Enron Mail

To:stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com
Subject:On the status of the EOL Project
Date:Tue, 28 Nov 2000 04:36:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT on 11/28/2000
12:29 PM ---------------------------

Clayton Vernon @ ENRON
11/28/2000 12:10 PM

To: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: EOL Project


As we speak, I am in the process of working thru the bugs in the new software
product, Data Beacon, commercial has purchased for OLAP.

OLAP refers to Online Analytical Processing. The term is somewhat a misnomer.
The analyses capable by OLAP are not extensive. What OLAP is is a viewer of
empiric data. It is to data as a browser is to published pages.

Data Beacon is a gorgeous product, Vasant, and it will permit easy
tabulations and reporting from even the largest databases, including EOL. I
have continued to listen and store every EOL trade (now over 500,000 of them)
and the resulting "cube" contains well over 1,000,000 records. Within
minutes, you will be able to come to any slice of the data you want, and view
it in any format (table, graph, chart) you want, and export it to any
software you want. You can save thiese views and come back to them with a
click of the mouse.

The EOL listener, parser and marking-to-market run as compiled C code. They
are completely stable- they have been running for three weeks now without
fail since the last re-boot of the server. They automatically restart if the
server reboots.

The second part of the EOL project is SAS. It has been paid for by
commercial, and I have worked very hard to facilitate the installation of it
and the training in it. I have personally instructed over 30 people here at
Enron in its use.

Where we are is an ongoing installation of Data Beacon, which should be
finished today or tomorrow. It will take me one day to write the scripts to
automatically "refresh" the cube as information arrives. Then, it will take
me one day to make sure the dimensioning of the cube is appropriate.

Finally, we have tested a web-based database constructor for the Research
Department, which will prospectively build real time time series databases
for you based on your specific designs.

I will deliver this compprehensive reporting solution to you this week.
