Enron Mail

Subject:Enron/Stanford Program
Date:Thu, 21 Sep 2000 06:39:00 -0700 (PDT)


Thanks for putting in place the funding for our Stanford relationship with
Nick Bambos.

Below is a draft letter which should accompany the funds sent to Stanford.
By designating the funds as a gift to this specific research area, all the
funds can be used to support bandwidth and networking research without any
overhead charge from the university. If you need any clarification or
assistance, please contact Vince, me, or Nick Bambos directly. Nick's
email is bambos@stanford.edu.


DRAFT of letter to be sent from Enron to Stanford.

Prof. Nicholas Bambos
420 Terman Engineering Center
Management Science & Eng. Dept. and
Electrical Engineering Department
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Dear Nick,

We are happy to provide gift funds of $100,000 per year, over
three years, to support a program in your research group, related
to Bandwidth Markets/Trading and Networking Technologies.

Enron would like to support research activities in the above
mentioned area, including Pd.D. student work, research seminars etc.
There may also be opportunities to have the supported Ph.D. students
do summer internships at Enron, related to their research interests.

Please find enclosed a check of $100,000 payable to Stanford University
for supporting this research effort in your group during the first year.

Best Regards,

Name and Title