Enron Mail

Subject:EES Organizational Announcement
Date:Wed, 12 Apr 2000 05:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT on=20
04/12/2000 12:01 PM ---------------------------

Osman Sezgen@EES
04/12/2000 11:58 AM
To: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: =20
Subject: EES Organizational Announcement

---------------------- Forwarded by Osman Sezgen/HOU/EES on 04/12/2000 11:5=
AM ---------------------------

Lou Pai and Tom White
04/12/2000 11:40 AM
Sent by: Karen Owens
To: All EES Employees
cc: =20
Subject: EES Organizational Announcement

At the core of EES=01,s success has been our willingness to adapt to and em=
change. Tom and I are reminded of this again as we announce the departure =
John Echols, whose extraordinary capabilities have been instrumental to the=
successful launch of EES, and to our tremendous growth in the two-and-a-hal=
years since then. John is continuing his career at Enron.

Marty Sunde, currently Managing Director of Sales & Marketing, will become=
Managing Director of Risk Management. His 18 years of experience at IBM,=
including several years as Vice President of North American Operations in=
charge of not only operations, but also reengineering, plus his extensive=
experience at EES makes him an excellent choice for the position. We will=
depend on Marty to provide the increasing leadership needed to coordinate E=
s risk-management activities with our growing business opportunities and=20
Enron Corp=01,s risk oversight function. =20

Harold Buchanan, currently Managing Director of Bundled Sales is being=20
promoted to fill Marty=01,s position as Managing Director of Sales and=20
Marketing. He will assume responsibility for all EES sales operations and=
maintain joint management of Global National Outsourcing with Jeremy=20
Blachman. Michael Mann and Angela Schwarz are also being promoted to broad=
leadership positions in the sales and marketing organization.

In addition to Marty and Harold, the rest of our leadership team will=20
continue to report to the Office of the Chairman in their roles as follows:=

Jeremy Blachman, Managing Director of Deal Management; Joe Earle, President=
and CEO of Enron Facility Services; Kevin Hughes, Vice President and Chief=
Accounting Officer; Dan Leff, Managing Director of Account and Delivery=20
Management; Danny McCarty, Managing Director of EES-Europe; Mark Muller,=20
Managing Director of Corporate Development; Vicki Sharp, Managing Director=
and General Counsel; and Beth Tilney, Managing Director of Marketing,=20
Communications and Human Resources.

Thank you for your continued commitment to EES. We=01,ve just completed a =
quarter and are well positioned to meet or exceed our targets this year! I=
fact, this is the seventh consecutive quarter for record levels of new=20
contracting activity and we=01,ve more than doubled our first quarter sales=
1999. Keep up the great work!=20