Enron Mail

Subject:Approval for Restricted Websit: Web_Research_Pub
Date:Tue, 2 May 2000 02:04:00 -0700 (PDT)

Per Kevin Moore, please approve Elena Chilkina's access for the following
restricted website: Web_Research_Pub.

Thank you,
Information Risk Management (et)
---------------------- Forwarded by Information Risk Management/HOU/ECT on
05/02/2000 09:05 AM ---------------------------

Security Resource Request System
Directory Line Item Pending Access Processing

Directory Name: Website: Web_Research_Pub
Service Type: Grant
Expiration Date:
Comments: Will send to Vince Kaminski for approval.

Security Processing
Processing Status:
E-Mail Message:

General Information Request: KGME-4JTF4C
Requested By: Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT Phone: 713/853-4710
Requested For: Elena Chilkina/HOU/ECT Employee Type:
Company: 100038 RC #: 0011
Priority: High
Comments/Justification: She will need the same as Michael Sergeev . A few has
been listed there may be
some others that are not listed. Please apply.

Editing History (Only the last five (5) are shown)

Edit # Past Authors Edit Dates
1 Information Risk Management 05/02/2000 09:03:15 AM