Enron Mail

To:besty@hbs.edu, gwillard@mit.edu, aagrawal@cba.ua.edu,andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu, bethel@babson.edu, mbinay@mail.utexas.edu, abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu, carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, kent@kent.k
Subject:Announcing the Third Annual Texas Finance Festival
Date:Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:04:00 -0800 (PST)

Hello friends,

Attached is the program announcement for the third edition of the Texas
Finance Festival to be held in San Antonio (once again). You will note
that we have some new and fun entertainment lined up to accompany the
superb program put together by Sheridan Titman (and company).

You can help us by registering early so we have put a discount into the
registration fee if you get your registration form and check in by January
15, 2001. However, We would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP if you
do plan to come via return e-mail.

Looking forward to seeing you all again in the spring.


- announcerev.doc

John D. Martin
Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance
Finance Department
Baylor University
PO Box 98004
Waco, TX 76798
254-710-4473 (Office)
254-710-1092 (Fax)
web: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html