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The article I mentioned. Vince *********************************************** rashed By Tax Selling But are there bargains among the discards? By Michael Santoli Here it is more than six months since even the most intransigent last-minute filers wrote checks to the IRS to render to the government its due for their financial good fortune in 1999. By rights, this should be a season relatively free of concerns about taxes, notwithstanding the presidential candidates' parrying over whose tax-cut math features more fuzz. And yet, for anyone with a dollar in the stock market (which in recent weeks has likely been reduced to loose change), the looming demands of this year's levies on capital gains have helped to make this month yet another taxing October for investors. The jump-and-stumble course the major stock indexes have taken this year is being blamed for a particularly intense effort among mutual-fund managers and other big investors to sell their losers. The steep ramp-up in stocks that persisted from the fall of 1999 through the first quarter of this year -- led by the technology must-haves -- left funds with ripe profit-taking opportunities when the Nasdaq surge flagged in April. This sell-high activity generated heavy capital gains in many portfolios -- tax liabilities that managers have been rushing to offset with realized losses by selling stocks that have cratered. The fact that so many funds are enduring a flat-to-down year in this difficult market has only added to the urgency. Investors aren't fond of getting stuck with taxable distributions in even the most flush years of a bull market. So managers are now trading in fear of how their shareholders will react to funds' kicking off gains distributions in a year when the value of their holdings fails to appreciate or, worse, falls outright. With the majority of funds operating on an October 31 fiscal year end, and given a trend toward letting investors know their estimated tax hit well before year's end, much of this selling has been concentrated in a brief period of weeks. One fund executive attending a Fidelity mutual-fund conference last week reported that, oddly, some managers have resolved to be contrary and "overdo it" in selling even their winners. The theory, he reports, is that if they're going to have a capital-gains distribution anyway, the most skittish shareholders will sell the fund to avoid the payout and its tax liability, whether it's, say, either 10% or 12% of net asset value. So the idea is to take profits and "reload" for the benefit of those investors who will stick around. Now, with the Nasdaq off 22.7% since Labor Day and 8% so far in October, much talk is bubbling about suggesting that the assault is ending. This line of reasoning counsels that it's time to peek out of the foxhole and survey the wreckage for some badly damaged stocks to pick up in expectation of a late-year rally. Not so fast. While it's true that in past years, these hard-hit tax-selling victims tend to recover in the early part of November, the move often proves fleeting. Like a ball being held under water, these stocks jump when the downward pressure is released, but that doesn't mean they escape gravity's pull for long. Soon enough, they're hit by a secondary wave of selling by investors who tidy up their tax situation closer to the end of the year. The quantitative equity research team at Lehman Brothers has studied recent market history in search of patterns in tax-driven selling. In the process, the analysts came up with a list of 131 stocks that look vulnerable to persistent weakness through most of the fourth quarter. The study scanned the Russell 3000 index -- basically the 3,000 largest U.S. stocks -- for those that had fallen at least 40% this year through September, and had lost at least 10% in the prior six months. They also plucked only those stocks that had seen rising trading volume over that period. The idea was to find only those names that seem to be in the throes of a selling crescendo. In 1997, there were just eight such stocks. In 1998, there were 202 and last year 101, on a par with this year's tired crop. Murali Ramaswami of Lehman says, "There's both a tax-loss story and a momentum story. Losers continue to be losers." At least through the fourth quarter they do. The negative momentum of these stocks tends to gather speed from the first week of November to Christmas. In this period, from 1997 through last year, the Losers Portfolio dropped an average of 20% more than did the Russell 3000 index. Bottom-fishers, beware. The resulting list, which Lehman billed to its institutional clients as a menu for hungry short-sellers, features numerous stocks caught in the major downside themes of the year. Name a major telecom-services provider and the odds are good it's in this bunch, the result of a stampede away from the group. Big retailers also dot the down-on-their-luck roster, as the slowing economy has ravaged shares of Circuit City, Dillards, Saks and others. And of course there are plenty of dot.com names experiencing