filed an answer to protests regarding its= =20 proposed amendment to its OATT in order to conform to Ohio's retail=20 competition laws. ER01-256-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC (PG&E) filed a motion for clarification or=20 rehearing regarding the Commission's November 22, 2000 Order wherein the=20 Commission did not summarily rule that PG&E's proposed transmission rates= =20 improperly included "generation tie" and "generation step-up" facilities. = =20 ER01-66-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC (PG&E) filed an answer to motions to reject and= =20 requests for suspension and expedited resolutions regarding its proposed=20 revisions to its Coordinated Operations Agreement to reflect the changes in= =20 the California electric industry. ER01-276-000. Filed December 6, 2000. * ALLIANCE COMPANIES filed an answer to DYNEGY POWER MARKETING, CORAL POWE= R=20 and ENRON POWER MARKETING's motion for clarification or technical conferenc= e=20 regarding ALLIANCE's pro forma generator interconnection procedures and=20 agreement contained in the proposed ALLIANCE RTO OATT. ER99-3144-004 and= =20 EC99-80-004. Filed December 6, 2000. * DUKE ENERGY filed an answer to NORTH CAROLINA ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORP.'= s=20 motion to protest and consolidate regarding the transition from a power=20 supply arrangement with DUKE ENERGY involving Partial requirements for=20 service and non-tariff network transmission service to a new arrangement=20 involving Network Integration Transmission Service purchased pursuant to=20 DUKE's OATT. ER01-282-000 and ER01-283-000. Filed December 6, 2000. * The following entities filed motions to intervene regarding ARIZONA PUBL= IC=20 SERVICE CO.'s filed proposed revisions to its OATT for terms and conditions= =20 for interconnection and a pro forma interconnection and operating agreement= . =20 ER01-463-000. Filed December 7, 2000. - DUKE ENERGY NORTH AMERICA and ENRON POWER MARKETING - RELIANT ENERGY POWER GENERATION - DYNEGY POWER CORP. - SALT RIVER PROJECT AGRICULTURAL IMPROVEMENT AND POWER DISTRICT (4) MARKET COMPLAINTS * The following entities filed motions to intervene and comment regarding= =20 the NYISO's complaint against NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC AND GAS (NYSEG)=20 alleging that NYSEG has violated its obligations as a customer under the=20 NYISO's OATT by withholding $6.635 million that it owes NYISO. EL01-17-000= . =20 Filed December 6, 2000. - NRG POWER MARKETING and its affiliated companies - AQUILA ENERGY MARKETING CORP. - NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC & GAS CORP. - PG&E NATIONAL ENERGY GROUP - SOUTHERN ENERGY COMPANIES AND SITHE POWER MARKETING - INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCERS OF NEW YORK - NYSEG (5) MERGERS/CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING * DELMARVA POWER & LIGHT, which is the process of becoming solely a wires= =20 company, filed an application to assign its rights and obligations under tw= o=20 wholesale purchase agreements with PEPCO and ELECTRIC CLEARINGHOUSE to=20 CONECTIV ENERGY SUPPLY. EC01-34-000. Filed December 1, 2000. * AMERICAN REF-FUEL COMPANY OF HEMPSTEAD, BFI ENERGY SYSTEMS OF HEMPSTEAD,= =20 ALLIED WASTE INDUSTRIES, DUKE/UAE REF-FUEL, DUKE/UAE HEMPSTEAD I and II,=20 UNITED AMERICAN ENERGY CORP. and DUKE ENERGY filed for two separate approva= ls=20 of dispositions of certain jurisdictional assets. EC01-37-000 and=20 EC01-38-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * SEMASS PARTNERSHIP, AMERICAN REF-FUEL COMPANY OF SEMASS, ALLIED WASTE=20 INDUSTRIES, BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES OF NEW YORK, BFI ENERGY SYSTEMS OF= =20 SEMASS, DUKE/UAE OPERATIONS OF SEMASS, DUKE/UAE REF-FUEL, UNITED AMERICAN= =20 ENERGY CORP. (UAE) AND DUKE ENERGY CORP. filed for approval of dispositions= =20 of certain jurisdictional assets. EC01-39-000. Filed December 5, 2000. * AMERICAN REF-FUEL COMPANY OF ESSEX COUNTY, ALLIED WASTE INDUSTRIES, BFI= =20 ENERGY SYSTEMS OF ESSEX COUNTY, DUKE/UAE REF-FUEL, DUKE/UAE ESSEX, DUKE/UAE= =20 ESSEX II, UNITED AMERICAN ENERGY CORP. AND DUKE ENERGY CORP. Filed for=20 approval of dispositions of certain jurisdictional assets. EC01-40-000. = =20 Filed on December 5, 2000. * PG&E NATIONAL ENERGY GROUP, PG&E ENTERPRISES and PG&E SHAREHOLDINGS file= d=20 for approval of the upstream ownership of the subsidiaries' jurisdictional= =20 facilities following a proposed intra-corporate reorganization. =20 EC01-41-000. Filed December 4, 2000. * NRG ENERGY, NRG GRANITE ACQUISITION, LS POWER and GRANITE POWER PARTNERS= =20 filed for approval to transfer certain jurisdictional facilities. =20 EC01-42-000. Filed December 6, 2000. (6) MISCELLANEOUS * The NY ISO filed a report on certain generation issues one year after=20 start-up in Docket Nos. ER97-1523-003 and 4, OA97-470-004 and 5, and=20 ER97-4234-002 and 3. Filed December 1, 2000. * WABASH VALLEY POWER filed comments regarding the proposed termination of= =20 CINERGY's operating agreement. ER01-200-000. Filed December 4, 2000. * CINERGY filed an answer to WABASH VALLEY POWER's comments regarding the= =20 proposed termination of CINERGY's operating agreement. ER01-200-000. File= d=20 December 6, 2000. _________________________________________________________ - FercFilings121100.PDF