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Enron Mail |
Over the last few months, we have been discussing our standard E-mail=20
platform with you, our customer. Your feedback from the various=20 demonstrations, surveys and Technology Showcases validated that E-mail is a= =20 vital part of your ability to communicate effectively. However, your=20 feedback also indicated that you need your E-mail client to have additional= =20 functionality and increased integration with other applications you use. = =20 Therefore, to meet the demands of our fast-paced business, Enron Net Works = is=20 standardizing our E-mail platform by deploying Microsoft Outlook 2000 to al= l=20 the Business Units we currently support for messaging. (Project plans for= =20 EBS, EES and Azurix are still being finalized and will be communicated=20 separately.) This conversion from Lotus Notes to Outlook 2000 will improve your ability = to=20 communicate and provide a more consistent look and feel across the standard= =20 office applications you use on a daily basis. We are excited about this=20 opportunity to provide a more robust, full function solution for your=20 messaging needs. To provide you with additional details about the=20 conversion from Lotus Notes to Outlook 2000, we are including a list of=20 frequently asked questions about this project. How does this project affect me? Your current Lotus Notes E-mail system will be converted to Microsoft Outlo= ok=20 2000. What is Microsoft Outlook 2000? Outlook 2000 is the messaging client you will use to read your E-mail, upda= te=20 your calendar and personal address book, record to do lists, etc. Why are we switching to Outlook 2000? Outlook 2000 integrates more effectively with our new operating system,=20 Windows 2000, and the Microsoft products that Enron currently uses. With=20 Outlook 2000, we can provide you with a more robust mail platform including= =20 the following new features: Instant Messaging =01) Ability to send person-to-person, immediate, pop-up= =20 messages. Improved Palm/CE Synchronization =01) Allows for simpler and quicker update= s of=20 your hand held device from multiple places. Conferencing Server =01) Ability to conduct video conferences from your des= ktop. Web Access =01) Ability to retrieve your Enron E-mail via a browser. Fax Integration =01) Ability to send/receive faxes from your E-mail Inbox. Voice Mail Integration =01) Ability to have your voice mail delivered to yo= ur=20 E-mail Inbox for retrieval. When will the Outlook 2000 rollout start and when will I get it? The pilot will begin in late October with the production rollout beginning = in=20 late November. We are finalizing our Business Unit rollout schedule. =20 Additional information will be provided to all business units as it becomes= =20 available. Project updates will be posted on the Project section of the IT= =20 Central web site at http://itcentral.enron.com. Additionally, you may send= =20 questions to Outlook.2000@enron.com, and a member of the project team will = be=20 happy to address these individually.