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---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2001
08:44 AM --------------------------- jim enright <jimenright@yahoo.com< on 04/13/2001 08:10:10 AM To: Joseph D Terrell <joes944@sprintmail.com<, mary tomassetti <marytomassetti@hotmail.com<, dennis wilson <Dennis.J.Wilson@hrb.com<, greg mansfield <gregory_mansfield@hotmail.com<, joe gatto <jpgatto@aol.com<, Ken Gold <kengold@lucent.com<, d d anderson <dd139@aol.com<, steve barbuto <Buto101@aol.com<, Marty Eggener <zeggener@execpc.com<, jim biggers <biggerj@mps.bellhowell.com<, commander cody <gfrayne@ix.netcom.com<, mike dawson <ddawson01@earthlink.net<, mark emerick <getty01@aol.com<, marie enright <mariee@sprintmail.com<, nancy enright <enright.nk@pg.com<, tom everding <tcneonmeat@aol.com<, john freund <freundj@hotmail.com<, george fuller <george@summitanalytics.com<, mary gatto <maryz96296@aol.com<, Joanne Gunter <jgunter@att.com<, hal hirsh <hal@summitanalytics.com<, ed hollwedel <edhollwedel@aol.com<, les hutchinson <jayjayhutchinson@aol.com<, vince kaminski <vkamins@ect.enron.com<, cynthia lee <leec5@calbt.com<, cynthia lee <shoupinlee@yahoo.com<, Jamie Mastrio <jamie@youritllc.com<, toby mills <rtmills@swbell.net<, ric mullen <ricmullen@juno.com<, rick mullen <rickmullen@pocketmail.com<, ZBIG NAUMOWICZ <qbszn@aol.com<, susan paulovich <spaulovich@ra-corp.com<, thu pham <cpham@rosenman.com<, kathy pink <kpink@accorto.com<, a robson <angelique16@juno.com< cc: Subject: Fwd: It's Started Note: forwarded message attached. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/ X-Apparently-To: jimenright@yahoo.com via web10002 X-Track: 1: 40 Received: from kcmso1.att.com (EHLO kcmso1.proxy.att.com) ( by mta468.mail.yahoo.com with SMTP; 12 Apr 2001 17:07:28 -0700 (PDT) Received: from mailhqpf.lga.att.com ([]) by kcmso1.proxy.att.com (AT&T IPNS/MSO-3.0) with SMTP id f3D07Q721785 for <jimenright@yahoo.com<; Thu, 12 Apr 2001 20:07:27 -0400 (EDT) Received: FROM mailhqpf.lga.att.com BY mailhqpf.lga.att.com ; Thu Apr 12 20:07:25 2001 -0400 Received: by MAILHQPF with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) id <2VGR0SB6<; Thu, 12 Apr 2001 20:07:25 -0400 Message-ID: <2E952B41828F7846A27375043CDF815001E914A0@lganj0se1.lga.att.com< From: "Gunter,Joanne C - LGA" <jgunter@att.com< To: "'Daniel Aragues'" <konadan@cwnet.com<, "'Frank Udvarhely'" <f.udvarhely@worldnet.att.net<, "'Jim Enright'" <jimenright@yahoo.com<, "'Naomi'" <nlsesq@worldnet.att.net< Subject: It's Started Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 20:06:05 -0400 Return-Receipt-To: "Gunter,Joanne C - LGA" <jgunter@att.com< MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----_=_NextPart_000_01C0C3AD.B828652C" Content-Length: 30606 Statement from the U.S. State Department For eight years China has had its way with the U.S. Now the "Paper Tiger" is beginning to show teeth and muscle. The days of tempting to bully the U.S. are to come to an end. The China pilot was in gross error, and China should apologize to the U.S. for his reckless behavior. We have this on film. Therefore, the attached is appropriate. <<US_apology.jpg<< - US_apology.jpg