Enron Mail

Subject:Briefing Robert Johnston on Metals
Date:Thu, 5 Oct 2000 05:23:00 -0700 (PDT)


Sorry, I was not able to take your call this morning, to avoid distractions I
was editing a technical coner article on PPP out of my office. Last Friday,
I called Robert Johnston immediately after you told me to contact him to
brief him on nonferrous metals. I let him know that I was scheduled to speak
about Metals in our research meeting on October 12th. I also talked with him
a few weeks ago that I would like to meet with him and Scott Tholan to brief
them on metals. Robert did not arrange the meeting. I arranged a meeting
for 10:30 tomorrow to take them both through the metals fundametals speech.

The London Metals Confererence sounds great, since I have five years
experience in metals fundamental analysis and pricing, I would also like to
attend. Many of my new research group customers are asking for my expertise
in this new business for Enron. I could certainly help our customers better
by getting the latest information on metals. Please let me know if this is
OK with you.

