Enron Mail

Subject:Congestion Pricing & Forecasting program
Date:Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:48:00 -0800 (PST)

I would like to go to this conference/tutorial on Congestion modeling and
management. Is that OK, or would you prefer somebody else to go?


---------------------- Forwarded by Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001
05:38 PM ---------------------------

Infocast <mail@infocastinc.com< on 01/19/2001 03:58:13 PM
To: Vasant.Shanbhogue@enron.com
Subject: Congestion Pricing & Forecasting program

As an Infocast Preferred Customer, we would like to invite you to attend our
highly acclaimed program, Congestion Pricing & Forecasting, scheduled for
February 21-23, 2001 in Washington DC at a very Special Discount! Attend
this program for only $895.00 and the pre-conference workshop, Congestion
Pricing Tutorial: From LMP to Flow-Based for only $520.00. This is a 25%
savings off the standard tuition! However, this special offer is only good
through Friday, January 26, 2001 and seats are rapidly filling! Attached you
will find a copy of this timely and informative Infocast program, or you can
visit our website at www.infocastinc.com.

Congestion Pricing & Forecasting has been designed to provide you with a
clear understanding of how to predict the impacts of congestion and what
mechanisms can be used to control these impacts. Experts will discuss:

? The most advanced techniques for forecasting transmission congestion,
locational prices and FTR prices
? The latest approaches to the "seams" issues
? The pros and cons of implementing a flow-based congestion management system

Don't miss this excellent opportunity. But remember, this offer is only good
until January 26, 2001 so please phone me at (818) 888-4444 ext. 20 or email
me at mail@infocastinc.com and mention this letter to be registered at this
exceptional price. You can also fax or mail me your completed registration
form along with this letter.

Best regards,
Hiedy Vitug
Preferred Customer Representative
(818) 888-4444 ext. 20
Fax (818) 888-4440
Email: mail@infocastinc.com


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