the ugly side of a mania undone, in a reversal that has made some mere flyspecks on the market's windshield. Witness Barnesandnoble.com and Razorfish. An intrepid prospector surveying this list in a quest for next year's Comeback Stock of the Year will encounter no shortage of companies that appear, for the moment, broken and in need of an inspired strategic revamping, some slick investor-relations work and plenty of luck. Former blue chips such as Lucent Technologies, Bausch & Lomb and Dial seem to fall into that club, where for investors a love of dirt-cheap stocks and a strong backbone is the price of admission. DuPont, which recently ratcheted down its 2001 growth forecast and is beset by high raw-materials costs, is arguably apt to remain in the investors' time-out chair for a while as well. That its shares failed to sell off after a limp earnings report last week is perhaps the most hopeful sign one can seize on with regard to the chemicals giant. Still, for the investor patient enough to endure what could be a stormy November and December, a few sizable companies with temporary problems but solid long-term growth stories are attracting some fund managers looking to buy. As detailed in Barron's last week ("Retailers on Sale," October 23), there is reason to expect better performance from selected retail chains. Federated Department Stores, the parent of Macy's and Bloomingdale's, merits attention both for its buoyant same-store sales growth in a retail headwind and for its repair of the addled Fingerhut catalogue division, which suffered a spike in delinquencies. The shares are off their trough levels in the low 20s, but a recent quote of 28 still seems a better-than-fair price for a company that some pros believe could earn more than $5 a share next year. The advertising business this year is being given the cold shoulder by investors after a torrid love affair through 1999. Fearing that the dot.com washout and resultant cash drought would wither the bottom line of ad firms, investors abandoned Interpublic, the third-largest owner of ad agencies after WPP and Omnicom. But Mark Greenberg, manager of the Invesco Leisure fund, saw a chance to pick up a "good, solid company" inexpensively when Interpublic hit the low 30s. Now at 39, Interpublic is still fetching just 22 times forecast 2001 earnings, which are expected to grow 15%, faster than profits for the overall market. "I bought some early this year and added to it just recently. The bad news is probably priced into the stock, and then some," he says. Madison Avenue markdown Interpublic, parent of McCann Erickson, among other firms, has always suffered a bit in comparison with Omnicom, a market darling considered the class operator in the industry. But Interpublic now trades at a discounted valuation, and is briskly expanding its direct-marketing and public-relations business, which are growing faster than the traditional Madison Avenue game. Add in the fact that only a sliver of its business comes from dot.coms and that half its revenues are collected overseas, and Interpublic appears well insulated from crippling economic forces. In a more prosaic corner of the ad business sits Valassis Communications, a big coupon distributor, which produces the colorful inserts that fall out of your Sunday paper. A well-loved growth stock that pleased many a small and mid-cap fund manager in 1999, Valassis this year ran into a nettlesome combination of higher paper prices and stiffer price competition in one of its insert categories. Investors bailed out in droves, halving the stock from a high above 44 to just north of 20. Now at 25, the shares are "absurdly cheap," says Greenberg, who also owns Valassis. Another fund manager points out that the company has taken control of its troubles, with hedged paper prices and a move to cut supply in products where pricing declined. Even with its growth forecast revised downward, Valassis is still expected to increase profits at a 10%-15% long-term rate, and earnings next year should rise close to 12%, to $2.50 a share. That leaves the stock at a mere 10 times next year's profits. And it's worth noting that in times of slower economic growth, coupons are among the things that companies continue to offer to bargain-hunters. With a new wave of tax selling due to bear down on haggard stocks any week now, it might feel as if the typical first-quarter rebound in the year's losers that's been documented by Lehman Brothers is hopelessly distant. If you're tempted nonetheless to plunge ahead and buy a beaten-down mutual fund, check first to see if it will be among those making a capital-gains distribution later this year. In that case, you'll be on the hook for the tax even though you didn't participate in the gain. (You can take the plunge without worrying about payouts if you're buying the fund for a tax-deferred account such as a 401(k) or an IRA.) But at least in selected stocks, it seems the machinations of tax-fearing investors have created the stock market equivalent of a 25%-off sale, and you don't need to redeem a manufacturer's coupon to take advantage.