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jana Return-Path: <NAlexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com< Received: from rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (rly-yh01.mail.aol.com []) by air-yh01.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:57:48 -0400 Received: from texasmonthly.emmis.com (texasmonthly.emmis.com []) by rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:56:49 -0400 Subject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference? To: alexana@wellsfargo.com, jlpnymex@aol.com, kingair500@aol.com, mdesanto@minddata.com, kwgre@aol.com, pmarb@yahoo.com X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.3 March 21, 2000 Message-ID: <OFE636E941.EA5783D9-ON8625697C.007FA1EB@emmis.com< From: NAlexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:15:34 -0500 X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on TMNT02/AUS/TXMO(Release 5.0.4a |July 24, 2000) at 10/18/2000 05:54:02 PM MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii TEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas. Nancy Alexander Account Executive 214.871.7704 ----- Forwarded by Nancy Alexander/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 06:14 PM ----- Karen Burke To: sloansimmo@yahoo.com, ccgarcia@prodigy.net, cbsbcol@aol.com, 10/18/00 sschrump@ziplink.net, "Hosty, Maria" <Maria_Hosty@AIMFUNDS.COM<, 02:10 PM Yvonne Anguiano <yvonne.anguiano@travelocity.com<, tanya.davis@us.pwcglobal.com, 2onza@pdq.net, "Lisa Elledge" <lelledge@agr.state.tx.us<, proyecto4@yahoo.com, "Hughes, Jennifer" <jhughes@ezgo.textron.com<, Anita Zmolek/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Nancy Alexander/AUS/TXMO@TXMO cc: Subject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference? TEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be BIG in Texas. Karen Burke 713.871.1643 phone 713.871.0335 fax ----- Forwarded by Karen Burke/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/2000 02:08 PM ----- Jacquelyne O'Keefe To: bassw@swbell.net, Karen Burke/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Elizabeth Wallace Fulghum/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Lanette Varnadoe/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, simmonds@pdq.net 10/18/2000 cc: 11:15 AM Subject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference? TEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas. Jackie O'Keefe Wallace Retail Advertising Director phone 713.871.1762 fax 713.871.0335 ----- Forwarded by Jacquelyne O'Keefe Wallace/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 11:14 AM ----- "Karen Thompson" To: "Tim Marron" <tmarron@bcwilliams.com<, "Suzanne Waller" <kkathome@pdq <Lostwell@aol.com<, "Shelley Smelley Marron" <sbmdal@yahoo.com<, .net< "Pammy Poindexter" <PAMMYPOIN@aol.com<, "Molly Vaughan" <mollygv@yahoo.com<, "Melissa Garlington" 10/17/00 <melissag@ronaldmcdonald-houston.org<, "Mary Marron" 09:07 PM <MarronM@WPMAIL.PHSCARE.ORG<, "Margie \"Aunt Boggie\" Marron" <mmarron_ar@yahoo.com<, "Liz Rotan" <ERotan@aol.com<, "julia" <JDewalch@pdq.net<, "Joanie Seay" <jseay@ghpcpa.com<, "jenny clark brown" <Jenny.C.Brown@chase.com<, "Jackie Wallace" <JOWallace@texasmonthly.emmis.com<, "Gmommy Clark" <gmommyclark@yahoo.com<, "George & Kathy Thompson" <GEORGE5@prodigy.net<, "Diane Z" <dlzdunk@aol.com<, "Dad" <cclarkjr@okpaper.com<, "Carolyn Clark Minett" <CAROLYN.C.MINETT@Saic.com<, "John Thompson" <john@srpinc.com<, "Allie" <allynharvey@yahoo.com< cc: Subject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference? -----Original Message----- From: Christine B. Williams <cwilliams@texasnf.org< To: djtaaffe@worldnet.att.net <djtaaffe@worldnet.att.net<; kkemp165@aol.com <kkemp165@aol.com<; jflesher@kprc.com <jflesher@kprc.com<; akdwyer@yahoo.com <akdwyer@yahoo.com<; cara_clement@yahoo.com <cara_clement@yahoo.com<; merrie@mail.ev1.net <merrie@mail.ev1.net<; krichardson@texasnf.org <krichardson@texasnf.org<; kprice@texasnf.org <kprice@texasnf.org<; ddeleon@texasnf.org <ddeleon@texasnf.org<; rfreeman@texasnf.org <rfreeman@texasnf.org<; dbadura@texasnf.org <dbadura@texasnf.org<; Karen Thompson <kkathome@pdq.net<; cmlucas@swbell.net <cmlucas@swbell.net<; annie319@aol.com <annie319@aol.com<; bmratch@yahoo.com <bmratch@yahoo.com<; sarah@thedykes.com <sarah@thedykes.com<; laura@thebairds.com <laura@thebairds.com<; mtucker@datamate.com <mtucker@datamate.com<; colecaroline@hotmail.com <colecaroline@hotmail.com<; mark.m.meador@us.arthurandersen.com <mark.m.meador@us.arthurandersen.com<; Robert Muse <rmuse@simmonsco-intl.com<; dmoriniere@swbank.tx.com <dmoriniere@swbank.tx.com<; Joanna Latham <jplatham@actx.edu<; Merritt Pappas <merritt995@aol.com<; Chip Rives <chiprives@aol.com<; Reagan Rives <reaganluc@aol.com<; Angela & Natalie Nicholson <angela.nicholson@chron.com<; Hilary and Corey Pond <hilary.pond@sabre.com<; Jeffrey Smith <jfsmitty@aol.com<; Kent Winfield <kwinfield@service911.com< Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:37 PM Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference? < < <-----Original Message----- <From: jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com <[mailto:jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com] <Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:53 PM <To: aford@bpl.com; BirdsBecca@aol.com; bwilliams1236@austin.rr.com; <ckmattingly@hotmail.com; cshirley@ccj-law.com; cwilliams@texasnf.org; <EWells@nrsc.org; jill.goldstein@mba02.bus.utexas.edu; halejulie@yahoo.com; <hollyk8@aol.com; lsm34@columbia.edu; mtucker@dpj.com; sew7@flash.net; <Elizabeth.Reid@turner.com; RSKAppraiser@email.msn.com; TEHunt@aol.com; <wdtiidd@aol.com <Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference? < < < < < <---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer P. 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