Enron Mail

Subject:PJM Adds NY Prices to eData
Date:Wed, 17 May 2000 12:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

Message sent from the pjm-customer-info mailing list at

PJM has launched a pilot version of eData which includes data from the
New York Independent System Operator. The beta-test period for the pilot is
expected to last approximately 90 days as PJM evaluates the success of using
cross-ISO data in eData. If the pilot proves successful, PJM may add data
other ISOs in the future.

This pilot version of eData is a result of the collaboration among the
ISOs created by the Memorandum of Understanding signed last year. Through the
ISO MOU process, stakeholders have asked the ISOs to improve seams issues,
create like user interfaces, and make it easier to do business between the
The addition of other ISO data to eData has several benefits to users
consolidated information, ease of use, less technical support required, and
improved customer service. Real-time prices, forecasted/actual loads, tie
schedules, and transmission limits are all possible types of information that
may be included in the future.

eData was implemented in October 1998. There are currently more that
1700 registered users representing over 200 companies. Users include
utilities, control areas, state and federal regulators, educational
organizations, financial institutions and others. The tool continues to
30 to 40 new registered users each week. Normally, 100 - 300 users are
simultaneously logged onto the system. To become an eData user, submit New
information from the eData log in screen from the PJM web site at www.pjm.com.

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