FYI. I shall not be surprised if Grant knock on our door again in a few weeks.
I told him he could not count on the same generous treatment
he got the first time.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001
08:16 AM ---------------------------
"Grant Masson" << on 01/07/2001 06:43:08 PM
To: <<
Subject: RE: Grant Masson
Dear Vince:
After a very great deal of thought, I have decided to stick it out with El
Please be assured that this exercise was not a "fishing expedition" to
extract concessions from El Paso.? Rather, it is simply that, although I
continue to harbor doubts about some of El Paso's methods and about the
people running the business, I have concluded that two months is not enough
time to fully judge the company.? I feel that I have not yet given El Paso
(or myself for that matter) a fair chance.? After all, if I disagree with
the way the business is run, I should regard that as an opportunity to
effect changes and not an excuse to run away.
Please extend my sincerest thanks and apologies to all those who worked so
hard over the holidays to produce the offer: David Oxley, Sheila Walton, and
especially Norma Villarreal.
And thanks also to you Vince for your patience, humor, and good advice.? As
I've said before, I consider it an honor to be able to call you a colleague
and friend.
With Best Regards,